Brexit thread - what happens next

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21 Oct 2012
London/S Korea
This is an economic meltdown we have caused ourselves. The future of Britain has taken a significant shift to lower prosperity and lower oppurtunity and it's going to be my life that feels the full effect. That's why I'm being a 'little drama queen', kinda important to me unlike conversations about graphics cards or clothes etc you know?

The restrictions placed by the EU actually reduces opportunity. We have become like every other country outside the EU. Taking off the shackles and daring to actually do what is best for ourselves is what has happened.
29 Dec 2007
Adelaide, South Australia


Read the source that other member linked to.

I did, and it does not support your claim:

Steve Peers, professor of law at the University of Essex, says it is "clearly incorrect" to say that the UK could be forced to join an EU army.

Furthermore, the treaty is clear that any further co-operation in the area of defence should be consistent with Nato commitments.
18 Oct 2002
If we now negotiate a deal that doesn't allow proper control over immigration policy (as per the constant rhetoric from Gove and Boris during the campaign), will both Labour and the Tories haemorrhage votes to UKIP at the next GE?

Immigration isn't an issue for me, so they can let in as many as they wish, as long as they also increase spending on the national infrastructure to support that.

As to the last part, I am a member of the Conservative Party and would never vote for UKIP. They don't represent the politics I want for this country. I suspect that, in that, I am not alone.
29 Jan 2008
This is an economic meltdown we have caused ourselves. The future of Britain has taken a significant shift to lower prosperity and lower oppurtunity and it's going to be my life that feels the full effect. That's why I'm being a 'little drama queen', kinda important to me unlike conversations about graphics cards or clothes etc you know?

you don't really know that and 'economic meltdown' is rather melodramatic
25 Jul 2003
In my view, that's the way it is (was) going. The creation of an EU Army, Navy and Air Force under the command of the EU. I want no part of it.

It's a shame that you based your whole vote on something that was likely never to pass. You've always struck me as an intelligent chap, so I won't patronise you and say you fell for the scaremongering, but how many others did?

To invite all the problems of a leave to avoid some mythical future is incredibly narrow minded and short-sighted.

Before you think this is a dig at you, I don't intend it to be personal and whilst it obviously is disparaging your view - and I apologise for that but I know not how else to put it - I just wish that people had considered more than one (or two) reasons for leaving, and the wider implications than things they are selfishly interested in.
23 Apr 2004
In the Gym
Look to the future requires getting over the present, and the present is an absolute crap pit...which the leave campaign brought on and none of you seem to be doing anything apart from saying "it's great!"

We have 2 major political party in turmoil, the pounds has fallen through the floor, the stock market is stopped, it looks like the banks are making contingencies moving so they mean job losses, the racists leaflets are already started as illustrated earlier.

Sort that out first before dreaming about a brighter future.

The only butt hurt is what is out there right now, I'm not even talking about the vote anymore.

Raymond... This isn't your half life 2 run over the sand forgetting your buggy... Aka fallacy.

Crap pit? We are still in the EU and will be for 2yrs. Self defeating argument made there.

Leave are saying or at least I am that we need to get on now!

Pound through the floor? Check history and you will find you are wrong.
Stock market stopped? It closed 2% down... That's a normal day of trade. Do you work for the BBC?

Job losses? How can job losses happen: WE HAVENT LEFT THE EU YET!!!

Racist leaflets are by a few loons. The remain camp have been responsible for similar eg I've read tweets under certain hash tags saying all over 65s should be killed (euthanized), banned from voting etc. I recognize this is not all or the majority but a hardcore few. Why is your sore ego (at losing) not able to see the same?

You are talking about the vote though because of your choice of continuance topic related to something that has yet to happen! We took a 300pt hit immediately (aka a punishment) but the pound rallied and it was a normal day on the index.
7 Feb 2011
Stoke on Toast
Too much hypothesising we need to get a grip and work out how the **** we maximise the potential of the leave however big or small that is.

The media needs to stop fueling this youmg vs old and patronising Champaign socialists need to realise how ****ing powerful the disgruntled voter is. Im still shocked no one realised that threatening the economically weak and vulnerable with economic instability is like threatening to remove a blind mans eyes.
11 May 2009
Not being into politics I only heard about article50 after the results so had not anticipated such a long transition. My immediate thought was, since it will be so long and drawn out, how easy it will be for all the promises to be forgotten and that extra money we will supposably be saving to conveniently stay hidden.
8 Jan 2007
Too much hypothesising we need to get a grip and work out how the **** we maximise the potential of the leave however big or small that is.

The media needs to stop fueling this youmg vs old and patronising Champaign socialists need to realise how ****ing powerful the disgruntled voter is. Im still shocked no one realised that threatening the economically weak and vulnerable with economic instability is like threatening to remove a blind mans eyes.

They'll get the message when what little benefits they currently get dry up.

To use your analogy, the blind man is about to lose some limbs.
5 Apr 2009
Im still shocked no one realised that threatening the economically weak and vulnerable with economic instability is like threatening to remove a blind mans eyes.

It'll be the economically weak and vulnerable who are shocked when they realise it's actually akin to taking a blind man's stick and guide dog away.

The 'it cant get any worse' crew are in for a surprise and I suspect it'll hit them harder than the so called rich and privileged they so dislike.
9 Mar 2012
West Sussex, England
From previous thread:
Originally Posted by thenewoc View Post

You'll need tougher non EU carpet to cope with it

Posted by Mauller:
Just think about it, we can put the BS back into products!
Many of which are actually more rigorous than some EU standards.

It was great to see uniom jack swing tags on products. Not sure we'll increase the range of things we make but we should seek out our own products when possible if we want to support our own workforce. Was good to know our dualite toaster was made in the UK :D
We should champion our own manufacturers to make people more aware of our own alternatives.
27 Apr 2004
It's a shame that you based your whole vote on something that was likely never to pass. You've always struck me as an intelligent chap, so I won't patronise you and say you fell for the scaremongering, but how many others did?

To invite all the problems of a leave to avoid some mythical future is incredibly narrow minded and short-sighted.

Before you think this is a dig at you, I don't intend it to be personal and whilst it obviously is disparaging your view - and I apologise for that but I know not how else to put it - I just wish that people had considered more than one (or two) reasons for leaving, and the wider implications than things they are selfishly interested in.

Playing devils advocate, how many Remain voters made a choice based on scaremongering and lies?

Both campaigns were utterly revolting.
29 Jul 2010
Can people stop posting links to things that have already been posted in the other thread.

Err, why?

Not everyone reads every page of every thread, we have other things to do you know.

So some of these links are to things I've seen for the first time, if it's a repeat, here's a hint....don't click it again.

Oh I know why you don't like it, because you don't like what the link is saying :D

You Leavers were all bent over and royally ass ****** by the lies being peddled and don't like to reminded of that
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