5UBs Huge CS:GO BETA Giveaway!

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Raided the cupboard for pasta shapes! Sorry for the sun glare, desk is in front of the window.

Edit: image size reduced.
i dont know if this counts, but without a camera or any image editing software its the best i can do:

 _     _                          
(_)   ( )                         
| |   | |       _    _   _    __  
| |   | |  _  /'_`\ ( ) ( ) /'__`\
| |   | |_( )( (_) )| \_/ |(  ___/
(_)   (____/'`\___/'`\___/'`\____)
 _____                            _                  _                         _   _  _   _ 
(  _  )                          (_ )               ( )                       ( ) ( )( ) ( )
| ( ) | _   _    __   _ __   ___  | |    _      ___ | |/')    __   _ __   ___ | | | || |/'/'
| | | |( ) ( ) /'__`\( '__)/'___) | |  /'_`\  /'___)| , <   /'__`\( '__)/',__)| | | || , <  
| (_) || \_/ |(  ___/| |  ( (___  | | ( (_) )( (___ | |\`\ (  ___/| |   \__, \| (_) || |\`\ 
(_____)`\___/'`\____)(_)  `\____)(___)`\___/'`\____)(_) (_)`\____)(_)   (____/(_____)(_) (_)
                   _     _   _         __                 _ 
                  ( )   ( ) ( )       (_ )               ( )
   _ _   ___     _| |   | | | |   _ _  | |  _   _    __  | |
 /'_` )/' _ `\ /'_` |   | | | | /'_` ) | | ( ) ( ) /'__`\| |
( (_| || ( ) |( (_| |   | \_/ |( (_| | | | | \_/ |(  ___/| |
`\__,_)(_) (_)`\__,_)   `\___/'`\__,_)(___)`\___/'`\____)(_)

worth a shot i guess :D

*its on the back of OCuk invoice :D*

EDIT: Heard you need to have valve on there, so:


EDIT2: Removed my imageshack account because I only needed it to upload the pics, hence why the images are gone now :D
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No rehosting the same image from the previous thread! That is cheating too. I want to see OcUK and VALVe in the image.

As long both companies are mentioned you will get a code if you are the first 50! :)

No Paint/Photoshop. Has to be an actual photo!

i posted my image in the old thread but got told to post it in this one. am I still eligible ?

If I 'win' I would like to donate mine to BeeP. I was successful at 3pm and I wish to show the OcUK camaraderie spirit and give to one of the regulars. I chose him at random and I hope he appreciates it :-)

Wow, incredibly nice of you.

If I win one on my own then I'll donate this one to another regular.
Please make the images smaller guys if you can so the forum isn't broken! ;)

Sorry dude. I was in such a panic over missing out on getting a key, I was in a frenzy and dimensions did not matter to me at the time =). Thanks so much for the key. Do we get a pm later on something?
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