YouTube Content Creators

The amount of things I put into my "Watch Later" and then a few weeks later I spend hours watching it all is stupid!

I started a lets play of Skyrim last night, which will be my long play for a while. Cliche I know but I enjoy it. Halo 3, Quake 2 RTX and Grim Dawn will be played on the side so my channel does not just become one game as I didnt like that before. I hope the shorts get a good uptake on Skyrim as I have had with Halo 2 and Half Life.
Oh man thanks for ruining me now I'm stuck watching all their videos and want to go now. The Mongol would be frigging MAD!

Rickshaw Run: I reckon the Himalaya route would be superb. Spectacular scenery and mountain passes, plenty of unknowns, and opportunity to engage with out-of-the-way communities. If you break down, there'll be a plentiful supply of yaks to get you from A to B. :D
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Rickshaw Run: I reckon the Himalaya route would be superb. Spectacular scenery and mountain passes, plenty of unknowns, and opportunity to engage with out-of-the-way communities. If you break down, there'll be a plentiful supply of yaks to get you from A to B. :D
Yea, I'm torn between that and sri lanka. I think my son would come with me. He'll be 20 then, too. Just need to find one more person, but think I could get that one in next year as it's only a 9 dayer vs. a 60 day stint on the Mongol lol I'm not sure the ex wife would appreciate our 50/50 split of time if I ****** off for 2 months, but I'll need to work that one out :D

For the first time in forever, this started to go slightly up the other side and not constantly down.

And my views may still be pretty small considering, but the video is performing the best I have had one for a long time.

I am taking this as a sign to double down and LFG!
A mate of mine has 42k subs and it's been that number got about 12months. He had a massive surge a few years back due to a video that went viral, but since then he has not had the same success which is a shame.

Does show though that high sub count is only part of the puzzle.
A mate of mine has 42k subs and it's been that number got about 12months. He had a massive surge a few years back due to a video that went viral, but since then he has not had the same success which is a shame.
This is what happened to me. The video was also nothing to do with the channel but hit 95m views, bought loads of subs but the channel wasn't at all related to that video, so was a nightmare really.

Does show though that high sub count is only part of the puzzle.
It really is. The views are really what matters the most. Getting all your subs to come back and watch all your videos is good, too.

Well this was fun... it's way louder than I thought it would be.
Now to try and piece it all together in a video.

Plus I have to record and edit an RTB video update on this P2P platform for Sunday but that's a much easier video.
I had a nice pick up yesterday on this weeks video. Was pushed to people's home pages by YT and got about 1k views from it and some really nice comments. Came on a nice day since getting told I was getting the boot at work. Might just go all in on this instead.

Also, while all this was happening, this guy pinged me through fb messenger offering me wheels for free?! I was like what in the world is this!? Is this what YT famous feels like?!


This is way more fun that being in the office tbf
I had a nice pick up yesterday on this weeks video. Was pushed to people's home pages by YT and got about 1k views from it and some really nice comments. Came on a nice day since getting told I was getting the boot at work. Might just go all in on this instead.

Oof that end bit is ideal. Reckon you have enough funds to try and go pro on YT?

Also based on the Aygo exhaust shot at least you've got the expression down. That's 50% of the job i think!
Oof that end bit is ideal. Reckon you have enough funds to try and go pro on YT?
So I have a plan... they'll give me 10 months before I get the proper kick. On top of that the company has processes in place to support really stressed employees... wink wink that should give me 2yrs paid... plus when I get back, they then have to give me 10months... so I think I can milk this for about 2-3yrs from now. So I will.

Then I'll start properly looking at what my plans are.

For YT I'll continue to do stuff on the RTB channel. It makes decent $$ normally and I will start to up my work on forward planning what I want from that.

RS Garage stuff I figured I need it to make money and not just cost money, so have a plan for that, too. I am going to start to start small with some car flips. I used to do this back when I was in my early 20s for money on the side basically, but figured it could serve me 2 fold here. Content and the builds should pay for themselves (in theory, or I failed lol).

I'll now have a car with a tow bar. I can rent car trailers here for 25EUR a day. I can start small, like, there is a new VW Beetle for sale near me for 700 with a blown HG. They're going for 3500 (mad france prices on second hand cars) but also comes with no papers. I made a friend next door in the garage doing my RR Sport paperwork so dropped him a line about my plans and if he could help me with paperwork and ****. He's up for it and also as he sells cars might be interested in a deal somewhere.

Would be a nice trade up challenge. I would like to trade up from 1k to an R8. I've always had an R8 on my vision board and think this could be a nice thing to do and give me some content too.

I've also got some mates around here who have expressed interest in doing some degenerate **** together with cars, so that'll be nice.

Essentially, if I can buy myself a couple of years, while also progressing other revenue streams, it would buy me a lot of opportunities to go all in, while keeping the $ to help fund it to start.

That's my plan anyway....

Also based on the Aygo exhaust shot at least you've got the expression down. That's 50% of the job i think!
haha I know! It's also got something like an 8% CTR which obviously means the thumbnail is working haha
Awesome stuff. Saw the idea on the Morocco trip. Given you'll be driving past me, just give me a shout and i'll see if i can tag along with the Jeep
Awesome stuff. Saw the idea on the Morocco trip. Given you'll be driving past me, just give me a shout and i'll see if i can tag along with the Jeep
Oh hell yes!!

Need to get to the point I can buy a defender and do this haha They start at ******* 17k here!! Better get started with all this **** :D
Spoke to a couple of mates last night and think I may have another candidate to join me on some adventures, which will be good.

Mind, I'm slightly hungover right now and need to go and fit these coilovers to the aygo. Painkillers and a bacon sandwich will sort me.

I got another lovely boost from YT homepage last night.

Gained 61 subs and that video passed 2k views. It all seems very small, but from the amount they were getting, 2k is huge for me. It feels from 2k - 20k is only 5x which seems achievable with consistency. Then 10k - 100k is only 10x that lol I'd be absolutely BUZZING at that, so this is pretty cool.

I'm actually quite excited by the prospect of windmilling into this
On the RTB side, these are the sort of deals I love. I always try and build decent relationships with the companies I use/look at / etc. I spoke with a company that I've made content on for a bit. Their general referral program is a bit sack, but they're in the same arena as other things I do, so it's good content and easy.

I reached out to them to talk about more of a relationship, which led to a call with them and now I have a laid out deal for me, which is very much nicer.


This also led to conversations with their product manager on roadmap etc. which I'll keep up to date with so I have all the latest scoop of things.

This is, in real money (EUR):

  • 12.50 per sign up
  • 50 per investor between 50-500EUR
  • 112 per investor who invests 500 - 1750
  • 175 per investor who invests more than 1750

Which means I can get wins just on sign ups, which is a real bonus these days.

I now have about 4 of these relationships, which I want to build up over time, but just 2 of them brought in 700EUR in Jan, so adding this one should hopefully boost that up some more. It's great because you make the video once, and people find it when they find it and suddenly you get a nice little payment.

Lets see if that channel can hit the 10k this year and get the average $$ per month to over 1.5k. Last year I averaged 723 per month, which isn't bad for a channel that costs nothing to make content.
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