3 Games you "HATE" that most ppl like..

3 Feb 2009
Brighton, UK.
I was bored by level 10, it's an utterly boring game IMO and the opinion of many others. I'm not sinking 100s hours into it just cos it might get better, if a game is still rubbish 5hrs in, it's a poor game

Yes because getting to level 10 (something that takes less than an hour) gives you enough information to say you "hate" an entire game based around max level content.

If you don't want to play a game because it's not your thing, fine done play them but saying you "hate" such a game without even p;saying it in any meaningful way is incredibly childish.
13 May 2012
I was bored by level 10, it's an utterly boring game IMO and the opinion of many others. I'm not sinking 100s hours into it just cos it might get better, if a game is still rubbish 5hrs in, it's a poor game

Considering that's half the level cap available on the free trial version (which can take no longer than an hour or two), I don't think you are in the current position to make assumptions on this particular game.
31 Dec 2007
Yes because getting to level 10 (something that takes less than an hour) gives you enough information to say you "hate" an entire game based around max level content.

If you don't want to play a game because it's not your thing, fine done play them but saying you "hate" such a game without even p;saying it in any meaningful way is incredibly childish.

the meaningful way is it's boring and repetitive
16 Jun 2009
Any FPS game. Hate them all.

Modern MMO's, id like a mind wipe and go back to discovering a busy EQ1 server.

Heh, I would bet my student loan (what's left of it) on the majority of people in this thread saying WoW having never played it for any decent amount of time, or even to max level (you know, where all the content is)

The thing is, the original MMO's had content throughout the level range and they werent just one huge zerg to get to the last level.

Real Time "strategy" games. No such thing as strategy in a real time game.
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17 Feb 2006
Any FPS game. Hate them all.

Modern MMO's, id like a mind wipe and go back to discovering a busy EQ1 server.

EQ '99 to 2001 was the best gaming experience I'll ever have, past or future.

It wasn't just the game (which was incredible), it was the amazing community that grew up in and around it.

And the fact that it had so much depth, and doing anything was a massive achievement. So much adventure, so much exploration, so much hidden detail.

I played EQ2 and WoW afterwards and was utterly dismayed how ridiculously simple both games were in comparison.

And I loved talking to the NPCs, guessing the right words to keep the conversation going. It was a game within a game and one I personally enjoyed. NPC's today you just click once, click twice and you're done.

It's a shame they broke so much of the original content over the years. You can't even go back for a nostalgia trip these days because all the old quests are broken. Besides all the old mechanics have been replaced, it's just not the same game it once was.

<3 EQ. Miss EQ. Sad that no MMO will ever replace it.
10 Mar 2004
dota 2 errf turning delays etc.. gj idiots LoL is dota2 as i'm concerned and dota2 is more dota1.2
Arma -all version, engine+ aiming forever suck
diabolicrap 3 ,blizzard never again

stuff i've just not interested in anymore like battlefield, cod, wow etc i used like play that stuff all the time

oh counter strike:go yeh used to play cs and css religiously and now i don't even want that **** on my pc now.

and I think alpha games cus i always feel suckered into buying them.. Dayz I think the steam review page kept me more entertained than the actual game.
7 Dec 2012
I would agree with this, and it's (probably) just not WoW. Considering most games nowadays have long, drawn-out tutorial sequences to ensure the player is prepared for the entirety of the game, you can't really base an assumption of the games quality by just playing a few hours. For example, the "tutorial" in Dark Souls, in my opinion, spawns much further from just the Asylum (not to mention a lot of people probably cried and gave up here and tried to claim it was a bad game... :D). The game is still teaching you new mechanics all the way up to the Gargoyles, such as how to summon other human playings into your world, and re-enforcing older ideas, such as the fact that plunging attacks are a viable option in certain area (see the Taurus Demon).

...and to people saying that HL2 is boring... :o Does it not spoon feed you enough XP to make you feel special?

This thread isn't about whether games are good or not - it's about games which most people like, but you don't.

I am one of the HL2 dislikers - I just didn't enjoy it - but I wouldn't claim it was a bad game. I'm not over-keen on modern-era FPS (didn't like Halo 3, Borderlands either, Farcry dragged a bit. Or the first few hours of FEAR until I started favouring the shotgun (I think I just dislike automatics the most))
14 Jul 2003
World of Warcraft - Never actually liked it, I see it's merits but I couldn't get into it, found the lore dull, but mostly it was the graphical and animation style. Played on and off for 2 years as I had friends who loved it (and still do).

Batman (Any) - I just think they're all garbage, I've got a couple of them, each time I think - this'll be good, surely by now.. but nope still pants.

Mass Effect 2 - Managed to complete eventually, loved the first one but this one fell so flat on the it's face for me that I've never bothered with the third instalment.
15 Apr 2014
I dislike playing COD (repetitive) , Assassins Creed (too easy) and Minecraft ( I played for around a month non stop then could play it, just awful)
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