So i tried to use my old WoW Account

Lol. If you haven't experienced your chars progression from lvl1 onwards you dont get a proper feel for its abilities and timings. Rotations wont flow as well and such. You need to be able to learn to integrate each spell as you learn it and use it for a few levels in your rotations. Then when you get new spells you know their place.

I agree, if you're a spastic gamer.
Some of us are MMO veterans, or just decent gamers and can pick stuff up pretty fast, research helps too.
I'm sorry but either way you're suggesting its ok for you to start a char from max level as you're an mmo vet. Firstly the op isnt, secondly when would you encounter a situation like that yourself without breaking the T+C?
I'm sorry but either way you're suggesting its ok for you to start a char from max level as you're an mmo vet. Firstly the op isnt, secondly when would you encounter a situation like that yourself without breaking the T+C?

Nope, I'm saying it's possible for one to master a character from max level, which you made out to sound like you could not.
Can you not stick to your own topic? Loaded question too.
I jumped onto a 70 druid with 0 prior experience in WoTLK and proceeded to go 15 for 2 Wins-Losses in the arena after setting up my hotbars.

Some of us are capable of more than viable play simply by watching other people play other classes and having encountered them in PvP situations etc
This happened to a mate of mine who stopped playing in BC. Came back to find an active subscription and account had been upgraded to WotLK, with a fully geared up Hunter.

He had problems with the guild members and this guys buddies all accusing him of stealing the account, but he transferred back to his 'home realm' and that was that.

I think Blizzard were aware of complaints, but ultimately it was his name and address on the account...verified with his drivers license.

Only thing I'd say is cancel the subscription if this person has registered his card details.

Apart from that....definitely win :p
I had this problem a year or two back as well; virus free machine, no iffy mods etc. I've heard of far too many people this happening to to think all were legitimate hacks or sales of accounts. There's an absolutely huge 'black market' with WoW because of how big it is, so it wouldn't surprise me if some leaks/sales have happened internally at points (especially as I heard about bits happening on some servers which had to have been done with GM powers). I also remember an ex-guild member who went on to become a GM got fired for abusing her powers from what I heard, so that does add fuel to the fire that sometimes these things are abused.

In my case stopped playing for about a year; came back and discovered I had to retake back my account characters cleared, realm transfered and all sorts; I did so and stuck the blizz authenticator on, but I've hardly played since, the main reason I got the account back was because I had stuck so much time in previously, and the account had other games of mine on it. Didn't like the idea of someone else using it.

Was made even more obvious it hadn't been me using it by the fact whoever was using it seemed to have been located in France or some such, and was using it in a different language, as you could spot on the payment screen as the 1 month payment entries were in french :D
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Bit of an update

i have not done anything yet to the new characters added to my account, i have sent a couple of messages to the friends that are attached to the characters to say i have reclaimed the account etc..

There is not a subscription linked tot he account apart from the 3 month one i have added.

I have started new character to see if i want to get back into this, since yesterday with a couple of hrs play i have lvl'd a new Warrior up to Lvl 20 (it feels like you can lvl a lot quicker now) , I am starting to get a feel for it again, there are so many new additions to the game since i last played, but I'm picking it up quickly.

Will see how i get on.

Phil G
I just tried to use my account again, and none of my passwords work!

I wonder if my account was nicked, and filled with level 85s too :D
Glad you got your a/c back Phil, similar happened to my fella once (minus the free upgrade :P). As you've seen & as others have mentioned leveling is much quicker & if you get looms or are in a high level guild leveling is even quicker.

If you fancy having a social character on Defias Brotherhood, there are a few of us OcUK lot in a guild called Bans Hammer., you are more than welcome to join us and you will ofc get the lvl 25 guild perks :).
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