Return of the Living Dead (2025)



11 Oct 2003
Please make it be good and not another B movie.

Taking place 18 months after the events at the UNEEDA Warehouse in Louisville, KY, a new Trioxin 2-4-5 leak puts a small Pennsylvania town on the brink of a zombie outbreak during Christmas 1985.

Credit and good post from @varkanoid

Back the film, £1000 gets you a speaking part in it shot in London plus IMDB listing, Lead role £2500 in the movie, forget that RTX 5090 you want to buy be in a movie ! :) From £35 upwards lots of different options.

Loved the ROTLD film when it came out. Note this is NOTHING to do with George Romero films this is a "franchise" in its own right, very tongue in cheek.
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kinda what it was touted as, which is no bad thing as it took a really new twist on a zombie story. Was really well written and still has some of the best prosthetics/design on Julie.
Was there ever an uncut version released on Blu ray? I know we (UK) had the full version released on VHS back in the early 90's but it wasn't in widescreen, Then there was 2 US versions on DVD - a censored widescreen print and an unrated full screen version. I'd quite like to see this again uncut AND in widescreen.
Mindy (C.S.I.'s Lady Heather) Clarke still looks awesome even today :)
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Was there ever an uncut version released on Blu ray? I know we (UK) had the full version released on VHS back in the early 90's but it wasn't in widescreen, Then there was 2 US versions on DVD - a censored widescreen print and an unrated full screen version. I'd quite like to see this again uncut AND in widescreen.
Mindy (C.S.I.'s Lady Heather) Clarke still looks awesome even today :)
i believe the Vestron disc has the full print.
What really frightened me when i watched it for the first time as a kid. The disclaimer at the start.
The events portrayed in this film are all true. The names are real names of real people and real organizations

That really scared the heck out of me lol.
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Aren't all the Living Dead films utter crap after Night of?


“Return of the Living Dead” a different film series. It’s tongue in cheek and fun. Admittedly I’ve only seen the first so I’m not sure how it translates across.

RotLD even starts out with someone saying “hey… did you ever see that film… NIGHT of the living dead…? Well… it was trueeeeee!”

It’s one of my favourite horror films, it’s just daft and bleak at the same time.

RotLD is also, as far as I know, where ‘zombies eating brains’ comes from… or at least where it became popularised. Funny that originates in popularity and ‘zombie lore’ from a comedy film!

It also has the first ‘running zombies’ - again, as far as I know :)

Finally, I’m pretty sure that ‘Dawn of the Dead’ is widely regarded as the most iconic of the Romero films. This is the one where they take refuge in a mall.
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