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How to overclock a 7850 past 1050MHz?

28 Dec 2009
Ok cool. Cheers for that.

On a seperate note, just had email saying my 7850 is due for delicery. If this arrives tomorrow, having been ordered Saturday during a bank holiday it will have to go down as most epic delivery/service ever!
30 Sep 2005
Sapphire here :(

best I can manage is

Core 1150
Memory 6000
Volts 1.200v

anything higher and it will display a blank screen and go back to desktop. If I up the volts to 1.225v I still can't go any higher.

No idea how you guys are going above 1200 core with less volts!!!!
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30 Sep 2005
Glen I've got a Sapphire non reference 7950 and it clocks fine. :)

I think 7950s are a different beast though mate. Mine 'should' be clocking higher, just looks like I may have a pretty average gpu on the board :rolleyes: just my luck unfortunately. That said, the OC I have managed to achieve is nothing to be sniffed at. Still pretty good, and I don't play THAT many games anyway. Just would have been nice to go over 1200 core with less volts like everyone else :D

When I was playing BF3 earlier it was with a MUCH lower OC than what I have now, and that was smooth as silk. 99% of my gaming will be F1 2011, and I don't think that is going to stretch the 7850 much.

Can still send it back though within the 7 day DSR, but not sure I can be bothered messing about.
30 Sep 2005
I doubt you would notice a mere 50hz :) Great OC nevertheless. Is your card the pre overclocked sapphire?

No, I bought the normal one as nowhere had any stock when I was buying.

These are the settings I have settled on anyway

Core 1150
Memory 5800
Volts 1.215v

Heaven demo has been looping over and over for an hour with no issues so I call that pretty safe.

Benchmark using the settings in the Heaven 3.0 thread gets me a VERY respectable 1340, that's not bad going for a £189 card :D
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16 Sep 2011
So, is it really worthwhile overclocking these cards?

Here's the answer:).


Great results, it seems AMD clocked these low on purpose, just look at the gains you get going from 860Mhz to 1050Mhz. It's interesting that the performance gains start to tail off once you get up to 1200Mhz, would be interesting to see if a higher memory clock would help at all.

That info is pretty informative. Seems as though the 7970's yields could be holding back the range somewhat.
Man of Honour
20 Sep 2006
No, I bought the normal one as nowhere had any stock when I was buying.

These are the settings I have settled on anyway

Core 1150
Memory 5800
Volts 1.215v

Heaven demo has been looping over and over for an hour with no issues so I call that pretty safe.

Benchmark using the settings in the Heaven 3.0 thread gets me a VERY respectable 1340, that's not bad going for a £189 card :D
Not bad indeed. I've just benched my card at 1200/1600 and it's got better scores than some 7970's and 680's. :)

MSI won't let me put it higher, I'm sure it could nudge 1300/1700 with a little more Voltage. Using 1250mV ATM.
28 Oct 2011
Not bad indeed. I've just benched my card at 1200/1600 and it's got better scores than some 7970's and 680's. :)

MSI won't let me put it higher, I'm sure it could nudge 1300/1700 with a little more Voltage. Using 1250mV ATM.

Wow how are you managing 1600mhz on the memory, that is crazy!
10 Feb 2007
anyone know how close a 1100 or 1200 core clocked 7850 to a stock 7950 ?
At 1200MHz it will be roughly equal to a stock 7950 or GTX580.
No MSAA on that graph. I mean yeah it shows a very impressive performance curve but still should be benched fully 'maxed'. My only gripe on otherwise excellent results :)
MSAA does not hold 60fps on a GTX680. For both my GTX680 and 7850 builds I used FXAA because it provides almost identical image quality to MSAA, without the hit.

FXAA set to high provides the equivelent of 4-8x MSAA. Why decrease performance for no real gain?
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