Why Linux?

9 Aug 2010
Everyone tells me to switch from win7 to Linux but apart from being free why is it better in your opinion? Isn't it a pain doing simple tasks in console? Is there any good guides/tutorials?

If you are happy using Windows 7, then use it. But feel free to give some linux distributions a whirl and see which you enjoy the feel for using. For a desktop user, the biggest thing that separates Linux and Windows at the moment is games.

I've been using Linux for a long time now, so it is a little funny that you ask if it's a pain to do tasks in the console. I actually find it the opposite. I can open the console and run a command that will do what I want rather than having to find where the setting is in the control panel. However, it does take a lot of getting used to.

One of the benefits with Linux is the configuration in flat text files. Apart from some defaults, even GUI programs (point & click) will save their settings to a text file. This allows you to edit things quick and easy.

You can find quite a few guides here: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-unix-commands-cheat-sheets.html

And this is a good cheat-sheet to print off: http://files.fosswire.com/2007/08/fwunixref.pdf

Most distributions have had the equivalent of an 'app store' for a long time now, where you can find applications freely and should install on your system in 1 click. It's pretty funny to think that there isn't really something similar on Windows.

There's loads more, but once you get the hang of it it's much easier. Linux can also breathe new life into older PCs. :)
Everyone tells me to switch from win7 to Linux but apart from being free why is it better in your opinion? Isn't it a pain doing simple tasks in console? Is there any good guides/tutorials?

If you are happily running Windows 7 then there is little point in switching on the desktop.

With a modern desktop Linux flavour the chances are you will not have to do simple tasks on the console as you'll be able to manage common things graphically like in Windows ... not that it's a pain to type a few commands in the console anyway.
This again... Can someone find one of these threads, along with a "Which distro should i use?" and turn it into a sticky please.

OP, look through the HUNDREDS of threads on this topic that are easily discoverable.

EDIT: Well there would be hundreds of threads if they havent all disappeared? What the.... why is the oldest thread on here from the 18th March? Do we only keep threads open for a month?
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This again... Can someone find one of these threads, along with a "Which distro should i use?" and turn it into a sticky please.

OP, look through the HUNDREDS of threads on this topic that are easily discoverable.

EDIT: Well there would be hundreds of threads if they havent all disappeared? What the.... why is the oldest thread on here from the 18th March? Do we only keep threads open for a month?

Forum default it is to display threads from the last month. This is changeable (globally) in the options in your user control panel or individually at the bottom of the sub-forum page.
Forum default it is to display threads from the last month. This is changeable (globally) in the options in your user control panel or individually at the bottom of the sub-forum page.

Perfect, found the option - can see all the old threads now - phew!

OK OP, So here is the list i'm going to post from hereon:

"Whats the Best Linux?" - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18380212
"Wanting to make the jump..." - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18387393
"Which distro for a linux beginner..." - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18375533
"Why use Linux for a desktop.." - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18372804
"Who here uses a Linux Dist as their main OS at home?" - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18365026
"Dabbling with different OS'" - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18340297
"Lightweight OS - who wins?" - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18318328
"Learning Linux" - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18327483
"loads of linux questions" - http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=18333817
not really the op`s fault. the forum is dated and should have more sickies

not exactly encouraging people to try something new if you just lecture them
When the same thread is posted time after time it can get grating, my problem i know.

I do believe we should have a few stickies though, a "Why should i try Linux one?" and a "Which linux should i try?" would suffice i think?
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