Brexit thread - what happens next

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So because you got a good deal on your VW therefore the economy is fine and we shouldn't believe virtually every news organisation saying otherwise?

Why do you have to be such a little drama queen? All the news agencies are reporting is that there is uncertainty. The unexpected happened and now countries, businesses and institutions are rushing to understand the position and way forward.

The sun rose today. It will rise tomorrow.
I don't see it that way. If, for example, the next PM is Boris and he does what the majority of the country voted for then he is simply respecting the wishes of the electorate. I see no reason at all why it would be a poisoned chalice. Hard work, yes. Career ending, no.

Of course it's career ending. Whoever takes on the job is effectively losing half of the voters for any future elections before a single vote has even been cast.
Of course it's career ending. Whoever takes on the job is effectively losing half of the voters for any future elections before a single vote has even been cast.

I disagree.
Lots of people who voted remain, will see vote conservative in future, they voted remain as that was the question they were asked, now that decision is made, any mad lefty govt would screw us over doubly, so they will vote conservative on the manifesto promises made in future.
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It was the same with the financial crisis when people saw footage of traders in shock, numbers in red, investment banks closing doors and thought what does that have to do with me? It's only when it 'trickles down' to their jobs, cuts and rising prices. Get ready for it again.
My greatest fear isn't that 52% of the people who voted are racists - that's clearly preposterous - but that racists now believe that the majority of people agree with their views.

Look at Newcastle yesterday for example:


The Internet is a awash with (admittedly mostly unverified) stories of people being told that they're next. I fear that the far-right will grow in confidence and that division and intolerance will grow in this country.
Why do you have to be such a little drama queen? All the news agencies are reporting is that there is uncertainty. The unexpected happened and now countries, businesses and institutions are rushing to understand the position and way forward.

The sun rose today. It will rise tomorrow.

This is an economic meltdown we have caused ourselves. The future of Britain has taken a significant shift to lower prosperity and lower oppurtunity and it's going to be my life that feels the full effect. That's why I'm being a 'little drama queen', kinda important to me unlike conversations about graphics cards or clothes etc you know?
What were your reasons and how will they be delivered?

Caged asked me that yesterday and I meant to respond but got swept along with other things. I voted Leave for Defence reasons.

From various things I've read and conversations I've had, it seemed obvious to me that the next step for the EU was to create an EU Armed Forces. Given the cost of procurement these days, it makes financial sense for that cost to be shared, but those assets are not then national assets, they are EU assets and we'd have little to no say over how they are used.

I could bore you with the various elements of it for a much longer post, but essentially what it boils down to for me is that I would never want our country to be in a position where we need to deploy anywhere and are unable to because key infrastructure (such as an aircraft carrier) isn't ours alone and the EU refuses to allow deployment. If we want to act, then I want us to retain the ability to act without having to ask for permission or the means to do so.

In my view, that's the way it is (was) going. The creation of an EU Army, Navy and Air Force under the command of the EU. I want no part of it.
Caged asked me that yesterday and I meant to respond but got swept along with other things. I voted Leave for Defence reasons.

From various things I've read and conversations I've had, it seemed obvious to me that the next step for the EU was to create an EU Armed Forces. Given the cost of procurement these days, it makes financial sense for that cost to be shared, but those assets are not then national assets, they are EU assets and we'd have little to no say over how they are used.

I could bore you with the various elements of it for a much longer post, but essentially what it boils down to for me is that I would never want our country to be in a position where we need to deploy anywhere and are unable to because key infrastructure (such as an aircraft carrier) isn't ours alone and the EU refuses to allow deployment. If we want to act, then I want us to retain the ability to act without having to ask for permission or the means to do so.

In my view, that's the way it is (was) going. The creation of an EU Army, Navy and Air Force under the command of the EU. I want no part of it.
This is an economic meltdown we have caused ourselves. The future of Britain has taken a significant shift to lower prosperity and lower oppurtunity and it's going to be my life that feels the full effect. That's why I'm being a 'little drama queen', kinda important to me unlike conversations about graphics cards or clothes etc you know?

It isn't an economic breakdown at all. It is short term financial instability. Do you understand the difference?
Caged asked me that yesterday and I meant to respond but got swept along with other things. I voted Leave for Defence reasons.

From various things I've read and conversations I've had, it seemed obvious to me that the next step for the EU was to create an EU Armed Forces. Given the cost of procurement these days, it makes financial sense for that cost to be shared, but those assets are not then national assets, they are EU assets and we'd have little to no say over how they are used.

I could bore you with the various elements of it for a much longer post, but essentially what it boils down to for me is that I would never want our country to be in a position where we need to deploy anywhere and are unable to because key infrastructure (such as an aircraft carrier) isn't ours alone and the EU refuses to allow deployment. If we want to act, then I want us to retain the ability to act without having to ask for permission or the means to do so.

In my view, that's the way it is (was) going. The creation of an EU Army, Navy and Air Force under the command of the EU. I want no part of it.

Has any UK or EU government department ever verified that this is what would happen? It doesn't sound realistic to me.

Well, that answers my question: it was just more scaremongering crap from the Leave campaign's Project Fear.
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The other issue the Remain camp need to absorb, is that you were never voting to retain the status quo and a lot of Remain voters I have spoken with thought that to be the case. Had Remain won the UK would have been washed along on a wave of ever closer integration. Some of you may well have wanted that, the majority, I suspect, do not.

Hear hear. I know from reading this thread that there are a few people keen on a United State of Europe, which is a perfectly valid position to take, but I suspect they are in a small minority of the population. EU Federalism is my biggest bug-bear and why I just couldn't convince myself to vote remain. I also don't think Farage has any right to be involved with exit negotiations given his openly-hostile attitude towards the EU - credit to him for getting us a referendum but he would not be helpful in a process that should be amicable.

While it wasn't high on my own list of reasons for voting leave, what I'm now wondering is: If we now negotiate a deal that doesn't allow proper control over immigration policy (as per the constant rhetoric from Gove and Boris during the campaign), will both Labour and the Tories haemorrhage votes to UKIP at the next GE?
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So because you got a good deal on your VW therefore the economy is fine and we shouldn't believe virtually every news organisation saying otherwise?

News and media broadcasters have a vested interest to fulfil. They know around 48% of people buy into their tactics at least now and so invite and say things to create greater division. Everything is exactly how it was before. We haven't invoked 50 yet. The medias doomsday predictions are wrong.

Also to add what a silly comment to make, I don't see it as that simplistic. It was merely to highlight its business as always.
I disagree.
Lots of people who voted remain, will see vote conservative in future, they voted remain as that was the question they were asked, now that decision is made, any mad lefty govt would screw us over doubly, so they will vote conservative on the manifesto promises made in future.

Maybe their will be a UKEU party formed. They would win a majority in the commons for sure
Of course it's career ending. Whoever takes on the job is effectively losing half of the voters for any future elections before a single vote has even been cast.

Except that by the next elections the furore will have died down and that 'other half' may well be able to view the situation more objectively.

A Conservative voter isn't going to vote for Labour just because Boris Johnson is in charge.
My greatest fear isn't that 52% of the people who voted are racists - that's clearly preposterous - but that racists now believe that the majority of people agree with their views.

Look at Newcastle yesterday for example:

The Internet is a awash with (admittedly mostly unverified) stories of people being told that they're next. I fear that the far-right will grow in confidence and that division and intolerance will grow in this country.

This is why I feel it is important to wrap things up, leave, do the exit plan, and have everything staged, to people like Farage and the creatures who are worse than him, have no platform on which to speak.
Shut out the far right, by giving them nothing to speak of.
Then when the meltdown happens, blame Nigel, lay the blame squarely upon him, and keep heaping the blame upon him, thus making the far right smaller and smaller in stature, as right now they are puffing out their chests, rather like LePen in France.
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