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28 Aug 2006
Booh, yet another American stylized setting. Why not bring London, Liverpool, Manchester, Tokyo, Sydney, Melbourne, Berlin, Paris, Nantes, Alps, Italy or anywhere else but America.
13 May 2003
Booh, yet another American stylized setting. Why not bring London, Liverpool, Manchester, Tokyo, Sydney, Melbourne, Berlin, Paris, Nantes, Alps, Italy or anywhere else but America.

Because America is more populous and the biggest single market. Think about trying to sell games...more Americans will buy it if it's in America than some European city most of them have never heard of.
20 Dec 2008
Possibly a re-post, possibly not true, but posting anyway:

"No mention of the engine, whether it’s been updated or totally new but they do say it’s optimised more than GTA IV. The best news is (if it’s true and not ****** of course) is that the PC version will come out with the console version and is being developed by Rockstar Leeds."

thank the PC gods
28 Aug 2006
Because America is more populous and the biggest single market. Think about trying to sell games...more Americans will buy it if it's in America than some European city most of them have never heard of.

I'm sure it would sell the same if it was any city. Many people would buy it just because of the IP "GTA". Theres a lot of games that sell well the states thats not directly to do with America, World of Warcraft is one off my head.
9 Jan 2011
Because America is more populous and the biggest single market. Think about trying to sell games...more Americans will buy it if it's in America than some European city most of them have never heard of.

Actually i would say it would only work set in America anyway, it is a madhouse!
8 Nov 2006
...Just to repost what I added in the console section...

Tommy Vercetti (1951-) is the protagonist and playable character of Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.

Prior to events in Vice City, Vercetti had previously worked as a member of the Forelli family of the Liberty City Mafia. In 1971, he was sent by Sonny Forelli to kill a man in the Harwood District, but as he arrived 11 men ambushed him.

Going by the trailer, and that its modern day, Tommy Vercetti would be between 55 - 65! ...Looks at images - OMG :eek:
24 Oct 2005
North East
One other thing i hope doesnt make a come back is them turf wars. Wouldnt have minded much if it was a side mission but having it in the main missions hurt because they were such a job to do all the time. Well imo. Unless they streamlined it a bit but still thats one of the sections of gta sa i wouldnt mind if they left out.

Apparently the guy in the red car is in the chase at the end or so someone pointed out on some comment i read somewhere. So that might be the main character.

I wonder when this is coming out. My guess is 2013 tho would be awesome if it was out 2012.
9 Jan 2011
GTA Trailer secrets revealed

I know we can all see this for ourselves in the trailer, but i tohugh i might as well post it

It's set in San Andreas
The trailer opens with several scenes of the San Andreas beach front, complete with palm trees, and scenes of the Vinewood sign. So yep, GTA V will indeed be set in San Andreas. The song in the trailer is called Ogden's Nut Gone Flake by Small Faces.

It's set in the present day
GTA V will be set in the present day, as seen by the vehicles and architecture of the city, there also appears to be an emphasis on the present-day recession. Speaking of which...

It focuses on the recession
...the trailer also shows scenes of homes being sold, homeless people begging for change on the streets, and people sleeping rough in tents beside an underpass. This fits into the five-dollar bill motif of the 'V' in the GTA V logo.
Could the character's monologue suggest that his wealthy lifestyle falls apart amid the recession, that forces him to turn to a life of crime? It's anyone's guess right now, but that would make for a superb plot.

The main character wants to escape crime

The male voiceover explains that the chaacter moved to San Andreas to escape 'that life', and is quickly followed up by a scene of masked men bursting out of a truck and robbing a bank.
In true GTA tradition, the lead character looks to make amends for his past life of crime, but we can probably assume that this won't work out. The main character is blatantly wealthy and wants to live a lush life in San Andreas.

This is a family story
The lead character talks about his kids, and it has often been rumoured that the plot will focus on the De Silva family; three of them to be precise. This little line actually lends credibility to the rumour, which first originated during a casting call for the GTA V voice actors.
If the rumour is true, then the names of the De Silva brothers will be Simon, Albert and Kevin.

Multiple playable characters?

There have been many GTA V rumours over the last few months that seem to suggest that the game will be played out across three central characters, which again lends the De Silva rumour plenty of credibility.
The fact that there is no central character shown in the trailer suggets that the focus will be split across mutliple personas. Every GTA trailer since GTA III has focused on, and shown extensively, the main character. So why not this one? However...

One character does get more screen time
The middle aged man seen looking out across the city about halfway through the trailer is presumably one of the main characters. He is also seen working in a crop field and robbing a bank.
Both of which could be results of the recession causing him to lose all of his money.

There will be golf carts again

Not seen since Vice City and the GTA IV expansions, GTA V will feature a golf course, and if you look to the left of the golf scene, you can spot a golf cart that is just ripe for stealing.

Mt. Chilead will return

The massive mountain range from GTA: San Andreas, Mt. Chilead will return, as seen in a brief scene showing a trio of hikers walking towards the summit. So base jumping will hopefully return.

The countryside can be explored

There is also a scene that show a group of farmers working in a field of crops, as a crop dusting plane flies overhead. Comined with the scene of Mt. Chilead, it seems that the countryside can be explored.

Jets and choppers will return

Shown a few times throughout the trailer, jets and planes can be seen flying above the city, and in true San Andreas style, it would be superb if the lead character can pilot them.

There are jetskis

This isn't a mssive deal, but just imagine insane jumps on the water. Yeah, now you're keen right?

There are outdoor gyms

Seen in the trailer on the San Andreas version of muscle beach, there is an outdoor gym full of guys working out. Could this signify a return of the skinny-buff-fat exercise system from San Andreas.

There might greater character customisation

Throughout the trailer there are shots of piercing shops, and a range of other outlets that suggest that the San Andreas customisation mechanic might be making a return in GTA V.

Hookers will return

Yep, they're in the trailer, seen approaching a parked car. But to be honest, this was always going to happen wasn't it?
6 Jul 2006
South East
All the hype in here, and yet what's the chances R* stick two up at PC platform. :p

Looks great, should run fine on current high end hardware as it seems to be running off same RAGE engine as GTAIV, albeit looking heavily tweaked & improved. :cool:
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