Can we start moving dull politics into speakers' corner?

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24 Oct 2012
For me the internet is an escape. It's for a joke, a little mick taking, and for finding stuff out (and in some respects meeting new people, @Maccy met me online and I'm the best thing that ever happened to him, perfect example). In my life I've had to deal with stuff that puts all this PC/SJW rubbish in to some serious perspective. The only reason I read those threads is to see what attention seeking rubbish the idiots have come up with this time and to have a little giggle at their expense. The seriousness and passion displayed by some in those threads is a little alarming, people lock horns and spend literally days trying to convince each other that the other is wrong. Have they seriously nothing better to do?

I start the odd thread here and there, sometimes whinging (I'm very good at that btw), sometimes asking for info, sometimes a little giggle, and more often than not I learn something about the topic at hand, but if people want to start an argument they are barking up the wrong tree.

I've argued and watched people argue on the internet long enough to know it achieves absolutely naff all, it's literally just wasting time.
29 Jan 2008
I think you'll find that a lot of the SJW threads are more about taking the micky, laughing a bit at the absurdity of the latest story than anything else. I guess the intent behind posts isn't always clear, thus you do get some rather angry people seemingly outraged that people are even creating these topics.



13 Aug 2003
The idea that SC, these days, is some a more sophisticated forum is rather silly. While it is the place for serious political topics plenty of the actual content of the discussion these days is basically GD level anyway.

Some people in those threads only post memes. So yes, you're correct. Funny though, that place used to be very strict. Now it seems anything goes.

I think you'll find that a lot of the SJW threads are more about taking the micky, laughing a bit at the absurdity of the latest story than anything else. I guess the intent behind posts isn't always clear, thus you do get some rather angry people seemingly outraged that people are even creating these topics.

You mean like this one?

How many responses do you normally see along the lines of... "complainers complaining about the complainers"

You know how you're not allowed to discuss things on discussion forums anymore.
5 Dec 2006
For me the internet is an escape. It's for a joke, a little mick taking, and for finding stuff out (and in some respects meeting new people, @Maccy met me online and I'm the best thing that ever happened to him, perfect example). In my life I've had to deal with stuff that puts all this PC/SJW rubbish in to some serious perspective. The only reason I read those threads is to see what attention seeking rubbish the idiots have come up with this time and to have a little giggle at their expense. The seriousness and passion displayed by some in those threads is a little alarming, people lock horns and spend literally days trying to convince each other that the other is wrong. Have they seriously nothing better to do?

I start the odd thread here and there, sometimes whinging (I'm very good at that btw), sometimes asking for info, sometimes a little giggle, and more often than not I learn something about the topic at hand, but if people want to start an argument they are barking up the wrong tree.

I've argued and watched people argue on the internet long enough to know it achieves absolutely naff all, it's literally just wasting time.

This is a discussion forum though where people are supposed to discuss things, you seem to be assuming this is your local pub where people are supposed to joke and take the mick and any serious discussion is immediately ignored. Now I'm not against jokes (people like mrk for example manage to be very funny without ever personally insulting other members) but if all you want is low level banter and taking the mick, and high level debate is out of your ability, then perhaps you are on the wrong forum I don't know.

I've learned so much from people discussing things (posters such as Castiel and Angillion), you cannot just exclaim that such people with passion have nothing better to do, when they are doing what you are supposed to do on a discussion forum which is to partake in reasoned debate and discussion, and doing it EXTREMELY well (for example without retorting to personal insults), and NOT just go around "joking and take the mick". This isn't the local pub, although it seems you have turned it into your dumbed down local pub and want everyone else to follow suit.
27 Jan 2009
Where has it been shown that peer-review is worthless? 1 single paper in a dubious journal does not constitute proof of anything
And yes, I absolutely will take the opinions of Academics and experts over some random on a forum who hates Muslims and women.

It wasn't "one" paper is was a number of papers submitted by three concerned academics who managed to get a number of spoof, intentionally ridiculous articles published in peer reviewed humanities journals!

Peer review is a worthy exercise if an idea or ideas can be presented that can be tested in a repeatable and independent manner. Unfortunately the humanities are jam pack full or people with a similar political leaning who produce a stream of unverified, unverifiable, heavily politically influenced nonsense

For example D.P you have been 'had' .....and like the emperor standing with no clothes on its has been pointed out to you much to your annoyance

Lets for example take your quoted source for the 'Islamophobia is racism' claim....... one Craig Considine....

A 'Dr' of sociology whose twitter stream is absolutely full of pro Muslim propaganda

oh and quelle surprise he's a self declared 'anti racist'

who spreads fake news (in this case the Time picture with the Latino girl and Trump) with a suggestion that Trump is a KKK member (how original)

who engages in the cringeworthy racism of "dear white people" lists/ instructions

and despite him claiming he's of Catholic extraction he seems rather a fan Islam in general and is not at all the sort of person who could be relied upon to provide any objective assessment of the merits, of lack thereof, of criticism of Islam and its adherents and whether such criticism constitutes "racism"

What's really hilarious though D.P. is you cant even claim to be ignorant of what is required for 'knowledge' to be accepted!

Large, multiple, independent, verifiable, repeatable scientific tests and evidence with unanimous cross-community support and significant publication across multiple peer-reviewed journals. Basically what is required for any other knowledges or theory to be accepted.

But then you do seem a bit, internally, conflicted about what constitutes a good source of knowledge so I suppose its to be expected that your thinking is a little muddled here....

You must have misunderstood me. Provide 1 single piece of peer reviewed scientific literature from a respected medical journal. Not wikipedia

Wikipedia isn't allowed to be used by students in some universities because the professors wants the student to go through the process of reading and summarizing peer-reviewed academic journals and conference proceedings. It has nothing to do with the reliability of Wikipedia itslef, which is actually very reliable. You can use Wikipedia as a citation in a peer-reviewed publication though. I have seen it frequently, and as a review of hundred of scientific papers

Confused much? Don't worry bystanders it gets better

I will never reject a citation form Wikipedia. Within a forum debate it is perfectly valid to use Wikipedia as a reference, and the inquisitive can follow the links to the source references. Those who really don;t trust Wikipedia tend to be tin-foil hat weary conspiracy theorists who don't like the real life events and insist on some imaginary alternative universe. Flat-earthers and creationists no doubt hate it.

So D.P. has a strange definition for "never reject" and was presumably formerly a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist by his own definition???

And an absolute right decision that was, just look at the UK now, laughing stock of the world.

Really? Laughing stock of the world...? That must be why so many people want to move here?
I think you have been talking to much to your cabal of bitter ex pat mates who cant find anything constructive to do with their spare time so spend it sneering at their country of birth and its inhabitants.

Look D.P I get it you left the UK for your own self interested, selfish reasons. I truly do get it and I'm happy for people to pursue their own interests as long as they do so legally. Its just when they then try to preach to everyone else about what they should be doing in a whilst not acting in a similar manner themselves that people start to notice the stench of hypocrisy... anyway moving on

Who says I am a feminist? You can't interpret an obvious joke?.

Well you certainly like making 'jokes' about man hating

Men, I know, so many male terrorists. The world would be a better place with(out) a certain gender

Definitely all look male, disgusting gender.

and implicitly support sexist hiring policies preferring certain candidates over others....

France and Norway are not hiring to fill quotas but supporting measures to facilitate equal opportunities and mitigate negative discrimination.

(It was pointed out to you in the next post in that thread that quotas was exactly what the Norwegian system entailed)

and you certainly seem to think that (certain strains) of feminism are reasonable

Most feminists are also not man hating. In fact the complete fanatics can hardly be described as feminists despite what they call themselves.

So who knows?

And who says I support Switzerland lack of closer EU integration, or their dire record of womean's rights?

Yet again you fail completely. The direct democracy is one of the worst aspect of Swiss politics.

Just because I live here does not mean I support it I know that concept might be hard for someone like you, but it is entirely possible to live somewhere and not agree with 100% of the politics. I live in the US for 7 years for starters.

Yes again I get it D.P. ....... you have made selfish, self interested decisions in your life and have chased the money and career prospects internationally without much care as to the ethics of where you choose to domicile yourself at the time and how the local economy operated and who/ what it exploited...

Its just when a person chooses to move to a renowned tax haven and gets all akward about paying their dues to their former country (to the point they have to be threatened into paying their student loan because they think the fact they have moved abroad is the SLC's issue not theirs to accommodate specially for) and then boasts about some of the 'benefits' of living in said tax haven whilst also preaching about social responsibility to others.…….

then its hardly surprising that some people on the forums get a whiff hypocrisy in the air

No, tax in Switzerland is about half that of the UK. For starters, income tax has high band of 30% against the UKs 40%, and the margins are set much higher. No such thing as council tax, a local tax equivalent works out about half the Uks council tax. VAt is a mere 7.6% against the UKs 17.5%. Fuel tax is at least 30% less.
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5 Dec 2006
^ good grief what is going on there? Can you please point me to the original statement you guys are arguing about?

If it's the statement that "islam is a form of racism" then that statement is 100% correct, just saying as someone versed in sociology.
27 Jan 2009
It wasn't a point about Muslims or Islam per see more a point about D.P.s debating style and any inconstincies in either the logic and or the moralising tone of it.

But now that someone versed in both sociology and Islam says that the bizarrely used world 'islamophobia' does constitute racisim whilst not really being able to explain why the same doesn't apply to other (perhaps non supernatural) belief systems* then we can consider the matter settled /s.

* as d.p can't other then claiming that Islam definitely affects a person's culture more than any other belief system ergo criticism of the ideas espoused and practiced by its adherents is defo racism... . Cos I have some journals that say so from some professors with rabid social justice creditials (see above for an example)
25 Jul 2005
Perhaps just a separate politics forum - move all the political threads (including the daily SJW RSS threads in GD and the Trump/Brexit threads in SC) to that and let the other two forums do their respective jobs?

That said, as much as the threads get boring quickly has anything actually changed? There were similar threads 10 years ago in GD, maybe we just need more fun threads again?
29 Jan 2008
SC is already mostly politics, I’m not sure mixing “serious” politics with threads poking fun at things is necessarily good. Unless you also intend that no one can make fun of politics.

I think a third, lower content sub forum could be an answer. Alternatively people could just read the threads they’re interesting and quit moaning.
30 Jun 2007
I still say GD got made this way when they stripped out all of the of the "general" topics and gave them thier own sub forums. Diy, cooking etc.

There's nothing other than the news which is she and politics atm to talk about in gd
29 Aug 2007
I'd probably pay good money to read only threads started by Caracus2k and only replied to by himself. Chap looked like he was stroking out earlier, it was quite an adventure!

Someone mentioned earlier about some of our more distasteful/highly opiniated (take your pick) posters having lots to say about a narrow topic band (black people, women, muslims, SJWs etc) and the inverse relationship to them actually starting any threads of their own. I thought that was pretty interesting - it's often easier to try to score points against something than it is to start the topic yourself.
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