2 Nov 2007
so the conclusion is 74gb ones are crap and 150gb,300gb ones are worth getting? i am not gonna raid thes, but how much performance gain from a unraid Velociraptor compare to raid 0 samsung spinpoint f3? as one of these cost as much as three spinpoints!

A VR's only improvement over an F3 is the access times, which is noticeable but not by that much really - not when you consider that SSD's completely trounce both. F3's have faster transfer rates so a pair in RAID 0 would trounce a VR.
23 Jul 2009
i know its a noob question but i heard you need two idential hd to raid them, but can you still use the space on both hd? or would one gone to waste?

It all depends on the type of raid array, in raid 0 it uses all the capacity of both drives (2 x 500GB for example =1GB minus the format loss) putting part of the data to each, the plus is speed, the down is if one fails you lose everything!

Its not really wise to use odd drive types at the "striping" wont be equal, but i dont know if it can be done in Raid 0.
24 Oct 2002
If you can get a bargain second hand VRaptor get that. They aren't worth the new asking price anymore.

That being said they are still better than any 7200rpm drive unless you spend your day copying singular large files, which allow something like a Samsung F3 to show it's one strength.
27 Jan 2003
Chesterfield, UK
I have a 300GB VR and I can't fault it. Quiet, fast and reliable. SSD look good but they do have a BETA feel about them. Personally I would go for reliability over speed. I can't afford the downtime or messing around.
26 Nov 2008
OK, interesting thread, seems there are some people who say a single 300gb Raptor is good but as others have mentioned at around £160 you could get two F3 and raid 0.

For me the questions is which is fastest acting as your main OS / Apps drive. as i'm currently building a new system i already have a intel x25m SSD on order but that is for my WoW mutliboxing i and dont want my apps or OS on it...
16 Dec 2008
i dont notice the noise of my raptor at all, i think its a great drive, fast and quiet and does very well on the tests.

I agree with the people advising that SSD is better than raptor but last time i checked the prices of good SSDs drives were crazy, thats why i opted for the raptors obviously not as fast as SSD but a lot better value when compared price / speed / size imo, i'm going to wait until the prices of good SSDs come way down.
2 Nov 2007
i dont notice the noise of my raptor at all, i think its a great drive, fast and quiet and does very well on the tests.

I agree with the people advising that SSD is better than raptor but last time i checked the prices of good SSDs drives were crazy, thats why i opted for the raptors obviously not as fast as SSD but a lot better value when compared price / speed / size imo, i'm going to wait until the prices of good SSDs come way down.

A VR costs >9x more per/GB than a Samsung F3.
+ Half the access times
- Louder
- Slower transfer rates
A Crucial M225 is <4x more per/GB than a VR.
+ Many times the performance in every area
+ Silent
- None

Velociraptors are a complete waste of money even if you get a stonking deal S/H, still better to put it towards a SSD.
You can't even argue the size of the VR as much of an argument. You simply wouldn't notice the IOP and seek time advantage over an F3 beyond OS use/loading programs (and for some programs the F3 is quicker). You won't go "wow, that film really felt like it opened 7ms quicker."
16 Dec 2008
A VR costs >9x more per/GB than a Samsung F3.
+ Half the access times
- Louder
- Slower transfer rates
A Crucial M225 is <4x more per/GB than a VR.
+ Many times the performance in every area
+ Silent
- None

obviously the F3 gives you better bang for your buck, but i was comparing the raptor against SSDs.

From the reports i looked at the performance gain of an SSD over the Raptor wasnt worth the money, i admit its been a while since i looked at it so maybe the theres newer, better SSDs out there, i mean looking at this report (first one i pulled up because im about to head to work)

the raptor actually outperforms the certain SSd they are testing it against in some areas.

but to have 3x300gb Raptors or 900gb SSD, as i say at the moment i would always opt for the Raptor, because for the price of 900gb of quality SSD i would rather build another rig.
10 Sep 2009
United Kingdom
OK, interesting thread, seems there are some people who say a single 300gb Raptor is good but as others have mentioned at around £160 you could get two F3 and raid 0.

For me the questions is which is fastest acting as your main OS / Apps drive. as i'm currently building a new system i already have a intel x25m SSD on order but that is for my WoW mutliboxing i and dont want my apps or OS on it...

if i were to get this, it would be my main drive for os, apps, games, etc
19 Oct 2008
The old raptors that came as 36(?)74 or 150GB were noisey but not unacceptable. The new 150 and 300GB raptors are as quiet as a 7200rpm - I`ve owned one of the old raptors and a new one and have a few 7200drives.

I don`t consider VR`s a waste of money, the new SSD`s are still in development phase. SOme people just want to "wash and go", without the hassle of installing firmwares, worrying about drive slowing down etc, or even how they use a drive to prolong its life.

So for a fast C drive, the VR`s are the best choice for performance for those who don`t want to go SSD yet
Last edited:
12 Feb 2007
South Shields
Agreed with above. With a full install on my Vr (300gb) I have 80gb free. I would need a large capacity SSD which costs cash. As for the people who say just install what you need - I never know when I can play a game, and I like a lot of different games (strategy, fps, team fps games etc) and its not feasible to go, oh, I fancy a game of sup com, as it takes 2-3 hours to download the patches. Yes, some SSD's have better performance than VR, no one can dispute that, but mechanical drives themselves (even when RAID'ed0 rely a lot on access times. Numbers mean squat in this game.

And anyway, since when has PRICE come into it with entusiasts? At the top end, there is a hell of a lot more cash for littler and littler gain!
6 May 2009
The main thing i have noticed with my VR drive is that unzipping large files is a lot quicker. Same goes for opening large files
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