The Witcher series (Netflix)


What has skin colour have to do with his ability to be a flying alien?

The whole point of his look was to represent the quintessential 'American ideal' of the 1940s and 50s of a tall, white, square-jawed male.

It no longer represents 21st century America.

What a load of non-sense, If you want a true DC black superman type then they can do Martian Manhunter. He's been done pretty well in Supergirl

What has skin colour have to do with his ability to be a flying alien?

The whole point of his look was to represent the quintessential 'American ideal' of the 1940s and 50s of a tall, white, square-jawed male.

It no longer represents 21st century America.
And therefore, a black male would not represent Superman! Superman is simply not a flying alien either? What logic are you actually using here sir
i think 'black washing' a major cultural icon would be a mistake in supermans case. It would be highly controversial.
As said above, martian manhunter is essentially a black superman.
bet you they wouldn't make him Asian though
Heh, yeah I can't relate to the witcher unless Geralt is made asian and the show has at least three Bollywood style song and dance scenes each episode, preferably at least two of which are about love. :D

Otherwise I don't feel represented and refuse to watch the show. ;)
Ciri has been cast:


and here's the rest of the confirmed cast so far:


For people like me who only recognized some of the names:

Calanthe is Ciri's grandmother.

Eist is a Skellige chieftain.

Mousecack (Adam Levy's character, here given his Polish spelling) is a Skellige druid (he's called Ermion in the games for rather obvious reasons).

Tissaia is Yen's mentor and the one who thinks they should all be sterilised as a rule.

Fringilla is a Nilfgaardian sorceress.

Sabrina is a Sorceress and something of a rival to Yen.

And Renfri is a bandit Geralt meets in Blaviken.
I'm fine with the casting aside from Yen's actress looking like a teenager, a young teenager. I mean I'm sure she was given the role because she impressed at audition but this is freaking Yennifer we're talking about. It's about presence and controlling personality, when Yen is in the room everyone knows.

I know in the books she's supposed to be in her 20's, but this girl looks like she could be Ciri's sister let alone her mother figure, a lover (and controller) to Geralt who is played by the much older looking and taller man mountain Henry Cavill, and be a fierce sorcerer that takes **** from no one.

Concerned I watched a video of the actress on youtube and for the life of me I just can't see it working. It could very easily turn into a joke with her trying to have presence but instead just looking like a cute fresh-faced girl. Sometimes what's envisioned in a book doesn't necessarily translate in live action performances and needs adapting to suit, hence what they did in the videogame.
Yen (and the other sorceresses) are all supposed to be older, or with deformities, but they use their magic to give themselves a youthful and beautiful appearance. It's implied that having the talent for magic and some kind of physical deformity are linked, but you never see it because of the magic they use all the time. The sorceresses are supposed to look stunningly beautiful, and have an amazing presence, both because of their looks and the power they wield. Anya Chalotra, while pretty enough isn't really beautiful enough for the main role of Yennifer, and she certainly looks more like a girl than a woman.
Bosslogic (The guy who mocked up Cavill as Geralt) has made one for Ciri granted it's not as good as his Cavill one:


and a Jen one:

Yen (and the other sorceresses) are all supposed to be older, or with deformities, but they use their magic to give themselves a youthful and beautiful appearance. It's implied that having the talent for magic and some kind of physical deformity are linked, but you never see it because of the magic they use all the time. The sorceresses are supposed to look stunningly beautiful, and have an amazing presence, both because of their looks and the power they wield. Anya Chalotra, while pretty enough isn't really beautiful enough for the main role of Yennifer, and she certainly looks more like a girl than a woman.

They use a particular potion to halt the aging process.

I really don't see how a 22 year old is going to carry off portraying a woman that is like a 100 years old and a bitch... And i see there being zero sexual chemistry between her and Cavil who is 35, they should have picked a actress closer to Cavils age.

This is going to be soooo bad.
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