Pothole Damage

[TW]Fox;23484971 said:
Yes, the silly high BMW labour rate. £29 an hour. How extortionate and silly high.

£29 per hr?

Afaik,That's cheaper than my local dealer, Knights.
[TW]Fox;23485297 said:
Well ok not actually 'how bad it looks' but Category A is for fire damaged/gutted vehicles that are to be crushed. Cat B is for vehicles damaged beyond economical repair or with very bad structural damage. Cat C is for vehicles which are deemed unecomomical to repair by an insurer, but could be repaired. Cat D is for vehicles which can be economically repaired but for whatever reason the insurer has elected to write it off instead (ie hire car charges, or parts shortages, or its pinched and found after they've paid out).

So only some of the categories are specifically related to the cars value. The rest are related to the condition of the car.

Pretty much right, but I don't think CAT-B in most cases can be put back on the road, mostly for spares only and I have seen lots of CAT-B with the roof cut off.
I've just got home and got a copy of the estimate, which I've included below.

If anyone can let me know whether it looks like it's worth repairing and if there looks to be any damage other than the tyres, alloys and airbags I'd be really grateful.

I see that it mentions the 'R/F door trim' on page 2, which I think relates to the door card Fox mentioned, but at £364.76 + VAT surely it can't be? It also mentions that the headlining needs to be replaced, which I'm a bit confused about as the headlining looked fine except for the curtain airbag sticking out - I assumed this could just be folded back over the new airbag.




Does anyone have any advice on the potential settlement and buy-back values? Thanks again guys, I really appreciate the advice I've received.

How do I get labour rates that low? :(
[TW]Fox;23486572 said:
Go to a bodyshop? Thats generally how much you'll pay - perhaps a bit more but certainly not hugely more.

Below £35/hr including VAT?

I thought Admiral might have got some special rate. If that's the norm then it doesn't sound accident repair is that bad at all.
That pot hole is nothing. :p After I was driving around in the Latvian country side for a while I started to develop a Jedi like precognition for potholes which can be that size and bigger. I suspect if you were Latvian you'd have 'sensed' it. ;)

Seriously, you need to make sure the insurance company push the council for all they're worth. Having worked for a council their first response will be to deny liability but your kryptonite is that you have a police report. I am fairly confidence your claim will be successful. Fingers crossed.

I am glad, you and your sister and nephew did not come to any harm and that we're only talking about damage to the car.
[TW]Fox;23487403 said:
It clearly isn't nothing given the damage it did to his car.
I was clearly joking, hence the use of a ':p', a ';)' and after that, the use of the word 'Seriously,...'. at the end of my anecdote.

Just so we can be clear that is not a pothole, it is a crater in the road! It's huge. Obviously it is the after effect of some alien from out of space crash landing on the road. He is lucky he is still in his own skin or wasn't abducted.

Also, I doubt even a driver with the skill of Sébastien Loeb could have avoided it in those conditions.
I don't know at what point you decided I was criticising the OP :confused:
My posts are about exactly what you thought they were about: objects in the road, trees, etc, not potholes which are hard enough to notice in time in the daylight let alone at night.
My comments are relating to a couple of numpties who seem to think that it is idiotic to drive round corners slow enough that you can stop if there is an obstruction ahead.

As you were quoting MilanoChris who was referring to the OP, I thought you were criticising him for hitting a pothole. Apologies if not the case.
As you were quoting MilanoChris who was referring to the OP, I thought you were criticising him for hitting a pothole. Apologies if not the case.

Looking back I see how it could be misleading, sorry for the confusion.

As I was driving along the A14 the other day there were quite a few very minor potholes and even looking out for them, broad daylight, admittedly travelling ~70mph by the time I'd noticed them there wasn't time to make any significant course adjustment.

Clearly an object in the road like a broken down car I would be able to see and react with tonnes of time to spare, and I'm sure the same would have applied here.
I called today and they weren't ready to give me a settlement or buy-back value, so I'm now going to have to wait until Monday to find out what's going on.

On the plus side, if the car is written off and I don't buy it back, I can transfer my private plate onto another car for £80.
Certainly looks like you have a good case with the Police involved.
As most claims for Potholes I've seen against Councils fail, but given that there is some authority behind the claim you may be successful.

Air Bags are a pain in the arse though!

About ten years back I had a Ford Focus that was broken into and had them stolen. I technically wasn't supposed to even drive the car without the bags as it invalidated the insurance.

I'd assumed it would be a quick swap to get new bags in, but I was without the car for eight weeks!

Turned out that it wasn't easy to get hold of Airbags due to theft being so high, so had to wait for more to be manufactured and shipped from Ford Germany. Then once they were fitted, the airbag control module was still registering them as deployed. They tried another control module and that still had a problem, so they tried replacing some of the wiring loom and that didn't work. In the end they had to replace most of the wiring loom and modules with the latest from Ford. Was a complete nightmare and couldn't believe how pricey the bags were, even more so I'd imagine on more luxury cars.
Just received the first offer from the insurance company - £2,000. This seems very low to me, as similar cars are up for £3.5k or more, so I've asked them to reconsider and send me an increased valuation. Anyone have any experience of trying to get insurance companies to increase their settlement value?

The buy-back value of the car has been set at £180, so not too bad.
Not the state to see an E46 :(

Don't know about the comment above pointing fingers, OP even states it was still dark and the road was on NSL...
Just received the first offer from the insurance company - £2,000. This seems very low to me, as similar cars are up for £3.5k or more

Get a list of currently advertised cars (that are similar to yours) off eBay, Autotrader, etc and email them to your insurer. That should do it.
Just received the first offer from the insurance company - £2,000. This seems very low to me, as similar cars are up for £3.5k or more, so I've asked them to reconsider and send me an increased valuation. Anyone have any experience of trying to get insurance companies to increase their settlement value?

The buy-back value of the car has been set at £180, so not too bad.

List the reasons why your car is work more than the cars their offer will buy you.

In the past i have seen recent maintence / modifications work well ie. we had to ask them to find X car with new suspension, new bushes, a new clutch, single mass flywheel conversion, a remap etc for what the offered

eventually they increased by a big %age and let my friend keep the written off car
They have increased their offer to £2.3k with a salvage value of £207, though I still feel this is too low.

Get a list of currently advertised cars (that are similar to yours) off eBay, Autotrader, etc and email them to your insurer. That should do it.

Thanks Lewis. Currently putting a list together to send them today. On the phone the lady didn't sound too confident that I'd be able to increase the value any further. She mentioned that she'd had a look on autotrader, but there aren't many up for sale at the moment. I've found a number of similar cars on Pistonheads and eBay, so hopefully these will give me sufficient evidence.
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