** WIN AMDs latest APU, the A10 5800K along with the Gigabyte F2A85X-UP4 and Zalman CNPS14X Cooler!!


so how would this new kit from AMD benefit me.....

well of course there's the usually techie reasoning....to use a quote "... stunning visuals and processing performance in one compact, high performance yet low power complete design."

but that doesn't give the true picture on how this new iteration from AMD will benefit me....you see quite simply it will keep me out of prison! let me explain....

a few weeks ago i became a happily married man, but how short lived that was. as soon as the honeymoon was over we were back home in the new house and decorating of the guest room, kitchen, bathroom etc etc became her all encompassing passion so much so that of late she was spending every waking hour going through home design catalogues/brochures etc. so being a male and being totally uninterested in such nonsense i said in my most loving husbandly voice 'darling you look through your catalougues and brochures and just pick what you like, i'm going to play the computer for a while-and this is where it all went wrong. no sooner was i sat at my beloved pc (the true love of my life) than she appeared and started with the whole...'look this up for me, go to this website does this company have a webpage, wouldn't that go lovely with this, aren't those curtains lovely blah blah bleeping blah' so after a few evenings of this i had a cunning and devious plan. 'darling' says I, 'wouldn't it be great if you had a pc of your own in the living room that you could browse the web on, skype with your friends in Oz (and not run my bloody phone bill through the roof ringing them to tell them about the lovely curtains you've seen) maybe watch a movie or play a game or 2 when you want to relax' she pondered this a while and said 'why yes sweetheart what a lovely idea' 'waaaayyheeeeyyy' says I to myself thinking I'd pulled off a master stroke, then she adds 'but how much will that cost' so i replied 'well i've set a few quid away for an upgrade to my own pc but if i use that and add a few quid more to it i could get you a nice set up for a few 100 quid' it was right there and then that i discovered that honesty is not the best policy, becuase she slowly rose from her mire on the sofa surrounded by catalogues and brochures, calmly walked past me and said 'no darling i've a better idea, your little kitty will help redo the bathroom' no matter my protestations it fell on deaf ears, and i have been left with an ultimatium, hand over the cash or she will withhold certain marital priveleges (one of if not the only perks of married life)

so for the past couple of cold loveless nights i've lay in bed contemplating the many many ways in which i could free myself of what will only be a life of suffering and drudgery, and each time i keep coming to the same conclusion 'MURDER MOST FOUL'.

but low and behold the beautiful folks at OcUK and AMD spring this little surprise, and come to my rescue. so i've got to thinking, if i had this kit and fashioned her together a beautiful, visually stunning, graphically capable little system for the living room, she would come to see that there are so many more intersting things in life, rather than carpets, curtains, bath mats and other such crud. there's the interweb and all it's delights. there's hi def movies from the luxury of the settee, there's excellent quality gaming resolution, in fact there's a veritible cornucopia of wonders awaiting her and all brought together in a small, powerful, though stunningly energy efficient package

so to sum up.....this new offering from AMD would benefit me because it would mean i wouldn't have to stick a red hot poker in my beautiful new wifes ear!!!

The new Trinity APU by AMD

Proof that size isn't everything, its how you use it that counts.

And i would use it to great benefit as it's perfect as the core of my first ever self build.

Being a recent graduate struggling like hell to find a job and being in a long distance relationship I tend to spend my time between both Oxford (where the gf works) and Newcastle (where I live). I'm a massive nerd and love my MMOs but when I'm at the girlfriends I have to either go without or play with a massive 8 fps (ish) on her not-that-old Vaio (I warned her!) that sounds like it's about to take off for orbit!

Anyway, winning this would allow me to have a proper PC at both mine and my girlfriends and actually be able to play a game rather than playing for a week on then a week off!

It'd be great to put this inside a BitFenix Shinobi after benchmarking the proverbial out of it!

Two problems in my life:
- I have no computer that can be used for games.
- I am getting a little overweight.

AMD A10. Allowing cheap, student friendly gaming whilst reducing my consumption of chips to just one.

This bundle brings "Budget Gaming" to a new level, as the update in the graphics chip on the APU proves itself really worthy even against some decent cards.

Also if did win this, I would actually lend it to my ICT Cisco Teacher so everyone in my class can learn to build a Modern PC; which is part of the course :D

At the moment It seems more and more that I'm needing to upgrade from my Phenom X4 system. This latest mother board and CPU seems to match my requirements perfectly, it's low powered, very obercloackable, fast and the graphics are stunning compared to a lot of other motherboards/CPU's.

A massive leap forward in onboard graphics, pound for pound this APU trades punches with many lower end designated GPU, a must have for any low budget power box

The new CPU design would allow me to build a PC specifically for photography where I could make the most out of the multicore design and low power requirements, making it ideal for my needs. Also the intergrated graphics card would allow me to play the hundreds of steam games I've neglected over the years!

Focusing on what all users need, a incredibly flexible system from high value to high power. The new FM2 Trinity line up will give me the system I need at the price I want to pay, all while consuming minimal power!

I've been waiting for these new AMD MoBos and processors for such a long time. Once I had the chance to buy an AM3+ I spotted rumors about a new generation of mobos and processors so I kept waiting for them to be released... and DAYUM!!! Here they are!

I guess this bundle is the best you can get concerning new FM2 stuff. Excellent APU, legendary MoBo from GIGABYTE (who else!?) and maybe you are just as kind to give away the whole package shown in the picture. I'd be so proud of it an even the empty boxes would for sure get a nice, sweet, warm and eye-catching spot somewhere in my place =)

And these godlike pieces of hardware - like they deserve it - would definitely be build in a showcase so me and every other spectator could almost cry everytime you spot it :)

Thanks Overclockers UK for this awesome chance and keep on rocking! :)

With the improved graphical power I can move to a low profile case without concern for decreased performance. Achieving an attractive lounge PC that is capable and quiet.

The A10 5800K and Gigabyte F2A85X-UP4 will be an ideal upgrade for my LAN gaming machine that i like to keep compact/slim. Not to mention I'll get use out of a 6670 i have spare and with that combined it'll get my machine to play more current games with the people i play.

The A10 5800k would serve as a fantastic base for HTPC use and occasional gaming while using so much less power than anything else i have lying around so would be good to use from a fiscal point of view. Added to this it would only take a discrete graphics card upgrade to take it into the realm of a proper gaming pc.
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