Ukraine Invasion - Please do not post videos showing attacks/similar

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23 Dec 2011
Northern England
what does it matter that they are safe? The UK is nit in the EU, so refugees being in another EU country in is utterly meaningless from a legal let alone morsl perspective

Because his statement was that they are in safe countries already. You said that was stupid however its factually accurate. You then state the UK isn't overcrowded. It is. Ask the immigrants here already who are living in awful conditions.
And what does it matter that they're safe? That's the only thing that matters.
30 Nov 2005
what does it matter that they are safe? The UK is nit in the EU, so refugees being in another EU country in is utterly meaningless from a legal let alone morsl perspective
If they are safe why do they need shelter, it's s moot point anyway as we are taking Ukrainians in so wind your neck in
Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002

Update from my friend in Russia:
"Basically we have no official updates from our government so only unofficial sources in telegram, the media that was blocked by the government has transferred there. We hear that Russians lost over 3000 soldiers already...

General living has turned to hell. Prices have risen by 30%. People are going crazy trying to cash out all their saving as the government imposes new taxes and blocks people's accounts...

People know that the currency will fall and are trying to buy whatever valuable they can instead of having money savings, e.g. Cars, iPhones, whatever. That means the prices skyrocket as the demand is way more than supply...

There is literally no cash in cash machines. To avoid banking crisis the government allowed banks to raise APR even to existing loans and mortgages. So if I have a loan at 17% APR now, tomorrow the bank may say now your loan is 30%,and I won't be able to do anything about it...

The resistance is still very high. Every day there protests all over the country, police arrests everyone, even you put a poster on your window which says "no to War" they come and arrest you (yes, really)...

Yesterday we went to the nearest city to buy some food and police stopped me, told me to get out of the car. The military guy with the huge gun came towards me and said to follow him. He didn't even say who he was or why they stopped me...

They took me to some police building, searched me fully, took my phone, told me to unlock it and took it away. After about 30 minutes of search and questioning they let me go...

most major federal highways now have block posts where the police and military check and question everyone. When I was going east we found out that usually they are set near bridges. So locals, in order to allow people travel freely, made an ice river crossing...

They check the ice thickness and put the lights where its safe to cross. You pay a small fee about €5 so that they can maintain the crossing clean and safe. So instead of using a road you travel across the ice on the river.

Anyone who posts anything against Putin's actions is either sent to war or arrested as a state enemy. They are reinstating the death penalty in the coming days. So basically it's possible you can officially be death sentenced if you say anything against war soon."
30 Nov 2005
Because his statement was that they are in safe countries already. You said that was stupid however its factually accurate. You then state the UK isn't overcrowded. It is. Ask the immigrants here already who are living in awful conditions.
Probable an open borders fool.
21 Jan 2010
lol such closet pro-Ruski crap

Spassiba, comrade!

I don't want the Russians to win. I'm horrified at the invasion, and becoming rather worried about serious escalation.

I'm pointing out that people are often a bit dewy eyed about the resistance. Taking a broader view about Russia's likely objectives is not a bad thing, in my opinion.

If the Russians take and hold mariupol, that's a huge win for them, whether you like it or not.
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