The briefest scans left and right; paranoidally zoom in on something - what was that ? The glint of a sniper rifle ? Nah, calm down, just a branch, I'm good to go, despite the mayhem around me. I clamber to a crouch, ready to go, eyes focussed on the next cover point. Been here too long, far too long and I got to switch-now. Breath is held, sprint button pushed through the bottom of the keyboard. Go go go. Light, noise and action explode all around as I dart forward, I can taste the dust and smoke. Nearly there, so close. BLAM. I'm lying down, looking at my wristwatch, light pulsing the life out of me. Another beer, another respawn.
Maybe the A10 will give me an edge, just a split second more, and I'll make cover and reply in kind. Heres hoping.