Loads of errors with the tracking (eg. early segment bogus times, first loop around Woodmill and Cobden missing etc.), not just at the roundabout where I went off (just after 36:06), very unusual as my Nexus 7 2013 normally tracks ok.
Tyres are fine, ~6-month old 38c Marathon Cross, for some inexplicable reason I boosted their pressure from ~70/77PSI to ~78/83PSI at the weekend (reverted to normal pressures before last night's ride). It was dry that afternoon, but as I entered the roundabout, the tarmac looked a bit dark and I think I did try to scrub off a bit more speed just before trying to turn. Should have really taken a photo with the tablet to look at later, but at the time I was in shock, wondering what the heck just happened before gingerly heading off.