Its that time of year again - all things bird related (feathered).

3 Mar 2003
Hello! I hope you are all well. I thought I would post an update as things have changed quite a bit for me thanks to my youtube channel growing a little :). Basically I keep and breed all kinds of birds and make videos and guides on their well being and things like that. I now have a dedicated "birdroom" and a newly built mixed aviary with some very nice Bourkes parakeets. :)

I know theres a few fans of our feathered friends, but is there any breeders on here? Anyway here is a "tour" video of my new aviaries and birds if you are interested.

Thanks for your time :)
19 May 2005
Awesome, i'll check your channel out later. I recently just got a budgie and they are awesome pets! It seems to have bonded well with me, but it also seems to constantly peck everything, including my fingers. I have tried some advice I read online that was to ignore it, but it doesn't seem to have worked. Other than that though it seems to have settled in well and seems happy enough.

19 May 2005
This thread seems to have been abandoned by the OP... No point making a new one so i'll just ask in here in case there are any budgie owners about.

I've noticed there are some what I believe to be pin feathers coming through on my budgie. Is there anything I need to do? We only have one budgie as i believe that if you have two budgies they remove them for each other.

The problem is my budgie wont let you stroke it or get anywhere near it with your hand. Which is weird as its really trusting and will land on anyone that comes in the house. It just seems to have an issue with being petted and will squawk and fly off if you try. So not sure i'll be able to do anything to remove them.

Also can anyone tell me if its a male or female? I have looked at some websites that said if its cere is pink its a female and blue its a male, but ours seems to be a mix of the two and seems to change a bit under different lights.


I can't believe I have only just got a budgie now as they are amazing pets! I have always thought of them as being a bit boring as my grandad used to have one and it just sat in the cage all the time doing nothing. But I let mine out and it flys around the house and lands on my shoulder and stays there as i walk around doing stuff. Its chirping is also really cute and relaxing, not at all annoying as i'd have imagined it to be. It's already become a big part of the family.
19 May 2005
It looks like a drowned rat in that picture as it decided to jump off my shoulder and into the sink as I was pouring myself a drink. Luckily it was just cold water in there and no chemicals.
Man of Honour
21 Nov 2004
They are pretty hardy. I remember in my old aviary they used to sit in the uncovered section when it rained and would then get stranded on the floor. I would often have to put them in the enclosed section. They were never the brightest.
30 Jan 2009
Aquilonem Londinensi
Bumping this thread instead of making a new one. Got my daughter two budgies a couple of months ago, mostly from her dispare at their conditions in a petshop nearby.

2 months on we've got them comfortably coming out of the cage but getting them back in is more challenging :D They'll sit on my finger if I have millet but don't want to know otherwise. Took them nearly 2 months to start playing with their toys as well, they used to just look at them suspiciously. Think they were too old when I bought them to be tamed properly...

Big thing is they are terrified of my daughter, she's too excitable and loud, has no idea how to move slow and is generally just a child. She's also terrified of them when they take flight :p



Anyone here tamed a shy petshop budgie? Should have gone to a breeder I know (now) and got hand raised birds
25 Jun 2006
This thread seems to have been abandoned by the OP... No point making a new one so i'll just ask in here in case there are any budgie owners about.

I've noticed there are some what I believe to be pin feathers coming through on my budgie. Is there anything I need to do? We only have one budgie as i believe that if you have two budgies they remove them for each other.

The problem is my budgie wont let you stroke it or get anywhere near it with your hand. Which is weird as its really trusting and will land on anyone that comes in the house. It just seems to have an issue with being petted and will squawk and fly off if you try. So not sure i'll be able to do anything to remove them.

Also can anyone tell me if its a male or female? I have looked at some websites that said if its cere is pink its a female and blue its a male, but ours seems to be a mix of the two and seems to change a bit under different lights.


Female. Pin feathers should be left alone unless you can see signs of bleeding or your Budgie nibbling at it excessively. They need to be pulled if they become troublesome, and if your not confident on that, best to get them to a Vet.

EDIT: Realised I'm replying to a mega old post, apologies!
19 May 2005
Female. Pin feathers should be left alone unless you can see signs of bleeding or your Budgie nibbling at it excessively. They need to be pulled if they become troublesome, and if your not confident on that, best to get them to a Vet.

EDIT: Realised I'm replying to a mega old post, apologies!

No worries, I sort of figured it out myself as they were all gone within a week or so. My next dilema is cutting his claws as they're getting a bit long and keep getting caught on my clothes when he tries to fly off. Not being able to hold him is a pain, but I managed to nip a few off yesterday while my mum was distracting him with a jingle bell. Nipped them off making sure not to go anywhere near the quick and he didn't even notice.

It's interesting you say it's a female as I thought it might be a male. It does a weird thing where it bobs it's head up and down at the mirror, which I had read only the males do? If it is a female then that might explain why its not talking :(.
30 Jan 2009
Aquilonem Londinensi
I have a fear of caged birds..

Really? Not mocking but it's an odd fear. Flapping in your face I can understand

I though it'd be mean to keep caged budgies but they really love their cage. When they are tired from playing they go back willingly and sometimes don' really want to come out. Building a budgie play centre from MDF and wood dowels next weekend.

It was a nice surprise to find out they have quite a varied diet. Basically any veg or fruit bar a few exceptions. When cooking, we pull off a cabbage leaf or whatever and stuff it in the bars of their cage. They go mental for raw broccoli as well
19 May 2005
Bumping this thread instead of making a new one. Got my daughter two budgies a couple of months ago, mostly from her dispare at their conditions in a petshop nearby.

2 months on we've got them comfortably coming out of the cage but getting them back in is more challenging :D They'll sit on my finger if I have millet but don't want to know otherwise. Took them nearly 2 months to start playing with their toys as well, they used to just look at them suspiciously. Think they were too old when I bought them to be tamed properly...

Big thing is they are terrified of my daughter, she's too excitable and loud, has no idea how to move slow and is generally just a child. She's also terrified of them when they take flight :p



Anyone here tamed a shy petshop budgie? Should have gone to a breeder I know (now) and got hand raised birds

Aww, they are adorable! It's a good sign if they land on you at all, so eventually they should get more and more used to you and your daughter. I found everything just takes a lot of time and patience with mine. Mine also takes a little while to warm up to new toys, but after a few days it'll investigate, then after that it'll never stop playing with it. I tend to move the toys around the cage ever now and again as it sparks interest back up if they get bored of them.
30 Jan 2009
Aquilonem Londinensi
No worries, I sort of figured it out myself as they were all gone within a week or so. My next dilema is cutting his claws as they're getting a bit long and keep getting caught on my clothes when he tries to fly off. Not being able to hold him is a pain, but I managed to nip a few off yesterday while my mum was distracting him with a jingle bell. Nipped them off making sure not to go anywhere near the quick and he didn't even notice.

It's interesting you say it's a female as I thought it might be a male. It does a weird thing where it bobs it's head up and down at the mirror, which I had read only the males do? If it is a female then that might explain why its not talking :(.

Mine also have quite long claws, not looking forward to trimming if it's required. I put a sandpaper perch in place of one of the original perches that came with the cage and a thin tree branch in place of another. Will be replacing the third perch as well when I find a suitable diameter branch. They seem to take great pleasure in de-barking twigs :)
19 May 2005
Really? Not mocking but it's an odd fear. Flapping in your face I can understand

I though it'd be mean to keep caged budgies but they really love their cage. When they are tired from playing they go back willingly and sometimes don' really want to come out. Building a budgie play centre from MDF and wood dowels next weekend.

It was a nice surprise to find out they have quite a varied diet. Basically any veg or fruit bar a few exceptions. When cooking, we pull off a cabbage leaf or whatever and stuff it in the bars of their cage. They go mental for raw broccoli as well

Same with mine. He gets let out for most of the day, but will fly back in his cage to chill on one leg for a bit. Or if I leave the room he will go back in his cage to feel safe.

I wish mine would eat fruit and veg. He seems scared of fruit and will run along the perch to the opposite end of the cage. The only veg he will eat is spinach or lettuice, which he loves.

I made this for mine out of some Sycamore branches and he loves it. I have added some extra branches since i took the pics and he hops around all over it.


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