Man opens fire on Dutch tram, several hurt

15 Apr 2012

A man has opened fire in a tram in the Dutch city of Utrecht, injuring several people, police have said.

A square near a tram station in the west of the city has been cordoned off by authorities, and emergency services are at the scene.

The shooting took place at about 10:45 local time (09:45 GMT). Three helicopters have been despatched.

Police have asked people to keep roads clear for emergency workers to get through.

The incident took place around the 24 Oktoberplein junction.

Local media report anti-terrorism police are at the scene.
28 Nov 2003
I think declaring such behaviour to belong to "either side" is dangerous. A better dividing line would be murderers / non-murders.

Dangerous in your opinion it may be but it's nonetheless an accurate description given the scenarios unfolding. The Islamic State have declared Jihad on the west and as such taken "a side" as have those that are now responding, they too have declared "a side", however unpleasant and indiscriminatory their targeting. Pretending otherwise is in itself dangerous. We have a public domain 70 odd page document describing how the NZ attacker has declared "his side".
17 Jun 2012
Is that sarcastic or are you sympathising with terrorists?

All people are born equal, what ever you end up doing is in the hands of ......

Are these people mad, cult induced or do they have the power to decide and fully understand their actions, I still struggle believing they have become evil by their own means.

Anyway I wasn't actually sympathising, more restating that all people in their natural state will desire revenge to a degree when wronged, who goes to the extremes or doesn't is a mystery.
21 Jun 2006
All people are born equal, what ever you end up doing is in the hands of ......

Are these people mad, cult induced or do they have the power to decide and fully understand their actions, I still struggle believing they have become evil by their own means.

Anyway I wasn't actually sympathising, more restating that all people in their natural state will desire revenge to a degree when wronged, who goes to the extremes or doesn't is a mystery.

The religion itself has bad/evil teachings within it which people take as god's word if they are a follower. So they are following their religion.

There are 2 sides believers and non believers. It's a believers job to convert a non believer by force if necessary.

On the day of judgement the believers will all rise up and inherit the earth.

It's a pity most on here don't have a clue of the teachings as what started out good. As their prophet gained more power and became more corrupt this teachings were then swayed to benefit him and his desires. This is why a religion which started out as a religion of peace as the book grew it turned more sinister and corrupt as he gained more power. It was written over a number of decades not just a year or two.

Marrying 6 year olds. Marrying his son's wife (after he saw her naked, again most likely under force). Marrying a woman (under force) who's husband and father he had just killed. These are all facts. If the book states contradictory information then the part written later (when he was more corrupt and sinister) takes presidence as he was "closer to god" as he had spent more time with him.

Again this is just a small number of things they say is okay to do. Jihad is their obligation and you can't fight a religion with ideologies like this.
26 Dec 2003
Dangerous in your opinion it may be but it's nonetheless an accurate description given the scenarios unfolding. The Islamic State have declared Jihad on the west and as such taken "a side" as have those that are now responding, they too have declared "a side", however unpleasant and indiscriminatory their targeting. Pretending otherwise is in itself dangerous. We have a public domain 70 odd page document describing how the NZ attacker has declared "his side".

Your logic is like blaming the Irish people for every atrocity the IRA ever commited. IMO it's a funny 'white supremacist' who admits to being a huge Candace Owens fan.

It's true that a lot of conservatives/right wingers have issues with Islam but if you look at the story with the 300 Muslims pulling their kids out of school over homosexuality acceptance classes, it seems to me that defending LGBT rights has become a conservative issue because the left just brand anyone who criticises such intolerances within Islam as Islamophobes etc. I guess the left only really care about LGBT rights when it suits for virtue signalling. If it were possible to discuss and critique Islam without being attacked by the left there might be less violence.

A lot of extremists are just people who are fed up with life and attach themselves to dangerous ideologies to give their lives meaning, they'd have probably killed themselves or others anyway.
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