Don't use a 512 texture pack on modded Minecraft it takes an insane amount of resources to run. 64 or 128 is the sweet spot. As Ham pointed out drop optifine in to the mods folder and texture packs in to the resource folder.
@haaammit @Greboth if you hit F7 (I think it's F7 could be F8) on the keyboard a grid will load in world showing the chunk edges. It makes building machines easier within a chunk. I used to build redstone ic2 water bucket reactors in single chunks, if it stepped over a chunk it used to explode. I have a pic somewhere of a 64 chunk wide crater I caused taking out 2 other player builds on the old linktart server I'll have to dig it out, Yrth wasn't impressed at that one but I rolled back the area with WE and all was good ha ha
Oh and the biggest cause of player lag is machine sounds in game which can be turned off player side by editing mod configs. Tree farms that harvest leaves were the worst I'm looking at you MFR harvester....
In this pack F7 will display a grid that shows where mobs can spawn - a yellow x in the grid means it's dark enough for mobs. Not sure what F8 does! I've been using F3 and G at the same time to get the chunk grid up! Love to see a pic of the devastation you caused 5punk lol!
@willhub I'm confident there is no lag on the server - Ticks Per Second is 20tps across all 6 dimensions currently loaded, with no skipped ticks. The only way this changes is with new terrain gen, and even that is pretty easy on the server tbh.
@all There is an issue with my base. I unchunk-loaded the whole thing, but have caused an issue whereby when my base unloads it causes insane server lag. As a short term fix (because some of my base loads up within the 10 chunk render distance for players when they go to spawn (my base is outside the 6 chunk spawn chunk radius)) I've chunk-loaded the whole thing. I'll do some testing to narrow down which one of the 36 chunks has the issue. My betting is that it is a Refined Storage issue, but time will tell!
There are no machines on at my place, but there are:
2 EnvronTech tier 4 solar panels
6 Chaotic solar panels from Solar Flux Reborn
feeding into
1 Tier 8 Draconic Evolution Energy Core and an EnderIO cap bank/buffer of about 5 billion rf
There are also all 16 Extra Util generators and a Rainbow gen, but these are not on.
I also have two independent RS storage systems, on for RFTools stuff and one for the rest of my gear. The RFTools one has 1x64k storage drive. My main system has 72x64k drives over 9 hard disk drives at about 25% capacity? I also have 10 Quantum Storage Units filled with ~200k items in each one.
There are also 5 DragonEgg Mills from ExtraUtils2 "running" plus a handful of ExtraUtils2 Water mills.
A whole load of wiring/cunduits from EnderIO and a load of energy pylons from Draconic Evolution. There are a load of RS crafters connected to Solderers, Sag Mills and Alloy Smelters, but these are all powered down.
There are a few RFTools bits, again these are not being used, but do have power going to them. Including a Matter Receiver*
As an aside, I have an EnderBag connected to an EnderChest which is connected to an RS Importer. I've noticed even if my base is unloaded, items put into the EnderBag, and by definition the EnderChest, RS will still pull the item into main storage, even though it shouldn't be loaded up, as it is in an unloaded chunk - hence why I believe RS is the culprit, but testing will hopefully find out!
Holy wall of text Batman! Laters - Ham o./
Edit: Thinking about all that, I *think* the RFTools MatterReceiver *may* chunkload the chunk it is in - more research required!
Edit 2:Testing shows it's not the RFTools machines lol