British man to be exectuted by Chinese

7 Aug 2009
Drug smugglers are peddlers of death and bring nothing but trouble to areas, they deserve the death penalty. Well done China for not taking the softly softly approach.

What really annoys me is, how would the UK feel if China was sticking it's nose into how it was dealing with Chinese criminals in the UK?
4 Apr 2009
Pedant :p

If they are taking it to relieve suffering and other medical disorders / prescribed by doctors then absolutely no problem whatsoever.

Not sure which direction you are trying to goad me in, but I'll bite :p

Recreational drug users, people who started taking drugs for a "thrill" but are now hooked are the ones I have no time for..
They made their choice out of free will knowing full well the consequences as much as the bloke smuggling the 4kg into China knew he might get caught.

It's as simple as riding a bike.
I could ride it straight out into the road without looking.
I might make it across safely but common sense tells me it's a bad idea because of the possible consequences.

So I guess if you want, I have little time for people with no common sense.

So if you couldn't care less what happens to drug users, why do the people who supply them with drugs bother you?

As you said, it's their choice.
17 Jul 2007
Drug smugglers are peddlers of death and bring nothing but trouble to areas, they deserve the death penalty. Well done China for not taking the softly softly approach.

What really annoys me is, how would the UK feel if China was sticking it's nose into how it was dealing with Chinese criminals in the UK?
28 Nov 2002
What really annoys me is, how would the UK feel if China was sticking it's nose into how it was dealing with Chinese criminals in the UK?

If it were a Chinese citizen locked up in the UK then the UK Government would understand why they were sticking their noses in as I'm sure the Chinese understand why the UK is concerned that one of it's citizens is going to be executed

This doesn't mean anything will come of it though
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
What really annoys me is, how would the UK feel if China was sticking it's nose into how it was dealing with Chinese criminals in the UK?

governments have a duty to look after it's citizens. All countrys will poke there nose in when serious crimes are alleged.
3 Aug 2003
So if you couldn't care less what happens to drug users, why do the people who supply them with drugs bother you?

As you said, it's their choice.

Because they prey on the needy and the insecure for nothing but greed of money, knowing full well what they are peddling UTTERLY wrecks peoples lives.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Can you name some recent drugs that have been made legal and consumption has dropped?

Can you provide some evidence that making them illegal reduces consumption? I have provided a citation (the new scientist one) that references a WHO report showing that prohibition does not reduce drug use. It is now up to you to provide something to suggest it does from a good, impartial source.

The issue is not whether consumption will drop, but whether we reduce the associated harms with consumption that relate to the illegality of drugs, or if you prefer whether we reduce the total harm done by drugs.

So far you have provided no evidence whatsoever to suggest that the current approach (or a harsher version of it) will provide additional, clearly provable, benefits.

Edit: Just to answer your question directly by the way...

Gordon Brown's plans to tighten the law on cannabis by increasing the penalties for possession suffered a fresh blow yesterday as the latest official figures showed the decision to downgrade the drug had been followed by a significant fall in its use.

British Crime Survey statistics showed that the proportion of 16- to 24-year-olds using cannabis slumped from 28% a decade ago to 21% now, with its declining popularity accelerating after the decision to downgrade the drug to class C was announced in January 2004.

Not quite making it legal, but making it less illegal provided positive results.
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4 Apr 2009
Because they prey on the needy and the insecure for nothing but greed of money, knowing full well what they are peddling UTTERLY wrecks peoples lives.

Er, but you just said:

Recreational drug users, people who started taking drugs for a "thrill" but are now hooked are the ones I have no time for..
They made their choice out of free will knowing full well the consequences

Man of Honour
13 Oct 2006
Alcohol for most people isn't addictive tho... many drugs, with the best will in the world, will hook you after a small amount of recreational use.
Man of Honour
17 Oct 2002
Alcohol for most people isn't addictive tho... many drugs, with the best will in the world, will hook you after a small amount of recreational use.

They really won't... most recreational drugs do not cause a physical dependency (that is, the body actually requiring the drug on a physiological level).

Ironically, Alcohol is on the physical dependence list, as is nicotine, whereas most recreational drugs are on the rebound effect list (which is not addictive dependency.
8 Sep 2005
Norrbotten, Sweden.
9 Dec 2007
I dont see how anyone but the most moronic individuals can ever condone the death penalty if there is the slightest doubt about the persons guilt. I think it is wrong regardless, and purely cave man like, but when the man is suspected to be mentally ill? That is just ridiculous.
24 Apr 2006
SE England
China is a funny place in many respects.

To be executed for drug smuggling is harsh to say the least, give em 15 years in a Chinese prison instead, I'm certain they won't try it again.

Just read up what their method is:

"China currently uses two methods of execution. The most common is execution by firearms, which uses an assault rifle to fire a single shot of an expanding hollow point bullet to the head. Lethal injection was introduced in 1997. It differs from its application in the U.S. in that it is carried out in fixed locations as well as in specially modified mobile execution vans. As lethal injection becomes more common, debate has intensified over the fairness of relying on lethal injection to execute high officials convicted of corruption while ordinary criminals get executed by firearms. It is public opinion in China that lethal injection is an easier way for the condemned to die."
25 Oct 2002
location: location
I dont see how anyone but the most moronic individuals can ever condone the death penalty if there is the slightest doubt about the persons guilt. I think it is wrong regardless, and purely cave man like, but when the man is suspected to be mentally ill? That is just ridiculous.

I totally agree with you. I have known a few people with bipolar and have seen them when they are on a 'high' which can vary in severity from person to person. At that point they don't have the same reasoning as you or i as they are in a state of delusion. When i first saw a bad example of this, i honestly thought the person was high on cocaine but it turned out that he had stopped taking his medication as he said it sucked the life out of him. I can quite easily see someone like that being duped into carrying drugs with the promise of a huge career in the film industry.

I'd like to know more about the background of the man's mental illness, whether he had been taking his medication regularly, whether he had been keeping psychiatrist appointments etc or any indication of his mental state. Even then it would be hard to make a judgment.

The sad thing is that many countries see mental health problems very in a completely different light to many of us. For example, if you suffered from a mental illness in India, you would be referred to by the majority as "Bhaagal" which translates as mad/idiot and would be treated as a second class citizen.
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