Make cannabis a Class A Drug, say Conservative Police Commissioners...

3 Aug 2015
Not sure how to answer this.. I'd imagine if a parent's thought process was "well I can't smoke this outside anymore, so I'll have to smoke it indoors with my kids" they have bigger issues at hand, like being an utterly **** parent.

I'd rather they grow a spine, and not smoke it at all.
Of course you are not sure how to answer it, because you dont have a solution, you just wish to moan off that it smells outside, but dont appreciate people will smoke it outdoors and not in their homes, in front of their children etc etc.

Imagine writing this and thinking people will actually believe you lol
Imagine thinking the smell is a serious problem.
1st world problem for the entitled, "how dare they do something that smells in a public area!"

Can anyone imagine what half of these users would do if they come across "Surströmming?"
We must ban all fish!!!
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Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
Most people since they give up force themselves to have a negative reaction to anything to do with it to maintain their sobriety.


1st world problem for the entitled, "how dare they do something that smells in a public area!"

For me one of the worst smells in the World is other people's poo smells but I'd rather have that than weed smell.
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6 Aug 2009
Of course you are not sure how to answer it, because you dont have a solution, you just wish to moan off that it smells outside, but dont appreciate people will smoke it outdoors and not in their homes, in front of their children etc etc.
So it's alright for my kids and other families to have to smell it and breath it in outside is it? As long as the users kids are right?.

At no point did I say I have a solution, but I'm not the one with the drug problem.. and it obviously is a problem if, as you posted, the only alternative is to smoke it in front of your kids, rather than seek help and quit the crap.

Earlier in the thread I posted saying it make it legal, tax it, and while I can't personally understand why someone would smoke it, people do.
I just don't want the smell or the users near my kids when I'm out with them.
3 Aug 2015
So it's alright for my kids and other families to have to smell it and breath it in outside is it? As long as the users kids are right?.
Outside in an open area is better than an closed environment. But again it has to be about your kids and your rights, not the fact the user is choosing not to do it indoors. Its not going to cause harm to you sitting outside and catch a whiff of it, compared to sitting in a bedroom whilst someone puffs away downstairs.

At no point did I say I have a solution, but I'm not the one with the drug problem.. and it obviously is a problem if, as you posted, the only alternative is to smoke it in front of your kids, rather than seek help and quit the crap.
That is not the other alternative, but thanks for reaching to that conclusion. You are aware there are users that cannot give it up due to the numerous positive affects it has as a painkiller right?

I just don't want the smell or the users near my kids when I'm out with them.
Dont take your kids to places where someone would be smoking it then?

Earlier in the thread I posted saying it make it legal, tax it, and while I can't personally understand why someone would smoke it, people do.
Understand that, where do you stand on the centres opened in Scotland for drug use?
27 Apr 2016
Germany actually got jealous hahahh how much TAX money the Dutch government was racking in, Yep they jumped on the band wagon making it legal, same as Thailand now, hopefully the UK get on the gravy train and we see weed shops next to asda and m&s :D
6 Aug 2009
I'm well aware of the painkiller positives of it, I've many ex forces friends that use CBD for pain relief.
But they aren't smoking weed, they have some self discipline, even in sometimes terrible situations.

It's quite simple for me really, I'm not the one smoking an illegal drug, its not on me to find a place free of users to enjoy with my kids.
I didn't force the user to start taking it, they did, I know what life is like when you're at the bottom of the hole, but it's still a choice to take it, for me it shows a lack of self discipline, a lack of spine and a lack of character.

I'm not aware of centers open in Scotland, but if that offers them a safe, controlled environment to use and seek help to quit, then I'm all for it.
3 Aug 2015
for me it shows a lack of self discipline, a lack of spine and a lack of character.
Alright we get your point, no need to go insulting users especially for lack of character which is just hilarious.

Just because you are that way, does not mean others will be nor have to live up to your standards.

seek help to quit
Nope, they do nothing of the sort, they are there to take drugs in a safe environment.

Drugs have been here before all of us, our grand parents and more, they'll be here after we are all gone and thousands of people enjoy them on a daily basis without harm or a nuisance to others.
6 Aug 2009
You seem to be missing the line between someone who enjoys the odd puff, with addicts. Much like alcohol, but we'll conveniently ignore that one for the sake of your points.
Again, I don't have issue with someone who "enjoys the odd puff" bud, as long as it's in the comfort of their own home, or well away from public places, parks, villages etc.
6 Aug 2009
Alright we get your point, no need to go insulting users especially for lack of character which is just hilarious.

Just because you are that way, does not mean others will be nor have to live up to your standards.

Nope, they do nothing of the sort, they are there to take drugs in a safe environment.

Drugs have been here before all of us, our grand parents and more, they'll be here after we are all gone and thousands of people enjoy them on a daily basis without harm or a nuisance to others.
I meant no offence, just my opinion, and that's all I ask, is that it causes no harm or nuisance to others.
6 Aug 2009
Loads of things in public cause a nuisance others.
Indeed they do, most not illegal currently though.
I offered my opinions on it, for the last time.
I don't do it, nor do I see the fascination with it, I'm perfectly happy to plod along through my life without the need for drugs or alcohol, my ability to do this doesn't make me better than you, it simply means we are different.
If you smoke it, then enjoy it safely and responsibly.
14 Feb 2004
Peoples Republic of Histonia, Cambridge
Indeed they do, most not illegal currently though.
I offered my opinions on it, for the last time.
I don't do it, nor do I see the fascination with it, I'm perfectly happy to plod along through my life without the need for drugs or alcohol, my ability to do this doesn't make me better than you, it simply means we are different.
If you smoke it, then enjoy it safely and responsibly.

In any objective assessment of something’s legality, its current legal status is meaningless.

I don’t smoke it.
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24 Jun 2022
awesome, lets support the brain dead potheads!

Brain dead pot heads, like most musicians, actors, authors and artists in the last couple hundred years?

Cannabis smokers like the smell.
Non smokers hate the smell..shocker.

I'm a non smoker and I quite like the smell, I just don't like smoking anything. Mum died of lung cancer and my dad was on 60 cigs a day for a long time.

I'd say cigs are far worse and I still wouldn't criminalise them, if an adult wants to take a substance they should be allowed to. It should be taxed and controlled, to make it as safe as possible for the user and to cover any costs incurred (and then some).
6 Aug 2009
In any objective assessment of something’s legality, its current legal status is meaningless.

I don’t smoke it.
Well not it's legal, and smoking it is breaking the law, I imagine if I walked past two police officers while happily puffing away on a joint they'd have something to say.

But then the legality of it isn't my concern nor issue outside of smoking it in public or operating a vehicle under it's influence.

What people do in their own home is up to them, i'd hope it's done safely, but beyond that, I don't care.

I just don't want my kids exposed to it outside, I don't think that's to much to ask really.
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