Your current Fish tank Setups!

20 Oct 2002
In a house
I am down to one tank now, and as I have some pics before my recent BGA outbreak, figured I would post them up, with my stock list, and see what other OCUK peeps have in stock currently!

My Trigon 190 in its new home after a move of about 70 miles to my new place :D

Current stocking
1 - Geophagus Brasiliensis
1 - Polypterus senegalus senegalus
6 - Brilliant Rasbora
2 - African knife
1 - Random tetra (Who the Polypterus seems to like, and therefore does not eat, unlike the other 4!)

Room shot

Flat (side) viewing panel shot

Front panel shot

Only the one tank for the foreseeable future, new place is a bit too small to have room for others!
So tempted to get a tank going again the next time I move, might stick to colder freshwater fish though... I'd like to keep guppies but I think they need a stable tropical temperature, right?
I've had my fish tank for about 2 months now I think..

It was given to me by work, as they needed the desk space.. I'm slowing building up what I have in it.

The tanks deminsions are 5 Foot Long, 1.5 Foot Tall, 1.5 Foot Wide.

At the moment I have 7 Malawi Cichlids, but I'd like to get atleast another 5.


PS: Ignore the handsome photographer in the reflection :p
I've got two tanks

It started 12 months ago when I got offered a 2ft tank with a motley collection of fish. Was a pleasant surprise when it turned out to be a deep type Fluval with a proper stand.

Upgraded to a 3ft Fluval Vicenza 180 in May and kinda forgot to get rid of the 2ft.

2ft has
breeding pair of Kribensis (+current batch of kids)
about 10 neon tetras.

3ft has
3 Bristlenose Plec
10 Corys (mainly Sterbai and Peppered)
3 Blue Rams
2 Kribs (from previous batch of kids above)
2 YoYo Loach
7 Black Phantom Tetra's
3 Platies
1 Green Tiger Barb

Currently fighting an outbreak of Callamanus worm in the bigger tank. They're a right pain to get rid of :-(

No current pics as I'm away from home at the moment.
Just given mine a fresh bit of decoration. Need more blue gravel though.

Its a 3ft tank and in it I have...

2 Plec (Had these for about 3 years)
1 Golden Gourami
1 Tinfoil Barb
2 Blood Parrot Cichlids (had these for over 4 years now, awesome things)
1 seriously cool Figure 8 Puffer! :D My girlfriend has named it Pandora though :(

Wasn't sure how the puffer would get on with the other fish but I think with it being by far the smallest it is behaving itself rather well :)

Heres my tank anyway, really would like to upgrade but going to wait till I've got my own place for that.

Blood Parrots

Here are an older pic of my Blood Parrots too

Tinfoil Barb

Figure 8 Puffer - really shy at the moment but got my girlfriends tank to put it in if it starts becomeing aggresive.


Really got into them again recently.
breeding pair of Kribensis (+current batch of kids)

I quit fish keeping a year or so ago due to having too many hobbies, first in first out I guess but some of the best experiences I had were breeding kribs, really rewarding and their behaviour is interesting.

I'm not looking at the tank pics because I would end up getting another tank or 3.
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Kribs are wonderful fish. I got the pair in August and they were guarding eggs within a week. The first batch was successful which is apparently unusual although the other inhabitants of the tank ate a few. I did have some Cory's in there but the parents were very aggressive towards them, so they got moved into the other tank for their own safety. The Kribs are fine with the Neon's and just leave them be.

I'm trying to kill the urge for another tank to keep the Kriblets in. The local shop won't take the kids until they're about an inch...
So tempted to get a tank going again the next time I move, might stick to colder freshwater fish though... I'd like to keep guppies but I think they need a stable tropical temperature, right?

You could keep guppies in warm custard and they would probably still survive. Hardly little buggers. :D

Trops are no more complicated than coldwater in my experience, marines are a totally different matter.

Just make sure you have a suitable heater (available from about £15 upwards) and a light if you want to keep real plants. Otherwise the water requirements are not really any different to goldfish.

Loving the Figure of 8 Puffer. I had two, they are real little characters. I miss mine.

I've recently shut both my tanks down. I had a 2.5ft Tropical Tank and a 5ft Marine Tank. Both are now empty of fish although the marine tank is still running for the live rock to survive.
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You could keep guppies in warm custard and they would probably still survive. Hardly little buggers. :D

I don't know if that's true any longer. Friends with tanks have had a lot of problems keeping Guppies and Mollies longer than 6 months. They seem horribly susceptible to infections and bacteria at which point they just wipe out.
I don't know if that's true any longer. Friends with tanks have had a lot of problems keeping Guppies and Mollies longer than 6 months. They seem horribly susceptible to infections and bacteria at which point they just wipe out.

Maybe things have changed then but I've yet to meet anyone who has had trouble with any kind of live bearer though. Mine lived for several years.

They also breed like rabbits generally.
I would love to get a small stank to start off but i havent a clue about fish, what would a nice started set be? I dont need a stand for the tank and would want a nice looking tank, how much would i need to spend to get me going?
I use to keep tropical fish when I was younger but now other hobbies are keeping me busy.

A lot of nice tanks on show here and still enjoy looking at them.
Just to warn you folk - the smaller the tank, the more drastically the chemicals (ammonia, nitrites, nitrates - the waste from the fish and breakdowns thereof) can spike and endanger your fish's health.

I had a small tank a while back, and while it looked OK, I probably overstocked it. I also had a large filtered and heated bowl with a male Betta in it (beautiful fish), but because it evaporated quite badly (should have had a lid), the chemicals just became concentrated even after water changes and eventually left me with a dead fish.
Here's mine, re-aquascaped it last weekend, added new T5 lighting and a ressurised CO2 kit. The moss was attached to the wood a week before I did the rescape and didn't do too well under my old lights so I might get rid of it if it doesn't get any better.

had my tank running for a bit now :)

its a 64l tank, and ive got around, 24ish fish. (10 silver tip tetras, 5 guppies, 2 albino corys, 2 clown loach, 4 harlequins (one died yesterday), and a plec)

Wont go any higher I dont think, I wanted a silver (map?) angel but the shop sold them all a day before i went to get one.

Replaced all the plants i had in there (got a load off ebay but after a tank clean/water change i left them out and most died. oops) with some ones i had before that grew really well, and I used to have a 2 part ship but my house mate gave me a large castle ornament instead. My clowns LOVE the new castle, spend all their time hidden and lurking in it. Only got the harlequins and guppies recently and the guppie females are showing the tetras whos boss :D (the tetras ruled the roost for a bit)

The tank looks a bit plain atm, need some more plants and an airstone to make some oxygen and then sort the layout out :) (however the fish seem to love the layout)

Should I stick to the amount of fish I have atm, or any advice?

*will edit with pics tomorrow in the daylight
Thats quite highly stocked for a 64Ltr tank tbh, the general rule is around 1" of fish per gallon, maybe a little more if the tank has a large filter. The clown loaches will get too big for that tank aswell, they get to around 10" maybe a little bigger when fully grown.

Also want to point out that Clown Loaches are shoaling fish, they should be kept in shoals of 6 or more
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