Battlefield 4 Thread ~ Server details in opening post ~

1 Aug 2012
Will not be buying after the dissapointment BF3 was.
Unless they start making BF games like BF1942 and the Legendary BF2 then im not interested.

BC2 was ok but still not a patch on BF2.
26 Mar 2010
I don't think that BF3 was that bad to be honest. Sure it was a step backwards from BF2 but I found it to miles better than any of the Call of Duty's.

You cant really compare it to ARMA as they are sims and not Arcade.

Not stoked up about the release of a BF4 as I feel its to soon and they're using the franchise as a Cash Cow.

In this short space of time Hardly think that Dice will bring anything new to the table.

Call of Duty opens the Door and they all walk in.:rolleyes:
14 Aug 2009
I don't think that BF3 was that bad to be honest. Sure it was a step backwards from BF2 but I found it to miles better than any of the Call of Duty's.

You cant really compare it to ARMA as they are sims and not Arcade.

Not stoked up about the release of a BF4 as I feel its to soon and they're using the franchise as a Cash Cow.

In this short space of time Hardly think that Dice will bring anything new to the table.

Call of Duty opens the Door and they all walk in.:rolleyes:

ArmA is not really a sim, just a more realistic game and on a much bigger scale.
14 Aug 2009
With others yes, with ArmA it's a little bit more complicated than that because they aren't THAT different from each other. In general both are good and both are bad also. Only by eliminating the downsides one or another series will improve. BF gave up a lot of it's original roots in order to cater for a more casual public which is ok as long is kept "unde control" through mods or the standard/hardcore part - HC being a joke in it's current state. Unfortunately, that backfired in BF 3 and I hope BF 4 will bring something new. We'll see.
16 Feb 2010
North East England
Nothing in the Battlefield series is realistic.

The Battlefield series needs to die, Arma series is where it's at! Bohemia keep there promises, and it still has mod tools to boot.

Please people, if you love gaming, avoid EA, DICE and all they stand for. Collectively they are killing gaming.

What a load of utter nonsense. We need BF to move foreward again but i doubt it will. As for arma its not the same sort game so why would you suggest people not play buy bf and restrict the pc gaming market even more.

Fact is bf is still the best game of that type, if you dont like that type of game then surprise you wont like it. This then begs the question why you would post drivel in a bf thread...
22 Nov 2005
Yea I wouldn't class arma and BF as the same type of game
some people want "realistic" others want "ultra realism" there's room for both types of games
14 Aug 2009
Yea I wouldn't class arma and BF as the same type of game
some people want "realistic" others want "ultra realism" there's room for both types of games

BF is "authentic" at best, not realistic. The weapons and locations give that authentic feel to it, other stuff, it's as aracadish as it can be, even the HC mode.

ArmA is realistic, but not a sim. Vehicles aren't proper simulated, body movement/anatomy, ballistics, etc., they are closer to reality compared to other games, but not truly in a "simulation state".

I'd say it's something like below:

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