The Witcher series (Netflix)

So here's Netflix's makeup test for Cavill, have at it...

You're 7 hours late :p

Anyway, yeah, looks a bit weird. It'll probably look fine in the show.

Man crush still intact :o

D'oh, I did a quick scan of the thread and somehow missed that post! Ah well. Yeah looks a bit weird. I hear that he'll be without his scars as it is "young" Geralt from the books, rather than the Geralt we know so well from the Witcher games...
It's not about skin tone, he's just one of those guys with gallic face, he may look good in tailored suits and crisp shirts but he's not going to look natural in long hair and medieval clothes. Good actor, expensive actor, but it's like Tom Cruise portraying Jack Reacher - 6 feet 5, 250 pound blond character - just because you're good and want the role it doesn't mean you can be believable in it. I feel The Witcher role needed rugged and ragged looking actor. Mikkelsen might have been too old, but my finger was firmly pointing at Anson Mount in slightly whiter, paler version of his "Hell On Wheels" demeanour. Perfect for age, perfect for abilities, perfect for budget. Obviously that ship has sailed already, but that screen test and cast just looks... Batman & Robin quality.
The biggest worry is why they thought releasing that test clip would be a good idea. It looks like he's putting out a joke instagram for halloween.
The biggest worry is why they thought releasing that test clip would be a good idea. It looks like he's putting out a joke instagram for halloween.

There are cosplays of Geralt that are better than this. You would think with Netflix's budget they could do much better.

The wig honestly looks like it cost £10 from ebay.

I know it is only a "make up test" but i hope they comprehensively failed it. Although that is unlikely seen as they obviously thought it looked good enough to post on Twitter.
Almost finished reading the Last Wish. So i assume each episode is based on each chapter which is a seperate story and not a continious storyline like GoT?

Either way it will be cool to see the book bought to life.
Almost finished reading the Last Wish. So i assume each episode is based on each chapter which is a seperate story and not a continious storyline like GoT?

Either way it will be cool to see the book bought to life.

No. The first two books are like "Last Wish" (IIRC only the first one was published in English). Short stories, day in the life of a Witcher kind of thing. After that there are several novels which are one long story. If Ciri is in the story, they must be doing the long novels. They might use some of the short stories as a secondary/side story.
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