The Syla5 Files

HST 10’s cycle 2 is coming to a close, only 1 more session after today.

Deadlifts for the last time this 10’s cycle. Felt good, used my belt for the second set only and then only the first 5 reps as I got a funny twinge, lower abdominals/groin area, need to investigate this and see if its just belt positioning.
Deadlifts felt better again which is an improvement.

Today looked like this, as usual 2 sets of 10 reps for each exercise:

Deadlifts 112.5kg
Bench Press 67.5kg
RDL 67.5kg
Goblet Squat 42.5kg
Seated Shoulder Press 22.5kg (25’s were taken, also had to use a fixed upright bench and this highlighted the fact that I had been bringing my chest in to the movement a little so I think I need to be stricter here)
Lateral DB Raises 12.5kg
CGBP 55kg
Calf Raises 60kg

Things seem to be going well so far with HST, I am planning to run this cycle up to christmas, using christmas as a deload period. Considering a 3rd cycle and then a strength routine for a little while.

On a weight front, I weighed in on Sunday night at 11st 7lb (161lb) looking back at my diet/weight tracker I started my bulk 12 weeks ago and at the start of my bulk I weighed in at 11st 3lb (157lb). I did continue to drop weight for the first 4 weeks of my bulk and dropped to 10st 13.5 lb (153.5lb) 27/09/12

Overall net change in weight has been a 4lb increase over 3 months, visually I can see differences but I can also see added fat, might have to be super strict again with my even meals, as I must admit I have let these slip somewhat over the last 4-6 weeks.
My aim for the end of this year is still to not weigh any more then 11st 6lb, while looking better. Lets see how that goes :D
cheers dude, yeap they felt heavy as well lol considering the last 2 sessions i have swapped them out for box and bss it was nice to get back to them

Are you doing to do strategic conditioning? I've just finished my second cycle of HST, and the thought of doing nothing kills me, so im doing mobility work and cardio.
Yeah roysters I do the SD week. I did one at the end of the first cycle after 3 weeks of 5's. This time around I may do 4 weeks of 5's to take me nicely up to Christmas, or I will test rm's for giggles :) and then take a week off for Christmas, and then I will either prep for cycle 3 as I want to change some things around, or I will prep for a strength routine.
A deload doesn't have to be a week of doing nothing, as long as your volume drops off you'll still be allowing complete recovery.

One top set triple per training day with some light assistance, satisfying but still a deload.
Shame I'm not allowed to use DW again unless I sign up properly, Otherwise I'd get a months sub and use it over XMas as the school will be closed :(
Last day of 10's cycle 2 today

Squats 102.5kg felt better and easier then 100 in cycle 1
OHP 42.5kg happy with these, didn't quite rest enough before the second set so the last few reps were a real grind, strict no push pressing though
RDL's 70kg felt good
Lat pull downs 65kg, tough, and really controlled the negs
Dips 17.5kg pleased with these seeing as I am gaining weight as well, compared to cycle one my BW is up 2-2.5kg as well. So this is almost a 5kg boost :)
Single arm cable row 15kg first time doing these, possibly could have done 17.5kg with no issues but form is the focus
Inclined DB bench 27.5kg, considering I moved these to much later in the routine I am v pleased to have still progressed, and only the last couple of reps for set 2 were a grind
BB curl 27.5kg
Calf raises 60kg, was supposed to be calf press but some tool unloaded the leg press from 200kg to 50kg, did 5 reps then f'ed off I seriously just couldnt be arsed to load it up again :(

10's cycle 2 has gone well, my right glute / outside hip is causing me a little concern so gonna hammer it with the roller and ball to see if this will help.
It was the start of 5's in cycle 2 today.

I got my workouts mixed up and started with my squat routine instead of my deadlift one, no big deal as i end up doing the same amount of work over the 3 weeks of this 5's cycle.

So everything is 3 sets of 5 reps

Squat 105kg (unbelted all sets)
Pull ups bwx5 5x5x2 changed from pull downs here, and really controlled the negs
Dips bw+25kg
OHP 45kg
Calf Raises 65kg between 5-7 reps dependant on how they felt :)

I have a plan to do pull ups each session as my back really needs some work.
cheers delvis, your not far behind mate ;)

Good work, what's the target for the end of the 5s?

Targets for the end of week two of this 5's block are:
Squats 115kg
Deadlift 130kg
Bench 80kg
OHP 50kg

week 3 will be anything that feels achiveable above these.
Hoping another +5kg to each of those really.
140 on the deads would be immense but current rep max being 150 that might be tough.

Also a personal target for dips would be 35kg :D absolutly love weighted dips.
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