The Syla5 Files

What's your weight at the moment Syla? Looking strong, I think I'm gonna have to start chasing you :D.

35kg weight dips, very nice. I don't have a belt so never tried weighted dips, saying that I'm crap and BW dips!
Better than nothing yo, why not hamstring curl while you do dips? Ultra workout.


I need to get my dips up to scratch before I add weight to them, doesn't help the fact I have to do them on the handles of some old fashioned rickety mounting climbing thing! :p
I need to get a dipping belt i think. 20kg dumbells between the legs is about as much as i can take.

as linked above, and when you get to around 35-40kg then you can upgrade the chain and attachments and the belt is good for over 80kg as LiE is doing with his crazy BW+BW dips!
Got to the gym on time this morning so the session was good, no rushing.

everything for 3 sets of 5 after warm up sets compelted and rest kept to 90 seconds between sets

Deadlifts 120kg all unbelted
third set here:

Bench Press 75kg
RDL 80kg
Walking DB Lunges 15kg(per hand)
BB Curls 30kg
Pull ups, controlled reps, 3 second negs on full reps and 6 second negs on just neg reps
3 full 2 neg, 4 full 1 neg
Half Flags 3 and 3 video'd myself and was very disappointed with my back :(
Plank 1 min x 2
stretching, some much needed stretching

videos to be uploaded
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Guy at 0:10 in your flags video has some strong shorts.

He is so annoying, he grunts excessively no matter what he is doing on almost every rep of anything he does.

Todays workout, 3 sets of 5 reps

Squats 110kg
third set of squats
Pullups 7.5x5 7.5x4+1(neg) 7.5x5
Dips 27.5kg (******* love these :D)
OHP 47.5kg felt really good as well
Calf Press 250x8 250x7 just wasnt getting any pump in my calfs so switched to raises
Calf Raises 70x6 70x5 much better :)

Mega doms still from wednesday, hoping for a weekend full over recovery :)
Nice work mate. Loving the squat depth, weight looks easy for you.

Jealous of the OHP, my shoulders are just weak as sin.
Nice work mate. Loving the squat depth, weight looks easy for you.

Jealous of the OHP, my shoulders are just weak as sin.

Cheers mate, i have been making a point of hitting depth for the last few months while keeping everything else as in check as possible.

OHP is a funny one for me, it was easier today then mondays 45kg was!
HST 5's, cycle 2, day 4 of 9-12.

Deadlifts bar x 5 60x3 100x3
125x5 125x5 125x5
Bench press bar x 5 40x5 60x3
77.5x5 77.5x5 77.5x5
RDL 85x5 85x5 85x5
Walking DB Lunges 17.5x5(reps per leg) 17.5x5 17.5x5
BB Curl 32.5x5 32.5x5 32.5x5
Pull ups bw 5 5 4 + 1 neg
Half Flags 2 2. Tried to be stricter then the last time to stop my back rounding out.
Plank 1x 1min

3rd set of deadlifts i belted up, but after my 3rd rep i had to unbelt as i either had the belt in an odd position, or something was pinching but i got a nasty twinge/pinch in my lower abdominal/groin area. My right obliques are now oddly dom'sy already. Time for some soft tissue work and praying maybe.
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