Guys do the plugins in the OP need to be downloaded or is that server side?
Any client side mods I'm able to use to improve things like graphics and draw distance?
The plugins in the OP are server side, all you need to join is a vanilla 1.13.2 client. Draw distance on the server is currently set to 12 chunks
To improve or change the look of Minecraft you can download TexturePacks - these go in c:\user\YOURNAMEHERE\appdata\roaming\.minecraft\resourcepacks or press the windows key and type %appdata% and double click on the minecraft tab. You can then select the resource packs in game. FWIW I use BetterShield by zZzZobra
Here and I use a Faithful 32 bit pack
here These will run on vanilla Minecraft and need nothing doing other than adding to the resourcepack folder.
If you want things like the in game map I use, or Optifine, things are a lot more complicated, as the main API or mod programme for Minecraft is Forge, and this does not support Minecraft 1.13.2 yet. However, there is another API called Rift that you can use, and both Optifine and Voxelmap (the two client mods I use) both support Rift. You need Rift 1.0.4-snapshot to use Optifine and Voxelmap.
I'm thinking about making a wither skelly farm - I've found a decent fortress about 1200 blocks south of spawn/the goldfarm that has good lava coverage. The area will need slabbing/buttoning in a 128 block radius which will be a chore. The actual farm design is easy enough - it's the Gnembon sweeping design. Pic of the area below - as you can see, the area to be covered isn't that big - it's the diamond shape (roughly) around the 4 points.....
And on that not, I need slime - lots of slime. I need to make a slime farm - I have found a slime chunk in me base, and I'll need to light up as many caves as possible - the downside is that during the night, this will cause a LOT of mobs to spawn on the surface in, again, a 128 block radius around my place. Anyone mind? There are a couple other players who have setup near me that would be affected. It's an easy fix though - just light up the surface at your base lol! Let me know. Also, feel free to donate slime
Laters - Ham