Monolaurin Provides Broad Immune Support
Byron's Comments:
Monolaurin has developed quite a following over the years. This review summarizes the science behind the nutrient.
Study Title:
A Review of Monolaurin and Lauric Acid - Natural Virucidal and Bactericidal Agents.
Study Abstract:
Monolaurin, a monoester formed from lauric acid (mediumchain fatty acids), has profound antiviral and antibacterial activity. Recognition of the antimicrobial activity of the monoglyceride of lauric acid (monolaurin) has been reported since 1966. A large body of the research can be credited to Jon J. Kabara, B.S., M.S., Ph.D., a professor emeritus of Michigan State University in East Lansing. His early pioneer work focused on the virucidal effects of monolaurin on enveloped RNA and DNA viruses. This work continues to be investigated by numerous researchers because of the potential benefits related to food preservation…
Monolaurin is many times more biologically active than lauric acid in killing viruses and bacteria, leading to the interesting question concerning the conversion rate in the human body. Unlike these medium-chain fatty acids, diglycerides and triglycerides are inactive against microorganisms…
Research has suggested that monolaurin exerts virucidal and bactericidal effects by solubilizing the lipids and phospholipids in the envelope of the pathogen causing the disintegration of its envelope. Recent evidence has also indicated that the antimicrobial effect is related to its interference with signal transduction in cell replication….
Some of the viruses inactivated to some extent by monolaurin include HIV, measles, Herpes simplex-1, vesicular stomatitis, visna virus, and cytomegalovirus.
Study Information:
Shari Lieberman, Mary G. Enig, Harry G. Preuss. A Review of Monolaurin and Lauric Acid - Natural Virucidal and Bactericidal Agents. ALTERNATIVE & COMPLEMENTARY THERAPIES 2006 December
Georgetown University Medical Center.