Urgently looking for a part for mobile vets van

21 Dec 2019
Planet Thanet
As in title our local mobile vets are off the road
Meaning a lot of pets can't get treatment
Including a lot of local rescue/charity places

They currently need a Airbag chip ECU 1681055580
However they can use the following numbers

it’s a Citroën Relay but a Peugeot part
Anyone know somewhere to get hold of one?
Apparently stock is as rare as hen's teeth right now

Must admit I wondered that myself
They didn't say about mot

Well as far as I know, even with the ecu removed, it only shows a warning light on the dash, it doesnt disable the vehicle from driving and the only issue would be if it had no MOT.

Unless the driver didnt feel safe without and airbag or potential liability issue if the employee had an accident and the company was aware that the van had no working airbags.
There's no way i'd be driving a works vehicle around with a known issue with the airbags! Any company with an ounce of sense will keep it off the road until its fixed.
Yeah if it is a work vehicle, assuming a company of any size, no way they'd send an employee out with a known fault like that.
Yeah it's a work vehicle
Though not sure if the 2 vets/owners are
The only ones driving it
It's not a company of any size probably 2 vets
And a vet nurse or 2
If it was a sizeable company yeah could use another vehicle
But it's only mobile surgery they have
Guess they're playing strictly by the book by not driving it
Which is fair enough I guess
No doubt they all have personal transport so they can at least use that while they are waiting. Otherwise they charge enough money so surely they can afford a new van or two.
No doubt they all have personal transport so they can at least use that while they are waiting. Otherwise they charge enough money so surely they can afford a new van or two.
It's kind of a mobile surgery so personal transport will only allow
Very limited stuff to be done as don't think they have an actual surgery building
So not just a van it's all the equipment that's custom fitted into it
Even if they have the funds to replace the van
Assuming you could get another identical van
Ripping out and transferring all the equipment would be
A royal PITA

But Yeah vets ain't cheap for sure I can't disagree with you on that
But to be fair to them these ones do a lot of unpaid stuff
For local pet rescue charities
would the ECU not be coded to the engine/chassis no etc anyway?

not sure on that but for a business/matter of urgency I'd be looking to find a recommended mobile diagnostics person in the area to sort it out
would the ECU not be coded to the engine/chassis no etc anyway?

not sure on that but for a business/matter of urgency I'd be looking to find a recommended mobile diagnostics person in the area to sort it out
Yeah think you need to recode it
They already had diagnostic work done
I guess it's a physical failure of the ECU so diagnosis couldn't fix it
Apparently the world wide chip shortage extends to ECU units too
guess it's a physical failure of the ECU so diagnosis couldn't fix it

yeah, what I'm saying tho is that if they get a diagnostics guy that deals with and is familiar with this kind of thing then they're more likely to have access to an ECU, either from a scrapped van or a compatible ECU that's been repaired, and be able to code/pair it, finding someone who can do it is prob the hardest part

eg...this company offers a repair for one of the ECU part no's you've listed

yeah, what I'm saying tho is that if they get a diagnostics guy that deals with and is familiar with this kind of thing then they're more likely to have access to an ECU, either from a scrapped van or a compatible ECU that's been repaired, and be able to code/pair it, finding someone who can do it is prob the hardest part

eg...this company offers a repair for one of the ECU part no's you've listed

The diagnostic guy didn't have one and couldn't source one
Or repair it,though no idea if he could do PCB level repairs
And the dealership couldn't source one either
Combination of covid19,Brexit and the chip shortages I guess
They have tagged all the local scrapyards just in case
And contacted the manufacturers head office in the hope
They may want a little publicity by finding them one
Thanks will check that link though am assuming
It's a PCB level repair required
I'm guessing a brand new ECU from the dealership would be funny money if they could find one...4..5X the price of a used or recon

I'd try phoning some local independent garages that deal with commercial vehicles and hope they can put you in contact with someone that can help, also..maybe an auto electrician that deals with commercials would know someone
I'm guessing a brand new ECU from the dealership would be funny money if they could find one...4..5X the price of a used or recon

I'd try phoning some local independent garages that deal with commercial vehicles and hope they can put you in contact with someone that can help, also..maybe an auto electrician that deals with commercials would know someone

Dealers are funny price wise - I've had them quote £30 on parts it would cost me £90-100 to source and fit myself or £48 in another case for something which would have cost me £199 to buy online - but conversely £260 for parts I can buy for less than £60, etc. (or one of the recent ones - they wanted £66 to replace windscreen wipers :o that just needed cleaning off anyhow - but £19 and an easy 2 minute job to replace myself) so always worth checking.

(And that doesn't include the dealer labour rate).
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