Decent winter coat?

27 Nov 2004
North Beds
Hey guys,

Fed up of getting soaked, and especially now it's starting to get cold, it's time i bought a proper coat!

Just been looking around, would something like the Regatta Defender 3 in 1 be any good or should i be looking at something a little better?

Would like to be able to use it in all conditions inc snow, perhaps for the odd snowy photography excursion but Im not going to be climbing any mountains any time soon so don't need anything too extreme!


Proper coat?

Canadian Goose.

For English winters, personally, just a nice wool one is fine. Get a Northface one if you like their style (more man made material).


Tip. don't look for "gay looking coat" with safe search off :(
Do you need the fleece? 3 in 1s are great if you want the fleece and they're a good price, but if you've got your own midlayers, you'll get a better jacket for the same money without the fleece.

Try Go Outdoors if you just want something cheap, or if you fancy a trip out, there's a Regatta store at Cheshire Oaks that had some good deals last time I went.
Make sure it has a panel on the inside to write your name on in case you get lost, and remember to thread your mittens on a string through before you put it on...
Recently bought a Berghaus RG1 Insulated, nice jacket - keeps me warm and dry in Aberdeen! Paid £75 at Millets (25% off)

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