No. No touchscreen Roady! I love the lack of touchscreen!
Oh don't get me wrong, I don't miss the touchscreen as much as I thought I would, yet there are things (like the above) where it does make life loads easier. Thankfully it tends to be the irregular use, not regular day-to-day use. I'll take the longer battery life, stability and features over the touchscreen anytime!
10C outside today, I nearly went out on the bike. Nearly.
Was actually pleasant yesterday, overcast and a bit windy but otherwise nice. Monday lunchtime was even better, sunshine! Fingers crossed for today, 7-8 degrees on the way in this morning & daylight!
I melted and puked in my own mouth on the way home.
Keep pushing! Kill or cure!
Early finish yesterday for a bloke to come and give us a quote for a new boiler. Other half managed to persuade them to come at 5.15 (latest booking they normally make is 5). Guy calls at 6.35pm asking for directions and an attitude when told he was late, so told him not to bother. :Rolleyes: Do these companies even want the work?! Thought giving the local ones a chance before we ask British Gas would at least give them a chance.
I can see the forum again. It's a miracle!
Or it's Gilly working his admin powers instead of sleeping. Same thing right?
Welcome back, Valentines miracle! Closing all cycling sale threads now...
Was it just yourself affected? Sounds bizarre that it took that long to sort a mods account/access out while the riffraff were allowed in!
:ROLLEYES: (smilies are case sensitive now guys!)
EDIT: Legs are tired/fatigued & not sure why. Easy 2 days commuting (after an easy sunday turbo ride and harder saturday session). Meh. Warmer weather so don't want to take a rest day, yet! Equally an 'easy' week of commuting only and then a 40/50 miler on the weekend is tempting. Bet it rains.