3 Games you "HATE" that most ppl like..

3 Feb 2009
Brighton, UK.
Heh, I would bet my student loan (what's left of it) on the majority of people in this thread saying WoW having never played it for any decent amount of time, or even to max level (you know, where all the content is). Its like saying you hate a car you've never driven because the seat is uncomfortable. I can understand hating what it stands for, complete market dominance due to time investment of players squashing any possible innovation in the MMO genre though, in which case I would agree.

Anywho, my list is probably:

RAGE - I see a lot of people saying they really liked RAGE and I just can't figure out why, yeah it looks all right but its just brown and more brown, the story is utter garbage and the combat is total bog standard modern FPS.

Guild Wars 2 - A pathetic shell of its former self with no content and no fun.

MGS 4 - No idea why anyone enjoys this cut-scene filled pretentious pile of nonsense.
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10 Dec 2003
Half life 2- dull dull dull shooty shooty

Bastion - actually this game I really really hate. No matter how many people tell me to play it, it's awful awful awful. Running around swinging axes, shooting bows at rubbish. Awful. Did I mention I don't like Bastion?

Civilization 5 - I don't think I've actually bothered finishing a game...even though I have loads of hours on it. It's just nowhere near as fun as older versions. If I had civ 2 or civ 4, I'd play them rather than civ 5
6 Oct 2008
Could list so, so, so many games in response to this. Random three that come to mind that fit topic.

Battlefield (any)
Call of Duty (any)
Elder Scrolls (any)
25 Sep 2009
Billericay, UK
Bioshock 1 - loved tbe art design but character control felt clunky and not very precise and I just couldn't get into it.

Battlefield 4/Call of Duty (after mw2) - why do you keep buying this crap only then to complain about it youtube video's and giant forum threads? You all see to enjoy torturing yourselves and happy to give money to the twin towers of evil that are Activision and EA.

Minecraft - it muat be my lack of imagination but I just don't get it all your doing is buding blocks
31 Dec 2007
Heh, I would bet my student loan (what's left of it) on the majority of people in this thread saying WoW having never played it for any decent amount of time, or even to max level (you know, where all the content is). Its like saying you hate a car you've never driven because the seat is uncomfortable. I can understand hating what it stands for, complete market dominance due to time investment of players squashing any possible innovation in the MMO genre though, in which case I would agree.

Anywho, my list is probably:

RAGE - I see a lot of people saying they really liked RAGE and I just can't figure out why, yeah it looks all right but its just brown and more brown, the story is utter garbage and the combat is total bog standard modern FPS.

Guild Wars 2 - A pathetic shell of its former self with no content and no fun.

MGS 4 - No idea why anyone enjoys this cut-scene filled pretentious pile of nonsense.

Who in their right mind is going to play an mmo for tonnes of hours to reach max level, when the first few days are so utterly utterly boring and dull
21 Oct 2002
Parts Unknown
Operation Flashpoint, controls just feel wrong

Doom 3, too much reading; should be more like Deus Ex (didn't really matter if you skip things)

Any 'guitar hero' sort of game. It's like a Tony Hawks game with all the enjoyment and satisfaction sucked out of it.
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13 May 2012
Heh, I would bet my student loan (what's left of it) on the majority of people in this thread saying WoW having never played it for any decent amount of time, or even to max level (you know, where all the content is). Its like saying you hate a car you've never driven because the seat is uncomfortable. I can understand hating what it stands for, complete market dominance due to time investment of players squashing any possible innovation in the MMO genre though, in which case I would agree.

I would agree with this, and it's (probably) just not WoW. Considering most games nowadays have long, drawn-out tutorial sequences to ensure the player is prepared for the entirety of the game, you can't really base an assumption of the games quality by just playing a few hours. For example, the "tutorial" in Dark Souls, in my opinion, spawns much further from just the Asylum (not to mention a lot of people probably cried and gave up here and tried to claim it was a bad game... :D). The game is still teaching you new mechanics all the way up to the Gargoyles, such as how to summon other human playings into your world, and re-enforcing older ideas, such as the fact that plunging attacks are a viable option in certain area (see the Taurus Demon).

...and to people saying that HL2 is boring... :o Does it not spoon feed you enough XP to make you feel special?
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