Coconut oil and your opinion re fat loss?

I used that oil for a couple of years, it's a really good oil and tastes delicious, completely non-refined/bleached/deodorized.

I get mine from the USA these days. This one. Works out cheaper than anywhere in the UK as far as I know even with shipping from the US, if I bulk buy 4 containers it costs £78 with shipping, which may sound a bit steep but that would be enough oil to last months, 1500 grams approx in each container = 109 servings x 4 = 436 servings, a serving being 1 tbsp (14g).

I average 3-4 tbsp a day these days so that's approx 4 months worth of oil. Works out at less than 5 quid a week which IMO is good VFM when you consider the high quality of the oil and the potential health benefits.

Disclaimer. (I'll say potential for fear of being jumped on again, but IMO the benefits are very real).
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The anecdotal evidence in here is as much proof as the opinion of my mate Dave. Magazine articles are almost universally bias and written by journalists rather than experts. Even single scientific studies are generally poor forms of evidence when taken on their own. Until a proper systematic review of relevant research has been done (which I don't believe will ever occur) then I'll hold off spending my time and money on this. If you're happy to jump the gun without real proof then that's your prerogative - there's a massive industry out there that's eager to make a lot of money out of people like you.

I believe if you actually did some research instead of just running your mouth off, you'd find that coconut oil and its constituents have generated interest within the health/medical communities for a long time now and many studies have been conducted.

“Show me the evidence.” That’s the universal battle cry of the critics. Is there sufficient evidence to justify the safety and value of coconut oil? There is actually plenty of evidence, if you know where to look. On the Internet there is a website sponsored by U.S. National Institutes of Health called PubMed. This is a research tool that indexes nearly 6,000 medical and biological journals published around the word.
If you key in the word “coconut oil” you get a listing of all the studies in the database that involve coconut oil. Currently there are 1,315 studies listed. Over thirteen hundred studies, that’s a lot of evidence! New studies are continually being added. We can say to
the critics are these enough studies? They would probably say “no, we want more studies.” OK, well you can find additional studies by looking up similar search terms like “virgin coconut oil,” “medium chain fatty acids,” “medium chain triglycerides,” “lauric acid,” “capric acid,” “caprylic acid,” and so forth. When you have done that, you will get a listing of over 17,000 studies! How’s that for evidence! This would blow their minds. Some of these studies, however, will be listed twice. So if we take into account some duplication, that still leaves about 10,000 studies on coconut oil.
Ten thousand studies should be enough to convince any skeptic, especially when you consider that the FDA grants approval to new drugs if only two positive studies are published. The arthritis drug Vioxx, had only four published studies before it was approved. When new drugs are approved for distribution to the public, why don't doctors stand up and scream for more evidence? When Vioxx, Baycol, and Darvon were approved why didn't the medical community rise up in protest asking for more evidence for their efficiency and safety? They should have, since each of these drugs were later taken off the market because they were crippling and killing people.
Well, apologies for posting normal stuff rather than joining in the argument but my tub of coconut oil arrived today. I just tasted it and it's rather nice. Looking forward to trying it out in cooking this week.
To be honest I can actually see the attraction to eating it via the spoonful - just because it's so nice :p

You might need to order a few more tubs.:D

No it's getting tedious!

Hey sorry for the arguing in the thread, I don't want any bad feeling, I suppose I'm a bit overly protective of coconut oil because I've found it to be so useful and IMO health giving over the years. But I'll shut up about it now!:o Lets just enjoy our VCO (by the spoonful :p) in peace.
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I believe if you actually did some research instead of just running your mouth off, you'd find that coconut oil and its constituents have generated interest within the health/medical communities for a long time now and many studies have been conducted.

Why say that you can't be bothered and that it's tiresome and then do a bait post straight after? :rolleyes:

Thanks for your excerpt from the 'Coconut Research Center' website though, it was very nice. Clearly this is an unbiased article from an organisation with no conflicts of interest.

How about you do your post getting the last word and we draw a line under this now?
You might need to order a few more tubs.:D

Hey sorry for the arguing in the thread, I don't want any bad feeling, I suppose I'm a bit overly protective of coconut oil because I've found it to be so useful and IMO health giving over the years. But I'll shut up about it now!:o Lets just enjoy our VCO (by the spoonful :p) in peace.

It doesn't really bother me as I'm 100% behind you - I'm a proponent of healthy living, and eating the right things, furthermore, with my extensive interest/research into this sort of thing I agree with you totally.

However, it's clear that some people are set in their ways - the facts are there for people to pick and choose.

Let us now go back to the discussion of VCO in cooking!

If we want to carry on the debate about MCTs for fat loss and health benefits come and join us in the sports arena. :)

This country has no idea behind what constitutes good healthy eating (this forum excluded as there are a lot of EXTREMELY talented cooks and people who seem to follow a good lifestyle).

I think it's as a habit/hangover from the war years, where processed and refined foods were the staple for people and cheap to manufacture, as such people have become used to consuming poor quality foods - and hence why the UK got tarnished with "**** cuisine". However, it is turning around now, but still there is too much focus on cheap food and not enough on promoting healthy living/food - as such out obesity has risen, as has our diabetes and people keep buying the crap.

They also want an easy way out without putting any effort in - well, you have to work for it too. Losing weight and being healthy is mainly down to diet, but activity is absolutely critical to health.

As such, the media skew on healthy eating and health foods has put the proverbial heebie jeebies up people - remember the whole eggs fiasco? How they were purported to be bad for you, but actually they realised they weren't? (Well some of us knew they weren't and kept eating them regardless ;)). How about the food/cholesterol thing, and how eating cholesterol will kill you? Ah, wait, no, we got that wrong, our bodies don't generally absorb dietary cholesterol, but produces it's own (of course, this is down to a healthy lifestyle, which if not mitigates that fact)....

all these old wives tales are where we are stuck in the past - so a lot of people cannot let go that things like MCTs and fats like this actually generate fat loss - people hear, "fat" and ergo reach for cereals, and low fat yogourts thinking it will save them. It's pretty shameful really.
It doesn't really bother me as I'm 100% behind you - I'm a proponent of healthy living, and eating the right things, furthermore, with my extensive interest/research into this sort of thing I agree with you totally.

However, it's clear that some people are set in their ways - the facts are there for people to pick and choose.

Let us now go back to the discussion of VCO in cooking!

If we want to carry on the debate about MCTs for fat loss and health benefits come and join us in the sports arena. :)

This country has no idea behind what constitutes good healthy eating (this forum excluded as there are a lot of EXTREMELY talented cooks and people who seem to follow a good lifestyle).

I think it's as a habit/hangover from the war years, where processed and refined foods were the staple for people and cheap to manufacture, as such people have become used to consuming poor quality foods - and hence why the UK got tarnished with "**** cuisine". However, it is turning around now, but still there is too much focus on cheap food and not enough on promoting healthy living/food - as such out obesity has risen, as has our diabetes and people keep buying the crap.

They also want an easy way out without putting any effort in - well, you have to work for it too. Losing weight and being healthy is mainly down to diet, but activity is absolutely critical to health.

As such, the media skew on healthy eating and health foods has put the proverbial heebie jeebies up people - remember the whole eggs fiasco? How they were purported to be bad for you, but actually they realised they weren't? (Well some of us knew they weren't and kept eating them regardless ;)). How about the food/cholesterol thing, and how eating cholesterol will kill you? Ah, wait, no, we got that wrong, our bodies don't generally absorb dietary cholesterol, but produces it's own (of course, this is down to a healthy lifestyle, which if not mitigates that fact)....

all these old wives tales are where we are stuck in the past - so a lot of people cannot let go that things like MCTs and fats like this actually generate fat loss - people hear, "fat" and ergo reach for cereals, and low fat yogourts thinking it will save them. It's pretty shameful really.

Sorry Freefaller, I missed this post mate. Totally agree with everything you say here.;)

With any luck the tide is slowly turning on the stupid cholesterol/saturated fat dogma that has lingered for so many years, fingers crossed anyway.:)
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