Star Trek: Picard

Not watched 6 and 7th episode. But kind of tempted now. Was going to wait until all 10 were out :D
Well for some reason I have started watching TNG again. You know what, season 1 isn't that bad. There are actually some really good episodes in it.

I did say to y'all. There are some absolute trainwrecks in there for sure ("Code Of Honor" is easily one of the worst episodes in all of Trek canon for example). But there are some good stories as well.
Aside from Episode 4 I've liked all of them so far, this one was another good one in my opinion.

Looks like the **** is going to start hitting the fan next episode judging by the trailer, pretty sure there was a shot of the Borg Cube repairing itself.
I didn't even know they were doing trailers for next episode. Don't really want to know what's happening next week when I've only just seen this week.
7 of 9 was on the cube in the preview for next week's episode. I'm calling it now -

the Queencell is actually capable of making Queens, Seven becomes the new Borg Queen, probably not willingly, and dishes out some old school Borg vengeance against the Tal Shiar.
I think I know the gist of how the last few episodes will go, I suspect there's going to be a
big ol' showdown, ala Enterprise vs Scimitar or Discovery+Enterprise vs Control with The Borg Cube vs silly Romulan sect fleet, could well be an awkward moment with the Federation as well either surrounding 'Oh' or the Federation helping the Romulans.

Oh just seen the preview... nvm, swear it was an original thought.
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7 of 9 was on the cube in the preview for next week's episode. I'm calling it now -

the Queencell is actually capable of making Queens, Seven becomes the new Borg Queen, probably not willingly, and dishes out some old school Borg vengeance against the Tal Shiar.

Seven the new mother Borg? Interesting idea ...
I hope they have an updated skin tight cat suit readied for her :o

Incest sister really is the most pantomime villain going.

I liked the last episode though - good to see Riker and Troy back :).
Episode 7 was best of the bunch so far for me, I wonder how much of that was down to seeing Picard, Riker and Troi all back together though :confused:

I'm also confused why Rios' medical hologram doesn't remember Agnes murdering Maddox, surely he would say something to Rios ?

Some of us were on about this the other day in the thread - current assumption I'm making is that she covered her tracks by wiping a section of the EMH's memory. The Voyager crew similarly 'adjusted' the Doctor's memory on at least one occasion:

Memory Alpha said:
[The Doctor] found out that memory files pertaining to an Ensign Ahni Jetal had been deleted from his program. When he confronted the crew, they reluctantly told him what had happened. Harry Kim and Jetal had been seriously injured during an away mission a few months earlier. Because The Doctor could not perform life-saving surgery on both patients simultaneously, he was forced to pick one patient, knowing that the person he was unable to treat would die. In a split-second decision, The Doctor decided to operate on Kim, thus indirectly allowing Jetal to die. Shortly after, The Doctor fell into a deep ethical crisis, questioning his decision to treat Kim and not Jetal, even though their injuries were equally fatal. He blamed himself over and over again for having been biased and helping his friend rather than Jetal, whom he was not as close to. He became caught in a loop of constantly questioning his decisions to the point where he broke down completely, unable to function. The captain decided that it would be best if the memories of Jetal and the incident be deleted. However, the truth did come out and as soon as The Doctor found out, the same pattern emerged and he found himself struggling with the same dilemma once again.

After Seven pointed out that they should not treat The Doctor like a piece of equipment but instead like the individual he had become, the captain decided that this time, instead of deleting his memories, they would stand by him and try to help him in this crisis, just as they would a friend or any other flesh-and-blood member of the crew. Janeway helped him accept his decision and realize that part of being an individual is making tough decisions and learning to live with them.

Some of us were on about this the other day in the thread - current assumption I'm making is that she covered her tracks by wiping a section of the EMH's memory. The Voyager crew similarly 'adjusted' the Doctor's memory on at least one occasion:

Ahh thanks I guess it makes sense with her field being AI hopefully it gets explained as it seemed the episode was pushing to her revealing her secret
Great episode! Loved seeing them back together and happy riker and troi got together :)

It's really poor writing when a character has a big secret and you're screaming, "just tell them ffs!", so very pleased Agnes is addressing this and not just leading the crew into danger every 5mins for 'drama' sake.

But yes, Romulan sister is crap, but fit :)

I never watch the trailers, so looking forward to where the next episode takes us.
Her out of Frequency seems out of place, even though she was good in Frequency.

IMDB says only 10 episodes in this season, something's gonna need to start happening pretty soon...
Great episode! Loved seeing them back together and happy riker and troi got together :)

It's really poor writing when a character has a big secret and you're screaming, "just tell them ffs!", so very pleased Agnes is addressing this and not just leading the crew into danger every 5mins for 'drama' sake.

But yes, Romulan sister is crap, but fit :)

I never watch the trailers, so looking forward to where the next episode takes us.

Something that was said on Nerdoritic was that it's not so interesting if there is loads of stuff going on that the characters don't know about, but the audience does. Instead of going with them as the story is uncovered, we already know, and we're watching the characters figure it out, but it's meaningless if we already know where they are going and what secrets everyone has.
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