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***Nvidia GTX480 & 470 reviews & discussion***

4 Jun 2009
I think if there were 3 of those fermi cards, this would happen:



6 Oct 2007
North West
I waited a long time for this card and finally caved in a couple of weeks ago and bought a 5870.

I was kicking myself after it but i'm glad i did now since i'm not losing out on much i would notice.

You're losing nothing and gaining way less temps, power usage and the 5870 overclocks for fun which will negate any extra performance the 480 has.
9 Jun 2009
London, McLaren or Radical
Soooo... it's 150 quid more expensive, runs hotter, uses more power, makes more noise & the only place it shows slight improvements over the 5870 is in unigen/gpgpu... makes you wonder what was going through nvidia's mind when they released it at this price point.

If they released the 480 at 300 quid... then at least it would be a fair fight...
11 Oct 2007
Performance is as expected really, even a bit better going by Anands review (performance delta actually increases with lower resolutions, which was a surprise to me). Plenty of us predicted the 10%-15% performance delta. The pricing is crap, in usual nvidia fashion, and i cant see it becoming any better any time soon. Even with the crap pricing people will still buy the limited quantities they have available for sale. The really ugly thing is the power, which is probably due to the process trouble they have. This is probably the same trouble that AMD had when they launched the 4770 last year but greatly scaled due to the die size (4770 expected not to need the extra PCI-e connector but ended up needing it, even for just a bit)

All in all, people who bought the 5850 at launch got the best value. 5850 remains the best value at the high end, with the 5970 coming in second. Prices will not fall for either AMD or nvidia anytime soon. AMD will probbaly release a 5890, they might even hit a 1GHz core and paired with 2GB of RAM they might match or exceed the 480.

Time will tell. For now its just shocking that my £150 last year still cant buy anything more in terms of performance (you just get DX11, eyefinity and lower idle temps and power in the 5770)

Edit: Some people were expecting a dual gpu board some time soon... aint gonna happen
31 Jan 2009
Newcastle Upon Tyne
I think if there were 3 of those fermi cards, this would happen:




Now we know what really caused the blackout in 'Flashforward' :p :D Pylons? pffft.

I've been watching the vids on [H] and I cannot believe how loud the 480 got. Even worse in SLi. And the wattage they consumed. YOWZERS.

I'm happy with my 4870 X2 for now. Served me well for over a year now and not yet let me down. Will deffo save up for a 5970 and get that baby watercooled as well :D
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