I think some of you guys are misinterpreting what happened, thinking that latest witness testimony is some sort of gotcha.
It kind is, it will have an impact on the jury for the charge re: that incident - pretty clear verbal confirmation that Kyle has acted in self defence there.
The key part in all this is the first guy that he shot dead. After that, Kyle is perceived to be an active shooter by the public as he just shot an unarmed man dead ( so you could just totally reverse the whole "self defense" thing).
Doesn't negate Kyles right to self-defence it just provides a defence for the witness who drew his gun if he were to be charged (which hasn't happened, DA is a political position and they've turned a blind eye to his actions that evening).
Its a tricky case. If it was me, based on everything I've read i think the intentional homicide charges may be steep. I'm not convinced he wanted to kill people, but he put himself in a situation he didn't need to be in and lost his ****.
I'm not sure where you think he "lost his ****" but everyone there put themselves in a situation they didn't need to be in, that's a non-argument re: the case/charges.
Therefore the "reckless" charges, and the gun related charges, i think he possibly deserves.
The "reckless" charges relate to a specific incident though, the first shooting. You can't just make up some vague argument that because he was in a dangerous situation and "lost his ****" then those are deserved... They relate to the first shooting happening in proximity to the journalist who we saw on the stand earlier.