*** Cyberpunk 2077 ***

Installed and played for the first time yesterday. Seems a bit janky but ran ok using optimised setting from nvapp with the new drivers.
I did the first mission and it was working ok but crashed while talking to Jackie, tried again and crashed 5 more times. Ran the file checker, verify thing on gog and tried again and got through the convo. Got through the cut scene and started the first tutorial and it starts crashing again. Not a good start hopefully it's just a problem with the new nvapp or drivers.
When it crashes it just freezes for a second then goes to desktop with the oops crashed popup.
Just noticed I get far higher fps in the actual game than in the CP benchmark with the same settings. Very odd
That's deliberate I think, it's supposed to be a very stressful benchmark that gives you a quick and conservative estimate of what your hardware can do. If it can run the benchmark well, it can run anywhere & any situation in the game well.
This is wierd. So having an RTX4090 you would think Nvidia's DLSS would run the game faster than AMD's software.... NO. AMD's gets me around 170fps but Nvidia only around 70fps. *scratching head*.
Installed and played for the first time yesterday. Seems a bit janky but ran ok using optimised setting from nvapp with the new drivers.
I did the first mission and it was working ok but crashed while talking to Jackie, tried again and crashed 5 more times. Ran the file checker, verify thing on gog and tried again and got through the convo. Got through the cut scene and started the first tutorial and it starts crashing again. Not a good start hopefully it's just a problem with the new nvapp or drivers.
When it crashes it just freezes for a second then goes to desktop with the oops crashed popup.
Any overclocks on your system?
I had crashes when I'd set my ram to a higher speed setting.

Changed the speed around a little and it's run fine since
Any overclocks on your system?
I had crashes when I'd set my ram to a higher speed setting.

Changed the speed around a little and it's run fine since
Cheers for the info, I got it working.
I hadn't updated the mobo drivers and bios since building the system 2 years ago, after doing that i ran the benchmark 10 times in a row and then played several hours and no crashes, so fingers crossed its ok now.
My cpu and gpu are undervolted and the ram is running expo with slightly tweeked settings so if i do start getting crashes again i'll look into it.
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Finished the main story earlier today and here are my thoughts having played on ray tracing ultra preset - 1440p OLED monitor.

i thought the graphics were very good, around a 7/10 but i was only wowed occasionaly, mostly looking in shiny reflections. Going round the city and the Alcedo camp in the daylight looked great. At night the city looked decent but not like wow thats amazing.

In the first few hours of gameplay I have to say i was getting quite irritated by the amount of cut scenes and lack of gameplay. For context this is the first pc game i have played in about 6 years ( Witcher 3) so maybe i was looking forward more playing time. Over time though i did ifnd myself getting more invested in the story and overall it was all worthwhile. I thought the character animations were very impressive as is the voice acting.

Gameplay was very good, i particularly enjoyed using melee weapons, the haptic feedback from the dual sense controller was excellent. Gun play as well very good. Driving seemed a bit off but still enjoyable.

I did one more mission ( with help from my friends) after the main mission but to be honest i'm not sure if i want to carry on. I am curious to see if V finally hooksup with Panam thoug so maybe I will go back and find out.

But for now i am going to play Horizon Zero Dawn remastered, i have played this on the base PS5 and that is a game that wows me graphically. Can't wait to see what the remastered version looks like on pc maxxed out.
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I've finally got back into this I played about 10 hours a couple of years ago but abandoned it I've started afresh again I'm about 15 hours in and I'm enjoying it. I'm a bit of an AMD fan boy if I'm honest and haven't really bought into ray tracing. I've been playing this on my Nvidia based laptop because I'm away from home and I'm pretty wowed by path tracing.
I've finally got back into this I played about 10 hours a couple of years ago but abandoned it I've started afresh again I'm about 15 hours in and I'm enjoying it. I'm a bit of an AMD fan boy if I'm honest and haven't really bought into ray tracing. I've been playing this on my Nvidia based laptop because I'm away from home and I'm pretty wowed by path tracing.
Quality.good game
Just finished replaying this after buying it just after Christmas since I had played it when it first launched when it was still a big buggy mess.

Really enjoyed my 2nd playthrough and enjoyed the DLC even if the endings for that were a bit depressing but great game, probably play it again once I get my new GPU just to see how it runs then and do a different run
im pretty shocked the new DLSS supports none 50xx series cards....the performance boost has completely ruled out any need for me to current get a 5090, im sure im not the only one in this position.
im pretty shocked the new DLSS supports none 50xx series cards....the performance boost has completely ruled out any need for me to current get a 5090, im sure im not the only one in this position.
1440p: I can get a decent framerate (40-50fps) on a 3060Ti with RT on and DLSS Balanced and most settings high/ultra. 20ish with PT on. With DLSS3 RT was in the 20's and PT single figures

Pretty sure the bottleneck is the 8Gb VRAM on the card.
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