New FTB Modded Minecraft server Beyond

@5punk3monk3y what recipe did you use for Ic2 iridium reinforced plates because everything i've tried wouldn't let me craft an ic2 iridium drill.

The only way that worked in creative was to use the tech reborn implosion compressor but that can't be built because the recipe for the machine block needed to build that is the same as the ic2 basic machine casing which can't be used.

The ic2 recipe for iridium reinforced plate gives you the thermal foundation iridium plate which won't work.

I've tried all the iridium plates i could find from other mods and none worked for crafting an ic2 iridium drill :(

There are two versions of the advanced machine block, one uses the IC2 basic machine casing so make sure you use that one when you shift click. Then when you've made the implosion compressor you only need the main block not the rest of the multiblock. Then you need to craft iridium alloy ingots and put them in the implosion compressor with 16 TNT and give it EU and it should craft :) If you need help give me a shout in game if you see me.
There are two versions of the advanced machine block, one uses the IC2 basic machine casing so make sure you use that one when you shift click. Then when you've made the implosion compressor you only need the main block not the rest of the multiblock. Then you need to craft iridium alloy ingots and put them in the implosion compressor with 16 TNT and give it EU and it should craft :) If you need help give me a shout in game if you see me.

The implosion compressor uses RF :)
@petridish - just a head's up - one of your FluxNetworks is not set to private (From Storage), so anyone can connect a FluxPoint to that network (thanks for the free RF btw :D:D:D jks jks :))

Anyone up on creating RFTools Dimensions? Got a player who's looking into going down that rabbit hole, but we're having a little problem with making extra, new dimensions. Any help/pointers? Ta
Anyone up on creating RFTools Dimensions? Got a player who's looking into going down that rabbit hole, but we're having a little problem with making extra, new dimensions. Any help/pointers? Ta

Direwolf20 put up a mod spotlight a while ago for that. I'm sure from memory he explains how to do it in the vid
Mmmmm free power!!!!!

Odd issue - sometimes the random lag we had a while back starts again. Renaming the world fixes it. Most odd.

Anyhoo - I've noticed the server gets micro-lag/stutter when there's 4+ logged, so I've added an extra half gig of ram - that should clear that up nicely.

Again - you want to join in? No probs, hook me up for a white-list :)

Edit: FTBU chunk-loading thingy is broke. It will only load a maximum of 25 chunks, so if say 6 players load their 8 chunks, only 25 of the 48 chunks will properly load. Should I look into adding a chunkloader that works - either a mod (chickenchunks mebbe) or allowing a chunk-loading block in the recipe? Don't want to overload the server, but I am conscious that loading chunks really helps :)
Mmmmm free power!!!!!

Odd issue - sometimes the random lag we had a while back starts again. Renaming the world fixes it. Most odd.

Anyhoo - I've noticed the server gets micro-lag/stutter when there's 4+ logged, so I've added an extra half gig of ram - that should clear that up nicely.

Again - you want to join in? No probs, hook me up for a white-list :)

Edit: FTBU chunk-loading thingy is broke. It will only load a maximum of 25 chunks, so if say 6 players load their 8 chunks, only 25 of the 48 chunks will properly load. Should I look into adding a chunkloader that works - either a mod (chickenchunks mebbe) or allowing a chunk-loading block in the recipe? Don't want to overload the server, but I am conscious that loading chunks really helps :)

What ever you do don't add a block, use a mod that you can easily disable / limit should you need to.

Also see solution in the last post in this link

A simple cfg edit should sort it out :)
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Sorry about the 8 hours of down time today - there was an issue with the hosting company and it's taken them a while to resolve it. We're now back up and running, and have been credited 3 days of hosting as compensation.

Once again, sorry for the downtime.
Okies - I've removed the Mechanical Crafter from Actually Additions - twice on me now it's boned the server. There are other crafters in the pack.

Looks like there are two Mech Crafters out in the world - they are gone, soz. Check your builds and replace them! Real sorry I had to nuke them, but they are seriously bugged. Catch me in Discord if you need help to replace them.

@coltus Monty - I guess you slotted another Chaos Guardian today? Hook me up on discord, I had to restore from this morning's back-up

Edit: OK I disabled the Crafter from ExtraUtilies 2 but that then messed up JEI so I've had to re-enable them. Please do no use them - there is an RFTools crafter that is easy to make - use that instead :)
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Hi - just a small bump. Feel free to add any tips or tricks if you want. I found out that the Redstone Furnace (Resonant) fully upgraded will smelt single items much faster than a fully upgraded EnderIO Alloy Smelter - 25 seconds faster per stack! That soon adds up when you're making things like a Chaotic Solar Panel from Solar Flux Reborn. These bad boys give out 500,000 rf/t but to make 2 you do need quite a few materials:

22k Wood Planks (5.8k logs)
25k Glass
192 Blocks Iron
8.1K Iron Ingots
3.5k Lapis
168 Block Quartz
5k Redstone Dust
512 Pistons
100 Diamond Blocks

to add but a few!!

Also, a fully upgraded Woot farm will supply enough Nether Stars to supply 7 fully upgraded Nether Star Generators from Actually Additions, and these will supply +1.8 million rf/t surplus power after the power used by the Woot Farm is taken into account. You'll also generate surplus Nether Stars (About 1k per 5 days. Gonna see if I can add another Nether Star Generator <---Edit: 8 machines is one too many, you will slowly run out of stars).

The upgrades from Actually Additions = there are 3 levels of upgrades. The basic one you can only put 4 into a machine. The middle upgrade lets you put in 16 and the top upgrades allow you to put a full stack in the machine. Well worth doing.

Laters - Ham o/
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Hi - just a small bump. Feel free to add any tips or tricks if you want. I found out that the Redstone Furnace (Resonant) fully upgraded will smelt single items much faster than a fully upgraded EnderIO Alloy Smelter - 25 seconds faster per stack! That soon adds up when you're making things like a Chaotic Solar Panel from Solar Flux Reborn. These bad boys give out 500,000 rf/t but to make 2 you do need quite a few materials:

I'm sure that the IC2 stuff is still faster with overclockers. Also the IC2 Induction furnace once fully heated up is pretty fast.
I'm sure that the IC2 stuff is still faster with overclockers. Also the IC2 Induction furnace once fully heated up is pretty fast.
Interesting - I'll delve more into IC2 and experiment to see if it's faster. I've already made a pant load of IC2 coolant for upgrades, so will see how it goes. I keep forgetting to use a wrench on the machines though - super annoying lol.

I've deleted a load of redundant RFTools Dimensions - there were a total 69 stored, so I've deleted the unused ones/ones without matter recievers. Dimension IDs that have been deleted are 3 7 13 14 16 17 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 35 36 39 40 41 42 45 48 49 50 51 52 53 56 63 64 and 68

I have taken a backup of the world this morning, so if I have royally screwed up I can reinsert any dimensions that shouldn't have been nuked.

Catch y'all ig. Laters - Ham o/
From memory with a HV supply 14 overclockers per machine is the max on the ic2 stuff. You can also automate the coolant upgrades too.
okies - you can use RF with IC2 via FluxNetworks so I'll have a play with that!

ok - so yeah, I deleted one of my dimensions that I wanted to keep. Yay - gg Ham you idiot -.-. Seems you can't just re-add them though. I've restored to the backup I took this morning and the dimensions are all reinstated. The plan is still to trim out the unused/unwanted ones, so a week from today I will go through and delete the following dimensions: 7 13 14 16 17 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 30 31 32 33 35 36 39 40 41 42 45 48 49 50 51 52 53 56 63 64 and 68. There doesn't appear to be any Dimension Tabs on the server for any of those dimensions (You'll notice Dim 3 is off the list. That was mine, and trying to re-add it to the Dimension Tab via sending a Matter Receiver via a Dimension Editor kinda made the server go, well, kaplaaaam!!! Ooopsie!!). Let me know either ig, on here or on Discord if one of those is yours and you want it kept.

Cheers - Ham
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Okies - I'm going to start deleting the above dimensions later today!

Here's a screenie of my Draconic Evolution Energy Crystals sort of beaming power to my "receiver" before blasting it down to my DE Energy Core! Looks sorta ok - needs some work!

Was out killing a few Chaos Guardians today and came across an End City within the Chaos Island! I put the loot in the chests at spawn if anyone wants it! A good combo to kill Chaos Guardians is full DE armour (obvs), a DE bow (as op as you can make it) a couple of DE Flux Capacitors (You can use EnderPouches and EnderIO chests with Item Conduits with filters and a DE Charger to recharge them anywhere in the game if you chunkload the charger pad/EnderIO bits) and a mining laser from IC2 set to explosion mode. You can fly around and blow up all the cages around the DE Chaos Crystals with the Mining Laser then head back and blast them with your DE bow. After that just go ham on the scaly beast and reap those lovely Chaos Shards ^_^

Props to @coltus Crazy_Monty for recommending the use of the laser.

End City generated in a Chaos Island




Yeah, my health was low, I was sorta caught in the initial blast a little bit lol
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Okies - I'm harvesting Chaos Guardians/Dragons and I'm heading south from 10,000 so if you want to tackle a Chaos Island don't go out on X10000 :p

I also wondered if you could harvest the lightning strikes you get after the Chaos Guardian has been slotted - simple answer with the EnvironTech Lightning thingy is a big fat no. ffs -.- Not sure what other lightning harvesting blocks.structures are in the pack though. There is unlimited lightning strikes, but maybe they're not proper lightning, idk.

Anyhoo - as ever, feel free to join in :)
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