5UBs Huge CS:GO BETA Giveaway!

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are we suppose to be spelling ocuk ftw or showing how much we love valve and ocuk?

if so my valve games, ocuk invoices and condoms is well off, i could arrange them to spell ocuk ftw maybe though
Does this count?

I will accept everyones images above if they are genuine photos, and are not a repost from the thread yesterday who already got a key.

Try and include OcUK AND VALVe in the picture if you can, if not then don't worry about it. :)

If your image is big, please make it smaller too!
Ahhh you said an image......didn't know it had to be a photo :(

I really suck at this.....better go back to work now lol.

I'm out ATM :(

That's one I made earlier but didn't manage to get submitted in time:)

Does it still count?
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