*Next FIFA league, thoughs and opinions please*

23 Oct 2005
North Yorkshire
Right, I'm yet to speak to Rumple but will do hopefully tonight but before I do it, it would be good to get some general comments from you guys who will participate in the league.

I think this league has been quite successful; the only problem was, as usual, people not dedicating enough of their free time to playing their games. I've given up with trying to get my last game played. I've also had to chase a lot of people up to play their games, it gets a little frustrating at times as I shouldn't feel like I'm looking after kids! ;)
If you can’t commit to playing a 10 minute match every other day, please do join the league. Apart from students, most of us have 9-5pm jobs, so only available at night time, if you can’t play on night times it might be worth not joining the league, sorry.

We have learnt a few things from this league. Mainly that we can have duplicate teams, it could have been a lot more competitive this league if people hadn't have to choose the "poorer" teams.
What are people's thoughts on the next league in regards to teams, do they want a star capping? Are people happy to see duplicate teams? Personally I don't like playing with any team under 4*, I don't get any enjoyment out of it, it seems too hard work with crap teams but then I don't necessarily want to play Man U, Chelsea, Inter constantly. Where do you get a happy medium?

League wise, I was going to suggest having a League A and League B of 10 players. I administrate one of the leagues, Rumple the other. The administrators are responsible for getting their troops (:D) to play their games etc. Once the league has finished, a Super League is created. Probably taking the top 5 from each league into the Super one.

Just my ideas so far.

Discuss :)


Final Players.


Simo182 Bordeaux
Lee87 Cameroon
Metalface Mark Republic of Ireland
Fubsy Lazio
Fothsn RC deportivo
GandyCane Blackburn
squimmy Portsmouth
Cookiem0nster West Ham
ScarySquirrel Scotland
Hilly Middlesbrough
=LOGS= Celtic
utajoker182 R. Zarazgoza
da mic 1530 Newcastle
riddler SL Benfica
Anders0n Leverkusen
Killswitch Uruguay
Kyle009 Fenerbache
Andybtsn Sao Paulo
Rumple Paraguay
Hencore Russia
GamerTM Switzerland
Twinblade Sporting
cheets Fiorentina
Murney R.C.D Espanyol
Phil99 Getafe
TimBrad Austrialia
aeT Bor.Dortmund
Miguel FC Nurnberg



League A

Metalface Mark
da mic 1530

League B



League A
(14 Players)

League B
(14 Players)

Both teams consist of 14 players chosen randomley.
At the end of the league when all games are played the top seven from the two leagues will enter a "Premiership" league. Where as the bottom 7 will eneter a "Championship" league.
Players are asked to communicate with each player and get their games played reguarly.


Match rules

Venue: Random
Match duration: 5mins

Please record your score on this thread once the match is complete, this is for Hencore to record the results on his table, website here: http://ocuk.swychmedia.com/ Hencore is kindly doing this for us so be kind enough to help him do it. RECORD YOUR RESULTS AND SCORERS FOR MORE IN DEPTH STATISTICS!!-----------------------------------------------------------------------


Premiership/Championship now underway.


da mic 153


Metalface Mark

The Premiership/Championship will run for 3 weeks with a quota of games per week to be completed as follows:
Week 1 7th - 14th March :5 games
Week 2 14th - 21st March :9 games
Week 3 21st - 28th March :13 games
Miss your quota for one week without correctly informing admins of why and your deducted 3 points, miss it again the following week and your going to be booted out.

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I'm really up for another league, but I leave it as your decision about wether or not to let me play Andy, as it's your league and I feel like sometimes I just annoy you :)

As for star capping the teams, I like having a mix of teams, and this time would like to see a 4 star cap on the team selection. Or have the Premier League Teams randomly drawn

I feel that rather than 2 leagues there really should just be 1, it splits the community, though a Carling Cup side option is always possible
I'm really up for another league, but I leave it as your decision about wether or not to let me play Andy, as it's your league and I feel like sometimes I just annoy you :)

What?? I don't dislike anyone! The only problem I had was when Gandy was throwing you invites, waited like 20 minutes, then you went offline with no message or anything :p
But that just boils down to communication, which again is a big problem with these leagues.
I'd be up for it (If my current played % allows me to! :p)

Would be nice to not have the usual 5* teams out there, maybe a league of 1-1.5 and 3-3.5 stars?

Could be more fun! :)
I'm still up for playing games every other night so would be interested.

On teams, I'm not bothered either way. I prefer to play as the crapper teams aslong as I'm not up against very fast teams which just makes it rather pointless as it just becomes a game of crop the player before he sprints past never to be seen again.
What?? I don't dislike anyone! The only problem I had was when Gandy was throwing you invites, waited like 20 minutes, then you went offline with no message or anything :p
But that just boils down to communication, which again is a big problem with these leagues.

right well clean slate, I do apologise for that one, sadly my GF dictates xbox time, whereas yours plays FIFA, best I can hope for is Guitar hero3 and Viva Pinata!

I'd be up for it (If my current played % allows me to! :p)

Would be nice to not have the usual 5* teams out there, maybe a league of 1-1.5 and 3-3.5 stars?

Could be more fun! :)

hmmm IMO whenever teams with too low of a rating are used, the leagues suffer, and people lose intrest faster.


I do feel that 1 league would be better than 2, although it would be quite fun having promotions and relagations with the leagues being based on the previous league (current one) standings

Another thing could be a possible handicap, such as bottom of the league players getting Chelski and Danny etc getting Derby. Does slightly balance the playing field.

One thing that I think should be made clear is that only people who post intrest should join the league, I felt many people had their places stolen even when they were quite high on the signup list

No doubt will add more later
A bit more oragnisation from everyone would help, I realise as you said Andy, people have jobs, families etc but maybe arranging games would be better, It was too much of a free for all. I played about 8 games on the first Sunday and since then have only played a few more games as it seems those I need to play are never on.

I like the idea of the leagues as to be honest against those at the top I was getting hammered (like 6/7-0 from Andy) but against most others it was fairly even.
There are a couple of main reasons for two leagues.

1) We have two administrators responsilbe for their teams, all the organising will stay in one thread so the banter will be there but it's a hell of a lot easier to sort players if you only have 10 in your league.

2) Gives the league a bit more of a competitive edge, something to aim for. We could have a league for the bottom five in the league too if there was enough interest! A relegation league! :D
There are a couple of main reasons for two leagues.
2) Gives the league a bit more of a competitive edge, something to aim for. We could have a league for the bottom five in the league too if there was enough interest! A relegation league! :D

thats the key point for me, something to play for, as the current league you either won it all, finished mid table, or came last, I say something like 4 up 4 down just to add more fun and changes to the rosters.

My suggestions for today then

A carling cup type side thingy
Relegation battles
Fair team's, however it is done, although I didn't have much of a problem myself
Not a low team limit, I feel 3 or 4 star teams, or handicapped Premier League would be decent
Having 2 leagues would also help accommodate the additional players that have shown interest in joining the league, could even pump the number per league up to 12/14 if we had enough folks.

We could get the people who are playing signed up in here and then randomly pick them an international team or something similar.
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as said in the previous thread, I'd really like to join this league and believe I'd be active enough, heck I've probably playedm ore friendlies between us on here than some people have actually played matches.

Personally, I'm not fussed about teams, I just wish not to play Barcalona at every game.

my team is Liverpool, I support them, and die by them, I don't really care what you do in terms of teams though.

The two league idea should only be done if there are enough people, I have a feeling the second league will turn into a league where people are inactive.

Perhaps think about having an end date, where by this time (say two weeks max) if the games aren't played, they are null and void and the person who has tried to play thesee games get's the default win. As it's not their fault.

just an idea.
got to say, I feel unless we do a large / popular league many people will lose interest, I don't fancy say Dutch League 2

like hilly I only want to play as Newcastle , obv I will play as another team but Championship sides maybe?
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