BBC Gameshow - The Traitors

The Australian version was good, and worth a watch!
I watched 3 versions. US, UK, and AU.

The weird thing about the Australian version is there is an English guy on there who we only hear speak once early on, and then 3 quarter's into the show. For some reason he's rarely directly on camera. He's usually in the background. His name is hardly mentioned either.

It's the most strangest thing I've seen on a reality tv programme.
Ive seen the UK and USA version.

The Swedish one started last week.
Quite funny, same ****. Everyone gangs up on guy that gets nervous and destroys him.....
It's ok but once you know the format it's a bit meh. People are sheep and anyone that sticks out gets chopped.
The traitor murders are also a bit meh.
Not going for the real danger...

USA one was hilarious at the end.
UK one was cringey really :p
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Watched the UK and Aussie ones and both were really enjoyable.

One of the traitors from the Aussie one, Claire, was in our local Home Bargains (Bridgend) a couple of months ago. Turns out her daughter lives here and she was visiting her.
There was a very brief teaser for the second series of this ahead of the Strictly eviction show last night just saying “Coming soon”.

I hope it’s as good as last year.
I didn't watch the first series, other than a bit they showed on Googlebox.

Started watching this tonight though and very impressed. It's like 'werewolf by night' but with actual stakes.
Watched the first series, I’ll wait for a few episodes to pass on the second so I can watch them when I please rather than waiting
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