Donald Trump

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No. This is the first time, and it succeeded.

There are however multiple other situations where, had it been another President there would have been an Impeachment.

Senior Dems were absolutely loathe to impeach him, but this was the final straw that they just couldn’t sit back and ignore, even though they knew he won’t be removed from office.

It’s got to the point now where all the Republicans have left to support Trump are literal conspiracy theories.

History is not going to be kind to Trump, but extreme precedents (like soliciting foreign interference in American politics) can’t be allowed.

Interesting, thanks good explanation.

This is what I don't get though, everyone just jumping on the bandwangon, trying really hard to dig some dirt on him and hate him. People like rxodium above ... Worthless post, probably just posting what he sees on his Google news feed which has been adapted to what he wants to see.

Doesn't even seem like it's really bad. I'm reading this Biden guy done the same thing. Hilary may have done too?
History is not going to be kind to Trump

It never was. The **** he and his family have been involved in even prior to becoming president is well documented. The fact anyone ever voted for the buffoon and still blindly support him is what makes it all so sad. They're either doubling down on the fact they elected someone that evil, or they're choosing to remain wilfully ignorant of his crimes and the kind of person he really is, going so far as that when presented with facts about him, they scream fake news.

I'm no fan of trump but this just felt petty.

Would it be petty if Labour got in touch with a foreign nation and dangled the carrot of foreign military aid over their head to come up with dirt on conservative party members?

People like rxodium above ... Worthless post, probably just posting what he sees on his Google news feed which has been adapted to what he wants to see.

AS opposed to you who was so stupid you didn't even bother to look at the BBC news website to see the bloody article I posted. You had to wait for someone else to post it for you and then when it's posted you "don't get it". Because you're one of those people that can't see anything wrong with what he's done because you choose to remain wilfully ignorant of his crimes and his character and for what reason?
Whether you're a Rep or a Dem everyone should want faith in the political system restored, Trump is a joke and he's made a mockery of the system in place.
Nah, Trumo did what everyone else did tp get elected - the reason he is highlighted is that his win was not expected and it butt hurt a lot of influential people.
Would it be petty if Labour got in touch with a foreign nation and dangled the carrot of foreign military aid over their head to come up with dirt on conservative party members?
I am pretty sure most political parties do this type of thing with other bargaining chips such as a extended favours when in power etc. Politics is a playground for liars and manipulators, don't be naive .
I am pretty sure most political parties do this type of thing with other bargaining chips such as a extended favours when in power etc. Politics is a playground for liars and manipulators, don't be naive .

I'm not naive. And I wouldn't stand for it if it happened here either. But you seem to think it's just petty to impeach someone who asks a foreign nation to meddle in the affairs of their own nations election process. Why?

Let's put it this way. Had Jeremy Corbyn asked an EU state to dig up dirt on the last few Tory PMs to railroad Brexit and prevent Boris being elected, some of the most vehement forum members and defenders of what Trump is accused of doing would have thrown a **** fit.
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Nah, Trumo did what everyone else did tp get elected - the reason he is highlighted is that his win was not expected and it butt hurt a lot of influential people.

I think it's less about what he did to get in, it's more about what he's done since he's been in.

You wouldn't want him as your manager at work would you? I can't imagine having him run your country, bad enough we've got little Trump running the UK now :D
As opposed to you who was so stupid you didn't even bother to look at the BBC news website to see the bloody article I posted. You had to wait for someone else to post it for you and then when it's posted you "don't get it". Because you're one of those people that can't see anything wrong with what he's done because you choose to remain wilfully ignorant of his crimes and his character and for what reason?

This is what I mean though, I did read it. Seemed petty to be honest, waste of time. As said above its likely that this happens often. Bidens done the same thing? And probably others in US and around the world.

Everyone just mouthing 'he's evil, buffoon, blah blah' no real explanation with facts, just want to be on the bandwangon.
Everyone just mouthing 'he's evil, buffoon, blah blah' no real explanation with facts, just want to be on the bandwangon.

Here @Pulsar_GTI knock yourself out.–2019)

Be warned though. You're actually going to have to read and the articles don't come with many pictures. Also includes words with more than a few syllables.
Years of being the most scrutinised potus ever, constant unproven insinuations of being a foreign agent and the best the Dems could come up with is that Trump wanted another goverment to investigate the obviously corrupt appointment of a family member of a former vice president to the board of a company....

Cherry on the cake being the former vice president bragging on TV about withholding financial guarantees if the Ukraine didn't toe the line re an investigation into a prosecutor.

Colour me not particularly impressed.

Anything could happen in 2020 but I won't be that surprised to see Trump re elected.
Would it be petty if Labour got in touch with a foreign nation and dangled the carrot of foreign military aid over their head to come up with dirt on conservative party members?

If the 'dirt' was to investigate an obviously corrupt appointment of a family member of a tory politician to the board of a foreign company I would not consider it petty and would be rather interested to have the matter looked into.
If the 'dirt' was to investigate an obviously corrupt appointment of a family member of a tory politician to the board of a foreign company I would not consider it petty and would be rather interested to have the matter looked into.

Nearly as bad as unelected family members working in government.
Nearly as bad as unelected family members working in government.

Politics in the UK is rife with nepotism. Mp's partners and children working for them across all parties.

More concerned about them having positions in foreign institutions to be honest.

Especially where the only reasonable explanation for their appointment was the access and information they would offer via their family member.

I'm having a read through. At the moment yep just the typical American Suing culture.
Plenty of people / business have lawsuits, apple, amazon, Bill Gates etc... more so in construction and property law matters.

Also no need to insult, this is typical anti trump mindset you better throw in that I'm racist too.

I will read through further when I get chance. Oh and you might as well read them as you most likely haven't yet. Well done for using google though.
Impeachment is basically the Democrat platform for 2020, "but.. but.. Trump was impeached orange man bad" is all they have following the monumental failure of their Russia collusion conspiracy theory. Even if they succeed which is extremely doubtful he won't be removed from office. Also very funny the way they justified their partisan impeachment as defending the constitution when they've spent decades trying to ban guns and censor free speech, probably ban religion too if they could.
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