*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

Not even close for me.
Ignoring the bugs, I'm actually finding the story and world kind of dull.
Combat is OK buts starts feeling repetitive quite quickly.

Maybe after some dlcs and patches it will become a great game but right now I'd give it a 5/10.

The music however is pretty awesome at times.
Witcher 3..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Still amazes me how that was so highly rated, pointless waffling of 15 minutes dialogue with every single person you encounter and a clunky ass combat system. Granted, I despise medieval settings too so that didn't help matters at all.

Just done the Chinese market mission and my jaw literally dropped, talk about immersion and the graphics, wow....




So far every character I have encountered/interacted with in this has been extremely likeable and memorable, I have also slept with about 4/5 women so far :D

Unfortunately I won't get to sleep with panam though since I went with a female (couldn't understand why she rejected me when I felt her thigh so had to google, as you do....... :p :D). I'll have to do a play through as a man with a big dong just for that part now :D
So what's the take then, this a Witcher 3 beater for people?

I think in the next couple of months by the time the bugs are nearly gone and it runs a little better, and after we've seen all the expansions I think this could well top the Witcher 3 for me, which is in my top 3 games of my 30+ year gaming career.

Nope, is more like a show that ends after the 1st season when they could have done 4-5 seasons at least. TW3 is in a class of its own.
Witch 3 story was a grind for me at times, had to have a couple weeks off at one point, this I cant put down yet, the feeling the Cyberpunk world gives you is exceptional but I feel Witcher has more atmosphere maybe the soundtracks, though I love the Cyberpunk theme music
Untrue. Cyberpunk will go down in history as a graphical masterpiece, even if the gameplay isnt up to much.

Games with next gen visuals and sound but not great gampleplay go back to the 80s, probably before. Shadow of the beast is the one I can remember from 1989.
The music and graphics in that game were mind blowing for the 1989. The actual game was dog**** :D

However it laid foundation for other games with improved gameplay that has the visuals and audio to match

The intro is basked into my brain from being a young child
Its the setting and atmosphere that make it visually appealing. Graphically it's just your average game with neon lights and colours. It's doesn't do anything exceptionally better than other games and in some cases it's worst.
Thats more than the average gamer makes in a lifetime in reality ! :D


Its the setting and atmosphere that make it visually appealing. Graphically it's just your average game with neon lights and colours. It's doesn't do anything exceptionally better than other games and in some cases it's worst.

No doubt the art design, neon lighting etc. helps set it apart but remove them and visually, it is still a stunning game in many ways i.e.

- the detail in faces and animation is outstanding
- the textures look incredible (although some textures are muddy looking, probably a bug with textures not loading/rendering properly as before any patches, this was terrible for me but 1.04 fixed most of the issues I was having with textures)
- reflections without rtx are superb (unless looking purely at water scenes, you would be hard pressed to tell if rtx was enabled), only issue I have is the noisy grain
- volumetric lighting and fog again looks incredible
- particle effects look great too
Witcher 3..... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Still amazes me how that was so highly rated, pointless waffling of 15 minutes dialogue with every single person you encounter and a clunky ass combat system. Granted, I despise medieval settings too so that didn't help matters at all.

Just done the Chinese market mission and my jaw literally dropped, talk about immersion and the graphics, wow....




So far every character I have encountered/interacted with in this has been extremely likeable and memorable, I have also slept with about 4/5 women so far :D

Unfortunately I won't get to sleep with panam though since I went with a female (couldn't understand why she rejected me when I felt her thigh so had to google, as you do....... :p :D). I'll have to do a play through as a man with a big dong just for that part now :D

I rejected everyone as i already banged Judy, can't go breaking hearts now...

Just wish there was more things to do once you get into the relationship phase like more missions to do together or even better you could call her up as a companion to join you in missions! How friggin good would that be?!
I thought crafting was fine but even with the duping trick iv realised its completely broken. The amount of mats you need to gain low xp at higher levels has not been calculated properly at all.
The question is, will those choices impact anything besides how that quest ends? No need to change Major quest line or anything that big. But will it change for example relationships with them in the future, will my betrayal cut me out of some quests, will they "put bounty on my head" and becoming hostile with them.

It's hard to say for sure because you'd need to play past the entire quest deep into the rest of the game at least twice to really know, or look at the game code for conditions or something. But ultimately no, not in the way you're thinking because in order to do that, especially so early on in the game would lead to so much variance ahead of you with different dialogue trees and different endings that it's inflates in complexity, once you add in more than about 3-4 main story forks you multiply up the content you need to do by a huge factor and it's just not do-able. The best you can really hope for is a fallout style ending where it kind of sums up the outcomes and repercussions of your actions in the game (I have no idea of Cyberpunk has this or not) But even that's not really changing outcomes as such.

With the flathead mission:
With enough money/effort and the right decisions you can kinda skip most of the commotion and get a neutral outcome. Or you can essentially side with militech which results in the Maelstrom attacking you with optionally a boss fight at the end. Or you can side with the Maelstrom and backstab Meredith by telling them she's onto them, in which case Dum Dum sides with you and Militech attack and you have a large fight on your hands. Optionally in that mission you can save Brick and allow him to be reinstated as the Maelstrom leader (or not). I do know that if you side with the Maelstrom you're met with Militech at the end of the factory only it's not Meredith this time, it's some other Miltech dude and she's been retired or some such. I believe that locks off a mission with her later on (more a cut scene than mission)

Most of the main story missions are part of a larger story arc but have self contained story arcs inside them, but the end of each internal arc kind of has to end in approximately the same way otherwise the main story arc would branch in insane ways and doing things that way is too resource expensive. It's also kind of a waste for most people because a lot of people simply will never discover most of the content that way they'll get a branch tailored to their decision but loads of effort will go into branches they never see or play. The logical outcome if you have a fixed budget, is that the main story arc would have to be radically shorter and simpler to compensate.

The only game I can think of which is really like this to a high degree is the Stanly Parable which is very short for any one play through, but can be replayed loads of times to find the vast array of different paths and endings. But that just doesn't work for a game with RPG leveling up elements and a long complex story with many different NPCs.
So what's the take then, this a Witcher 3 beater for people?
Its a more refined story experience. Witcher 3 was a proper snooze fest towards the end as that dragged hard (which they even admitted).

Each to their own but as a massive fan of the first two games, how witcher 3 gets so much hype is hella odd to me. Its even more jarring when only 26% of players actually ever completed the game.
Yeah it's kinda funny with people comparing this to Witcher 3 and GTA 5, they are just different games. CP2077 is much more about the atmosphere and story which just totally got me hooked. There's just not that many games to choose from if you want a bladerunner/deus ex kinda vibe.

Witcher 3 was a bit too slow for me and the combat was below average. Really don't like games that make you farm for small time buffs as well, honestly the lore side of Witcher with short term potion buffs just didn't translate in to a compelling game mechanic.
GTA 5 was just another US parody game with again pretty awful combat. Story was kinda fun at time but never actually completed it.
Just finished the abduction missions and damn that was good! What an eerie feeling! Probs one of the best aside from Panams and Judy's side missions.
Tempted to get this for something to play over the Christmas holidays. I know this is a kinda 'how long is a piece of string' question but is it worth paying for at full price just now or give it a while till it starts getting discounted?
Tempted to get this for something to play over the Christmas holidays. I know this is a kinda 'how long is a piece of string' question but is it worth paying for at full price just now or give it a while till it starts getting discounted?

Yes and No :D

Yes - I've got 130+hrs into it now and enjoyed every minute so my VFM is high. It's effectively Beta right now so it'll only get better and better over time.

No - If you're expecting a finished, polished game then no. Also I haven't had any crashes but others have had all sorts of major issues, so it's pot luck whether it'll even work properly so £50 is a risk.
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