What is the world coming to...

26 Feb 2007
Jesus what the hell is up with the replies in this thread?! Holy lynch the OP for no reason batman.

Not picking on your directly here.

In relation to AndyT's comments, this raises another interesting point about thread patterns.

First you get an initial random response, which is then copied and expanded by following posters and each time the bar is raised until often as not someone complains and counters with a reasonable argument which highlights the immaturity/idiocy/meanness (pick one) of the earlier posters. A second bandwagon is created and suddenly everyone agrees with AndyT (not saying you're wrong here), saying 'Typical OC response, I would never talk to someone like that'.

I've noticed it quite a lot on the forums, I guess people just crave approval from the community? There's probably some deeper psychological stuff going on but the upshot of it is that looking at the forum coldly you suddenly realise how it isn't a collection of different minds from across the world each contributing their own ideas and ideals, it's just a mindless baying mob intent on fitting in and getting the feel good factor of 'yeah, we sure showed that idiot.

Meh, I do it too I suppose.
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
Do you feel guilty for not having a quick polite word that could had prevented this WW2 hero from being abused? Did he fight for you in WW2 for you to stand around and cry about it on the internets, while pensioners get abused?

Pretty much this though. You could have been clever about it, diffused the situation and explained what you have explained here, that the old couple were within their rights to park there.

Instead you have come across as an overgrown baby cowering in safety. Weak.
(for internets validation for you, I too have done "alright for myself" , am described as a "big lad" but further more I believe I am upstanding).

28 Aug 2013
Should have adopted a boxing stance and..

Back to topic. if it bothers you a lot, then you definitely only have yourself to blame. You didn't step in, and now it will linger on your mind for weeks. Do the right thing next time. Complaining on forums doesn't help.

I admit I probably wouldn't have stepped in, but I generally don't care that much about other people's business outside of my working hours.

The end result is that no-one got hurt and some old person got a bit upset, nothing super serious there.

Oh and OP shouldn't assume anything about people based on their age and looks, that's why the world sucks so much.
6 Oct 2004
What the OP doesn't realise is that the "single mother" is actually an ex-Iraq war veteran, as is/was the father of the children. Unfortunately he was recently killed by an IED, and so the war-hero mother is now forced to take on the burden of bringing up the kids on her own.

The old guy is actually a paedophile who hasn't worked a day in his life, and his fraudulent benefits claims are responsible for single handedly bringing down the UK economy. OP did the right thing in my opinion.

See, I can do assumptions too... :p

OP, you should have said something - imagine if the old guy had the same "dont want to get involved in case I get into trouble wah wah!" attitude when Hitler started to invade Europe, you'd be sat there munching bratwurst and sauerkraut right now!
4 Jul 2012
Because I can't shout at women let alone hit them, I was brought up that women are to be respected at all times. I have let women hit me when I have been out on the **** before, nothing I can do back to them, just the way I am wired.

If this had been a bloke having a go then I would have intervened. But it wasn't so I didn't know what to do.

That's not respect, that's essentially just bending over.

In addition to that, your stance shouldn't be that women are respected for what they are.

People should earn respect, and the actions she chose to take were most definitely not actions that would earn respect.

Treat people equally because it's more important than treating someone a certain way just because of their gender.
8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
Ill fight you all OP inc the "single mum" "WW2 Vet" "disabled nan" and anyone else that wants it.

You feel guilty cos the old man should have been in your spot whilst Nan was buying her Special brews but you hid because you didn't want to have to explain yourself.

Im an ammature psychologist too. You should be more dog, like the Alpha "single mum" She knows what she wants and she gets it. Being old doesn't automatically earn you unlimited respect, just a higher standing point. Approach each person neutrally and see if they deserve more. He could have fought for the Axis, or been a spiv for all you know.
23 Oct 2013
86JR why do you post in GD, the place where everyone but the OP are right about everything, all the time. The keyboard warriors have a field day when they see another thread by you, it's the only chance they have of being masculine.

My vote is 86JR MoH 2014!
19 Jun 2004
On the Amiga500
86JR why do you post in GD, the place where everyone but the OP are right about everything, all the time. The keyboard warriors have a field day when they see another thread by you, it's the only chance they have of being masculine.

My vote is 86JR MoH 2014!

What are you talking about? 60% of the time I am masculine all the time.
7 Jun 2011
Im more concerned why you sent your disabled nan into the shops, whilst you sat in the car waiting?!

I've had plenty of arguments with all sorts....not sure why you assume that you would get in trouble confronting a woman? Or feel that you cant confront a woman without fear of reprisal or even prison?

Women have fought for equality for years and as such dont deserve higher respect than men when it comes to such arguments......if you went up to her and smacked her in the face, then you could consider yourself in trouble....but if you got out and told her to move along, she wouldnt start to attack a man twice her size....no way.

How I see it......if you dont like what is being said, then get out and tell her your part of the argument.....otherwise mind your own business and just worry about the people in your own life....other people arent worth worrying about, too many selfish idiots to care about.
22 Dec 2002
86JR why do you post in GD, the place where everyone but the OP are right about everything, all the time. The keyboard warriors have a field day when they see another thread by you, it's the only chance they have of being masculine.

My vote is 86JR MoH 2014!

You were defending him in his motors thread too! That carpark has a total of 10 disabled spaces.... You'd think he could have dropped his nan off and parked in a normal space given he's able bodied enough to take a car swimming and walk out of it!
23 Oct 2013
You were defending him in his motors thread too! That carpark has a total of 10 disabled spaces.... You'd think he could have dropped his nan off and parked in a normal space given he's able bodied enough to take a car swimming and walk out of it!

Right me and 86 have spoken about the Audi incident and I was by no means "defending" him, I have given him plenty if banter about it. Just because I don't share the keyboard warrior mentality to attack him doesn't mean I am defending him.

And no frankly, my mother is disabled, I will driver her and my wife to the shops, park in a disabled bay displaying a blue badge and sit there waiting for them. She is entitled to the bay, she gets a bay. Simple really.

We have all been in the situation where we see something happening and want to intervene but don't, I'd say 95% of you wouldn't and too be honest I wouldn't go up against a mother in front of her kids, no matter how politely you'd speak to her, the inner Vicky Pollard would come out.

The only difference is 86 chose to vent his frustration on an internet forum filled with overly opinionated, sanctimonious, Sheldon Cooper types.

But hey thats just my 2p :D
28 Jan 2003
Right me and 86 have spoken about the Audi incident and I was by no means "defending" him, I have given him plenty if banter about it. Just because I don't share the keyboard warrior mentality to attack him doesn't mean I am defending him.

And no frankly, my mother is disabled, I will driver her and my wife to the shops, park in a disabled bay displaying a blue badge and sit there waiting for them. She is entitled to the bay, she gets a bay. Simple really.

We have all been in the situation where we see something happening and want to intervene but don't, I'd say 95% of you wouldn't and too be honest I wouldn't go up against a mother in front of her kids, no matter how politely you'd speak to her, the inner Vicky Pollard would come out.

The only difference is 86 chose to vent his frustration on an internet forum filled with overly opinionated, sanctimonious, Sheldon Cooper types.

But hey thats just my 2p :D

Why do you need to take up the bay though?

Talk about a sense of entitlement, what is the world coming to.....
23 Oct 2013
Because in my mothers case she needs to have access to the back of the Range Rover to use the lift fitted to get her mobility scooter into the car, and then herself, the standard parking bays are too narrow.
22 Feb 2008
Why do you need to take up the bay though?

Talk about a sense of entitlement, what is the world coming to.....

Are you being deliberately obtuse?

The reason disabled bays are provided so close to entrances, alongside the wider bays, is so that the disabled have:

a) Room to maneuver
b) Less of a journey to get to the building

It doesn't matter if the driver isn't the disabled one. They're transporting a person who requires to avail of the benefits of such a space. He continues to take up the bay while awaiting their return so that they, again, don't have to walk/roll/whatever further to get to him. The fact that the driver is able-bodied is a non-issue. The focus is the transport itself.
22 Sep 2011
Portsmouth (Southsea)
OP's name should be changed to Captain Assumptions for all the ridiculous assumptions he's made.
This tbh.

What the OP doesn't realise is that the "single mother" is actually an ex-Iraq war veteran, as is/was the father of the children. Unfortunately he was recently killed by an IED, and so the war-hero mother is now forced to take on the burden of bringing up the kids on her own.

The old guy is actually a paedophile who hasn't worked a day in his life, and his fraudulent benefits claims are responsible for single handedly bringing down the UK economy. OP did the right thing in my opinion.

See, I can do assumptions too... :p

OP, you should have said something - imagine if the old guy had the same "dont want to get involved in case I get into trouble wah wah!" attitude when Hitler started to invade Europe, you'd be sat there munching bratwurst and sauerkraut right now!
Awesome :D
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28 Dec 2009
Women have no respect for old men its quite bad. Yesterday i was on the train going home and this realy old man got the train and women who were sitting around him, it didn't even enter their heads to let the man sit down. There was this girl standing in the middle of the seats where i was standing and she had to move so that i could get out and i let the old guy sit down before i got out and she moaned under her breathe he took the seat.
28 Jan 2003
Are you being deliberately obtuse?

The reason disabled bays are provided so close to entrances, alongside the wider bays, is so that the disabled have:

a) Room to maneuver
b) Less of a journey to get to the building

It doesn't matter if the driver isn't the disabled one. They're transporting a person who requires to avail of the benefits of such a space. He continues to take up the bay while awaiting their return so that they, again, don't have to walk/roll/whatever further to get to him. The fact that the driver is able-bodied is a non-issue. The focus is the transport itself.

No I am not being obtuse. I know it's available for the transport and not just the person (my Gran has a blue badge so I know how they work).

I was just bemused people would park in them whilst waiting with the car, something I see as not unreasonable now.
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