So i tried to use my old WoW Account

30 Nov 2003
In a house
Only to find that i could not use my old account when trying to merge it with the Battlenet system

Several emails to Blizzard and i get access to my old account only to find my main character is no more, a couple of my old characters are there, but my Lvl 70 Warrior is gone :mad:

In its place is a Lvl 85 Orc Warrior, which appears to be a very active character, High ranking member of a Guild, PVP, Raids etc.., from the activity logs, it looks like the character has been used extensively over the last couple of months,

There are also several other characters with various levels from 20's up to 60's

I stopped playing past way through Burning Crusade once i levelled my Warrior to 70 then i lost interest, the account now has Cataclysm linked to it which i have never purchased !

Its been several years since i played, and TBH i just did Quests, i didn't really understand the PVP, Raids, etc..

TBH i don't really know what to do with it now !!!
All yuo need to regain your account is the cd key form vanilla WoW. I got hacked a while back and all I did was give them that key and got my account back, including all the shinies the hackers had farmed for me. In your case stuff them the key and you get a load of new chars and raiding status :p
Btw which realm is this account using?
As other said, put an authenticator on it and change the secret question/answers etc. Looks like your account was hacked and some mug bought it and has been playing on it for quite some time.

If you are in to levelling then it wouldn't be a bad idea to make a new character. All the zones/quests up to 60 changed in the cataclysm so it will be a different experience for you.
Right i have stuck an authenticator on the account

Across the characters there is approx 1500 Gold

The new Lvl 85 Character is : Zorrél i think the realm is Draenor

I'm pretty much at a loss how to use the character !!!

Phil G
If you dont know how to use a char, levelling a new one is the best bet definately. I know people who take over from other accounts and unless you level the char you're pretty much useless. No matter what you learn theres always an essential skill or two that you're missing that ups your dps / tanking / healing. The levelling process introduces you to a few new spells every few levels so you can learn how each of them intertwine with the rest, and which works best in what rotation. Its essential.
This is why all DKs are nubs, cause they only do a few levels :p
id take all the stuff from his warr and then delete the toon all his guildies etc will no doubt be wondering why their mate has stopped raiding etc and your bound to get a lot of questions by people thinking you have hacked the account (when its actually yours anyway)

To me that makes most sense, strip the chars delete em and start over
I am leaning towards stripping this character and starting afresh,

I'm a bit ****ed as it took me 12 months to lvl my original warrior to lvl 70, but then again i prob have forgotten how to use it anyway

I have done a couple of lvl85 quests with this morning, and tbh even though I'm completing the quests I'm not sure what I'm doing or what the aim is.

Can i still Mail equipment and money to new characters that i create to help with the levelling ?

I might put one of the other characters in an auction house

any other suggestions as what to do ?
You can mail non soulbound gear. And bind on account / heirloom. Nothing else. You cant put characters on AH either :p
Don't forget to check your main blizzard acc page to see how much subscription time the hacker has bought for you too :D
Leveling is much quicker now so dont worry about that. In regards to mailing non soulbound gear,do you honestly think an 85 warrior would be wearing that?

I would **** over this guy as much as possible. Take everything of value from the guild bank etc. Remember this guy hacked your WoW account.
can i not mail money anymore ?

i was going to base a character in an Auction house, not put it on the Auction House :D

mmmm, i need to decide if i want to get into all this again, i remember how much time this consumed lvl'ing last time
Oh right I see lol. Yeah you can mail money. I have one char dedicated to being just a bank. He has his own guild and guildbank too, hes my auction char.
Also about levelling. IF you have a max level char see how many badges / emblems he has. You can buy enough heirloom gear now for alts to increase experiance gained by 50%. On top of that, the experiance needed for level 1-80 has been drastically reduced. So you really could fly through the levels. And keep the max level char even if you make a same class alt. Cause you can buy flying for an alt at lvl58 with him.
Notsureifserious.jpg. What you talkin' 'bout Willis?

Lol. If you haven't experienced your chars progression from lvl1 onwards you dont get a proper feel for its abilities and timings. Rotations wont flow as well and such. You need to be able to learn to integrate each spell as you learn it and use it for a few levels in your rotations. Then when you get new spells you know their place.
From looking at his armory page, the warrior isn't that well geared (ilvl 329) and the guild looks pretty s"£%. Unless you want to keep gearing up that warrior tank, I would strip everything, get as much gold as you can and start again. Leveling up these days is actually really fun, compared to the old days.
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