5UBs Huge CS:GO BETA Giveaway!

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Is it that good, Ive not heard stunned reports of its next generation matrix like moves :p 15 dollars seems fair if they dont use a 1:1 exchange rate :o
He did say there would 'probably' be some handed out today!
First dibs :D

You could be waiting a while.....

I reckon everyone @ OcUk HQ are pushing bbq burgers down their throats(weather permitting) and skulling copius amounts of beer to celebrate the jubilee. :p
You could be waiting a while.....

I reckon everyone @ OcUk HQ are pushing bbq burgers down their throats(weather permitting) and skulling copius amounts of beer to celebrate the jubilee. :p

that was last night today we work!
Hi 5UB, just checking if you received the 'trust' message we were instructed to send? Just asking on behalf of BeeP who seems pretty eager to give CS:GO a shot :-)
Can you run a comp at 6.30pm for those of us who work hard for a living?

When I say hard I mean long ours spent eyeing up new parts for my next build when I should actually be doing some work.
I replied to your email the day you sent me one. Check your junk mail maybe, or send me another email and I will reply again with your code. :)

hi 5UB
sorry I found your x2 emails in my junk folder. I have installed it earlier out of curiosity, and someone has pm's me they wanted the key, is there a way to transfer the keys to someone else?
hi 5UB
sorry I found your x2 emails in my junk folder. I have installed it earlier out of curiosity, and someone has pm's me they wanted the key, is there a way to transfer the keys to someone else?

If you have put the key in your Steam account it stays, you cannot transfer it unfortunately.
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