They will patch the trade<>cash<>sell loophole to basically have infinite cash soon enough, which is why I've been making use of it getting specced up on mods before they nuke it lol. The rare painting from space will remain in my backpack until then!
It is going to need some major patches - the potential for a great game is there but they really need to take a step back and take another pass at it with the experience they've gained so far.
A lot is going to depend on their handling of the situation now especially from those higher up on the business side.
From the brief amount of time I have put into this game so far 103.5 Radio Pebkac was incredible [..]
That's not my usual cup of tea for music, but I am now tempted to buy the game mainly to ride around the gameworld on a motorbike with that on the radio. It fits so well.
I thought crafting was fine but even with the duping trick iv realised its completely broken. The amount of mats you need to gain low xp at higher levels has not been calculated properly at all.
993mb patch just landed on steam.
Hotfix 1.06 is available on PC and consoles! Here is the full list of changes:
- Dum Dum will no longer go missing from Totentanz entrance during Second Conflict.
- Improved memory management and stability, resulting in fewer crashes.
- Removed the 8 MB save file size limit. Note: this won’t fix save files corrupted before the update.
Just have to remember this is one of those games that you'll have to replay to get the most out of it, just finished Nomad and the various endings, will try Street Kid later on
I mean the game looks amazing thats for sure, but visuals alone are not enough to make a game good unfortunately
Just have to remember this is one of those games that you'll have to replay to get the most out of it, just finished Nomad and the various endings, will try Street Kid later on
literally the same game after 5 minutes man
I think they needed to cap the max level you can get to, and cap weapon damage etc. Anything over level 20~ just breaks the game. As Angilion says, even a basic weapon with zero mods can now one shot pretty much any enemy in the in game.
Finally passed the prologue- other than a floating suitcase outside the hotel room and a man without a gun, but firing anyway, it’s a very immersive story. Put a perk point into shotgun/light machine guns - it’s an annoying combo of skills, I want to use a shotgun, but not the light machine gun. I should have put the point into rifles and sun machine guns.
Most of the attribute trees focus on 2 primary things, and you'll get enough perk points to deep spec until multiple trees by even mid game. The perks aren't dependent on other perks in the same tree, you can pick and choose whatever you want so you can ignore any in that tree that aren't relevant to machine guns foe example. Just keep in mind that there's levels to each skill tree which give you bonuses and you level up that exp with things specific to that tree, so if the tree contains shotgun perks then kills with the shotgun will level that tree. If you find yourself wanting perks from that tree for the shotgun and can't necessarily justify the attribute levels to get there, keep in mind that every attribute has multiple skill trees and the main level of the attribute caps each trees max level, so points into the reflex attribute while it might not give you something you want from the shotgun tree straight away it will probably unlock something helpful in one of the other trees inside that attribute.
Don't feel the pressure to spend perk points immediately, there's a limited number in the game total, don't waste it on something you don't really want just because you can in the moment, you can save it until later. Some perks you can level 2 or even 3 times so sometimes when you unlock one of those you'll want to get it to say level 3 straight away and having some spare perk points can't help. Either way planning ahead with the perk points is generally good practice. I think you can respect at some point if you like but it's $100k.