Critique my workout please

6 Jun 2005
Hi Chaps,

So I'm on a bit of a mission to lose the flab I've gained over the years. Previously I was a frequent gym goer and my instructor put together a program for me to include lots of cardio and a bit of weights (5 sets of 7-8 reps). My weight fluctuated but I never really trimmed down a lot.

Since then I got a new job and have a company membership to a gym just around the corner, and as I like nothing more than an empty gym I go during my lunch our 4 days a week, with the occasional trip over the weekend.

This time however I've changed my workout routine. The focus is now to both build muscle mass and trim the flab. Previously I was never that interested in weights. My current workout has been put together that's 50/50 weights/cardio. With the weights at 3 sets of 5 reps (higher weight).

I've been doing this for a few weeks now and I've put on weight since I begun. However, I can tell my arms/chest are bigger, the gut is going and my clothes are becoming looser.

Now, I know that muscle is more dense than fat, but the scales are discouraging me a little. Should I not bother with them at all and just focus on the mirror?

usual workout consists of

20mins cardio
resistance machines
free weights
core exercises

I'm guessing the theory is that if I increase my muscle mass my body will require more energy to function, so my basal metabolic rate will increase. This coupled with a decent diet should mean that my body fat will decrease. What I don't want to happen is to "tone over" what I already have. Is my theory correct?

Record your calories and macros.

Aim to do a full body routine with free weights every session, possibly with HIIT (High intensity interval training) for 10 minutes after each session. Rest days you can do HIIT or barbell complexes for cardio.

Eat lots of protein and [good] fats, try and drop the carbs down low and taper off towards the evening (my only carbs in the evening come from mixed veg). Make sure you're using more calories than you are eating in order to lose weight. Focus on ONE thing at a time. If you're trying to cut fat, then maintain a calorie deficit and focus on that goal. If you're trying to gain weight, eat in excess of your calorie allowance, but keep the food clean.

Stronglifts is a good routine to get started on. Alternate between workout A and B every session, so your sessions look like this:
Week 1
Mon - Workout A
Wed - Workout B
Fri - Workout A

Week 2
Mon - Workout B
Wed - Workout A
Fri - Workout B

5 sets of 5 reps for each exercise, start light and add 2.5kg to each exercise every session. If you're not sure on the exact technique for an exercise, search for it on YouTube, and study it - else you WILL injure yourself!
Your exercises will look like this:
Workout A:
Bench Press
Barbell Rows

Workout B:
Overhead Press

Rest for 30 seconds between each set. Do not get disheartened if you don't start seeing results in weeks - it can take months before you notice the changes, and they'll happen so slowly you'll likely only realise when looking at old photos!
I like Monkey's approach it's a good starter for 10. On the "off" days throw in full body complexes or HIIT too.

Stronglifts is a good starter routine, you learn how to do the exercises and start to get a feel for what your body can do.

However, diet is key. You can work out as hard as you want but unless your diet is nailed you're going to slow down your progress or just waste your time altogether.
Freefaller's made that clear enough, it's entirely diet dependant, you need to give your body the right fuels in the right amounts to get good gains (or losses)!

Visit Steedie's diet thread to get a good basic understanding of what a typical dietry requirement is; he's done the forum a service by typing it all up.

GordyR's gym introduction thread is an excellent starting point too, and is what I used to start building my understanding. Above all, listen to the advice posted here, most people here are very knowledgable in regards to what your body needs :)
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