** WIN AMDs latest APU, the A10 5800K along with the Gigabyte F2A85X-UP4 and Zalman CNPS14X Cooler!!


A single chip that can deliver gaming eye candy and seamless HD playback into your living room with low power requirement

The AMD FM2 'Trinity' APU,Could this be the start of a beautiful thing?...
Gaming without the need for a dedicated graphics card...yet still get awesome performance and low power draw.

It would benefit me,and the family a lot because i would no longer have to sit upstairs "on my uncomfortable chair" when i want to game.

Ive always wanted a HTPC/Gaming system for the living room but couldn't spend the amount of money it would require to do so.

Been able to lounge back on the downstairs sofa does sound good to me.....LEMME win. :D

The briefest scans left and right; paranoidally zoom in on something - what was that ? The glint of a sniper rifle ? Nah, calm down, just a branch, I'm good to go, despite the mayhem around me. I clamber to a crouch, ready to go, eyes focussed on the next cover point. Been here too long, far too long and I got to switch-now. Breath is held, sprint button pushed through the bottom of the keyboard. Go go go. Light, noise and action explode all around as I dart forward, I can taste the dust and smoke. Nearly there, so close. BLAM. I'm lying down, looking at my wristwatch, light pulsing the life out of me. Another beer, another respawn.

Maybe the A10 will give me an edge, just a split second more, and I'll make cover and reply in kind. Heres hoping.


The benefits the new APUs by AMD and Gigabytes new F2A85X-UP4 A85X Chipset Motherboard will have to me will be bring my parents out of there slow, under powered laptop world into a new realm of HD and 3D viewing. While being able to play simple but fun games in amazing High definition.

A HTPC system based on this CPU and motherboard set will set a new standard for systems everywhere, being a compact build aswell as powerful in the graphics department.

Being the ever ambitious person i am, i would love the opportunity to try this as a full-on gaming machine. I would do this by using AMD's Hybrid Xfire technology. Pairing the On-board GPU with a discete 6670 to run all my favorite games on high/max settings.
"ENTRY" - The new Trinity APU by AMD would benefit me by finally letting me sleep better at night. Why? Well for too long the price of tech was out of the reach of most of those who probably would benefit from it most. Those on lower incomes or no income...who want the chance to have a pc or laptop capable of letting them experience the benefits of getting online. It'll give them the chance to interact with people they might not otherwise even know exists. This is a chance for AMDs new tech to finally let those people connect with the rest of the world. You never know it might just make a bit of magic happen...somewhere, some place....Knowing that this little bit of magic might just happen...will let me sleep better, it might just make the world a better place.
A) because im awesome.

B) I really would like to see how the world of IGP gaming has evolved since my last experience (hd3300), and i think it would be an interesting experiment making something small and compact to see how it fares up to my 2010 mid range desktop in terms of performance, power consumption etc.

C) once im done playing around with, it would be given to my grandad to solve many of his headaches with his old p4 machine that he insists is fine, but i can see that he's actually very frustrated with it.

I have never owned an AMD machine so this would be an absolutely fantastic for an upgrade from my good ol' e6600 workhorse. Not only will it be an upgrade, but winning would mean for that for first time i would have actual up-to-date, energy effiecent, capable kit that I simply have never had the money to spend on.

The A10 5800K with the Gigabyte F2A85X-UP4 and Zalman CNPS14X Cooler would actually BLOW MY ******* MIND!!!!!!!!

"One chip. Endless possibilities"
"One prize. One very ecstatic OCUK fan and a slightly bemused partner!".

Good luck to everyone as always.
How would this benefit me,it would not,but,the benefit would greatly enhance my grandsons life,he has no pc of his own(he is 6 years old),and is in awe of my own set-up,and he can navigate his way around,both in gaming,and general internet/learning terms very well for his age.
So not for me,but for a worthier cause.

Trinity offers significant improvements over its Llano predecessor.

It boasts faster number crunching thanks to its new Piledriver design and improved graphics rendering performance.

Teaming up a Trinity APU with an FM2 based motherboard, such as Gigabyte's new F2A85X-UP4 A85X Chipset, offers new features:

*Overclocking enthusiasts can take advantage of memory profiles to achieve higher memory clocks.

*Performance hungry gamers can crossfire the integrated graphics with an AMD discrete graphics card to boost FPS and eye candy.

*Triple monitor support can improve FOV and immersion for gamers and improve work productivity in the office.

Finally, Trinity's price/performance ratio equates to attempting to catch a soaped up monkey wearing skin tight latex riding a lightning bolt through the eye of a storm - unbeatable.

Unfortunately Trinity won't benefit me, at least not directly, but it can benefit someone else. My mountain bike which I use to commute to work is in need of some replacement parts, namely a replacement cassette, chain and gear cables/housing. If I win I'd sell the components on to someone else and use the money to fund my bike repair.

Edit: Current circumstances have changed so I hope this edit is ok. A family member is moving into a new home and expecting a child so this would make a great first PC for her new family. My bike can wait ^^
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Shhh hey you , yes you come here have you seen this? the new Trinity APU from AMD? It's got the matrix man inside this tiny APU, and the APU you seen the simpsons right? They got the whole damn Kwik E Mart inside this thing.

The AMD Trinity APU , the matrix and APU from the Simpsons in one kick ass package...... See Intel you just gota think outside the box!

To win this would be an excellent opportunity for my son to have his first proper PC build with an excellent processor, thus giving me more time to use my own PC :).

AMD have really stepped up their game offering an excellent graphically capable computer without the need for a discrete GPU. This would be an excellent starter PC for my eldest son to begin with and my youngest to learn on.

Whats even more amazing is that if the APU doesn't have quite enough grunt to run any game, you can pair it with a cheap AMD GPU and run it in Crossfire - Im sold.

This would be perfect for building a new HTPC with gaming abilities for the living room I am currently redecorating, which means my girlfriend gets her wish for me to be downstairs with her while I game!

this would benfit me because i have been needing to upgrade my server for ages now using an old intel e4200 and it is slow as anything and this would tick all the boxes
  • fast
  • low power
  • great on bored gpu

plus it has an awesome name "hey dude whats in your rig"
"Trinity" ;)
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Thought i would try my chances to win this as i never seem to win anything i enter, would love to use these to upgrade my current system which is seriously outdated and could do with some Tender Loving Overclocking :) after hearing so much about Trinity i realised that it was a great processor at the fraction of the price, with the same quality gaming preformance as the Intel core i3 and the NVidia GT cards combined i was amazed and with processing speeds nearly twice as fast as the i3 for less money!!

Alex :)
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